Interesting Poll on Religion and Politics


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Looking toward 2012, the survey found three significant emerging religious issues to watch: President Obama’s religion dilemma, attitudes toward Islam, and attitudes toward American exceptionalism. These issues represent important new ways in which religion may shape the 2012 elections:
President Obama’s religion dilemma. A majority of Americans say that President Obama has religious beliefs that are somewhat different (16%) or very different (35%) than their own. Only 4-in-10 believe that Obama has similar religious beliefs to their own.

2. Overall, Americans are nearly evenly divided over whether the values of Islam are compatible with American values. Approximately two-thirds of Republicans (67%) and those identifying with the Tea Party movement (66%) say the values of Islam are at odds with American values. Less than one-third of Democrats (30%) agree, and only about 4-in-10 (43%) Independents agree.

3. A majority (58%) of Americans believe God has granted America a special role in human history. Members of the Tea Party (76%) and Republicans (75%) are much more likely to believe that God has a granted the U.S. a special role in human history than independents (54%) or Democrats (49%).
Americans who believe God has granted America a special role in history are significantly more likely to say military strength rather than diplomacy is the best way to ensure peace, and to say torture can be justified.

4. The survey also found significant divides over attitudes toward discrimination, particularly over the question of whether whites currently face significant discrimination. Forty-four percent of Americans believe that today discrimination against whites has become as big a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minorities.

5. A majority of those identifying with the Tea Party (61%) and Republicans (56%) say that discrimination against whites is as big a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minorities, a view shared by only 28% of Democrats and 49% of independents.
White evangelicals are the only religious group in which a majority (57%) agree that discrimination against whites has become as big a problem as discrimination against minorities.
Public Religion Research - Research
I'm not all that surprised by the polling results. If you think abut the conservative side of our electorate has been closer to their religion than the liberal side.

You might want to ask yourself why it is that so many of the conservative party issues toward the poor and relatively helpless seem to go against the grain of their Christianity. That has been a puzzle to me for a long time.
I'm not all that surprised by the polling results. If you think abut the conservative side of our electorate has been closer to their religion than the liberal side.

You might want to ask yourself why it is that so many of the conservative party issues toward the poor and relatively helpless seem to go against the grain of their Christianity. That has been a puzzle to me for a long time.

Welcome to the board.

1. "The liberal line is that poverty is caused by a vicious brew of "institutional" racism -- conservative policies promoted by racist Republicans -- combined with high incarceration rates of black males. In the fashion typical of bamboozlers, these liberals have it exactly backwards. Conservative policy prescriptions aren't the cause of underachievement for minorities and the poor, they're the cure. And furthermore, Republicans advocate policies that recognize the innate value of all humans, as opposed to the liberal policies that demean the poor and disadvantaged by encouraging victimhood." --McGlowan, "Bamboozled," P.8

2. "I'm not all that surprised by the polling results."
One of the things that surprised me was item #3...that half of Democrats believe in American exceptionalism. I'm chagrined to admit it, but I thought it would be far less...maybe I've been on the board too long.
Polls are questions on how people view the universe, they are not the universe as it actually exists.

It might be a problem for 0bama in that he can't make people believe in his magic anymore. But reality is divorced from opinion
Little ado about little about nothing. For kick's go read the site and then check the poll. Meantime, . . .

American's most likely to vote to just right of center all the way to the far left are not concerned aboug Obama's religion. No ground swell since 2008 exists.

Americans most likely to vote from just right of center all the way to the far left are not concerned about Obama's attitudes toward Islam. No ground swell since 2008 exists.

Americans most likely to vote from just right of center all the way to the far left are not concerned about Obama's attitudes toward the disinformation of American exceptionalism. No ground swell since 2008 exists.

PoliticalChic, MarkRochelle, and the other far right agenda driven activists here try to distort history and miskew evidence and polls. Miserably.
Lefties have religion. The state is their god.

