Insurers request double digit premium rate increases for obamacare plans next year


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Health insurers in Washington, D.C., Oregon, and Vermont have requested double-digit premium rate increases for Obamacare plans next year, according to state and district insurance commissioners.
“This year’s rate requests follow two years of significant rate increases as insurers have adjusted to changes in the individual market,” said the state insurance commissioner. “Rates increased an average of 23 percent in 2016 and 27 percent in 2017.”

Premiums are continuing to increase due to higher-than-expected medical claims, declining participation of insurers, and the end of federal programs that mitigate risk for insurers. Insurers are also faced with increasing uncertainty as to whether the cost-sharing subsidies will be made and what will happen to the individual mandate.

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Insurers Request Double-Digit Premium Rate Increases for Obamacare Plans Next Year

Butt those clueless sheep will do nothing but blame it on Trump. Even though Obamacare has been so rooted into our system Trump almost can't get out of it. Wasn't that a nice engineered plan.
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Almost everyone of the 34 nations that are ahead of us use single payer. Is there any reason not to seeing that it seems to work worldwide?

  • Those countries with national health care systems that work better, such as France, the Netherlands and Switzerland, are successful to the degree that they incorporate market mechanisms such as competition, cost-consciousness, market prices, and consumer choice, and eschew centralized government control.
In France, for example, co-payments run between 10 and 40 percent, and physicians can balance bill over and above government reimbursement rates, something not allowed in the U.S. Medicare program. On average, French patients pay roughly as much out of pocket as do Americans. The Swiss government pays a smaller percentage of health care spending than does the U.S.

  • Rising health care spending is not a uniquely American phenomenon. While other
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Almost everyone of the 34 nations that are ahead of us use single payer. Is there any reason not to seeing that it seems to work worldwide?
34 nations ahead of us....

Gotta love the faggots who bitch about America as they dream of the greatness of other countries.

Do us all a favor and fucking move.
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Almost everyone of the 34 nations that are ahead of us use single payer. Is there any reason not to seeing that it seems to work worldwide?

READ where it says " HEALTH CARE" .
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Almost everyone of the 34 nations that are ahead of us use single payer. Is there any reason not to seeing that it seems to work worldwide?
Quiet faggot!

OMG, I just lost it on that one .................
He's a self confirmed tranny. Looking to get his free tit build and dick sacking.

The male species is fading thanks to social justice warriors, Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayres, public school indoctrination, the bs in our water, food supply.................... fkn cows on hormones no wonder we have a fkd up society.