While I have championed that point many time, there is may have seen this quote of Walter Lippmann, pre-eminent progressive, and original editor of the New Republic, supporter of Wilson...he repented later in life:

"Seventy-two years ago, in 1937, at the height of the New Deal, Walter Lippmann, a repentant progressive, noted that:

“Throughout the world, in the name of progress, men who call themselves communists, socialists, fascists, nationalists, progressives, and even liberals, are unanimous in holding that government with its instruments of coercion must by commanding the people how they shall live, direct the course of civilization and fix the shape of things to come. . . . [T]he premises of authoritarian collectivism have become the working beliefs, the self-evident assumptions, the unquestioned axioms, not only of all the revolutionary regimes, but of nearly every effort which lays claim to being enlightened, humane, and progressive.

So universal is the dominion of this dogma over the minds of contemporary men that no one is taken seriously as a statesman or a theorist who does not come forward with proposals to magnify the power of public officials and to extend and multiply their intervention in human affairs. Unless he is authoritarian and collectivist, he is a mossback, a reactionary, at best an amiable eccentric swimming hopelessly against the tide. It is a strong tide. Though despotism is no novelty in human affairs, it is probably true that at no time in twenty-five hundred years has any western government claimed for itself a jurisdiction over men’s lives comparable with that which is officially attempted in totalitarian states. . . .

Nearly everywhere the mark of a progressive is that he relies at last upon the increased power of officials to improve the condition of men."

What worried Lippmann the most—and what should worry us still—was the failure of those who considered themselves progressives to “remember how much of what they cherish as progressive has come by emancipation from political dominion, by the limitation of power, by the release of personal energy from authority and collective coercion.”
(emphasis mine)
I'm not all that surprised by the polling results. If you think abut the conservative side of our electorate has been closer to their religion than the liberal side.

You might want to ask yourself why it is that so many of the conservative party issues toward the poor and relatively helpless seem to go against the grain of their Christianity. That has been a puzzle to me for a long time.

Please tell me where in the scriptures it says we are supposed to outsource "charity" to our political leaders. And where it says they should rob people to give to other people.
Sigh, PC. He will dump you for somebody else eventually.

The greatest fun is when a dork like you exposes his ignorance without any outside help.

In your attempt to pretend that you actually know who Walter Lippmann was, and his significance in the progressive movement, you revealed that you are unaware that he died in 1974.

Welcome to Ouch-town, bro…Population: you.
Your own religion, Avatar4321, where King Benjamin, the ruler of the theocratic state in the Book of Mosiah, tells his people to not question the worthiness of the poor but simply to care for them, because everything the well off have were given to them by God.

Avatar4321, all you have has been given to you by your God. Follow your religion's teachings.
Sigh, PC. He will dump you for somebody else eventually.

The greatest fun is when a dork like you exposes his ignorance without any outside help.

In your attempt to pretend that you actually know who Walter Lippmann was, and his significance in the progressive movement, you revealed that you are unaware that he died in 1974.

Welcome to Ouch-town, bro…Population: you.

Nice deflection, sweet. I wasn't talking about Lippman, who died pretty much in disgrace, at all, as you well know. And the poll affects nothing. The 18% that are concerned about those matters did not vote for Obama, and there is no groundswell of any significance.

The far right activist agenda-driven revisioners of history, like you and Mark and others, are not changing anything, other than holding yourself out as fools. But, hey, go for it.
Sigh, PC. He will dump you for somebody else eventually.

The greatest fun is when a dork like you exposes his ignorance without any outside help.

In your attempt to pretend that you actually know who Walter Lippmann was, and his significance in the progressive movement, you revealed that you are unaware that he died in 1974.

Welcome to Ouch-town, bro…Population: you.

Nice deflection, sweet. I wasn't talking about Lippman, who died pretty much in disgrace, at all, as you well know. And the poll affects nothing. The 18% that are concerned about those matters did not vote for Obama, and there is no groundswell of any significance.

The far right activist agenda-driven revisioners of history, like you and Mark and others, are not changing anything, other than holding yourself out as fools. But, hey, go for it. mean you would actually stoop to a lie in your battle to become relevant???

You've been hangin' with Putrid-Prevaricator too much...

"He will dump you..."
This is your quote right after I quoted Walter Lippmann....


Pretty clear who 'he' refers to, just as it will be clear when your tombstone says
"He was an idiot....and a liar."

Stupidity is accecptable....dishonesty is not.
Hey, PC, go for Fool of The Year Award here.

You can't scramble out of it. If you see a connection with your love life and Walter Lippman, you are worse than a fool, you are a stark raving idiot.


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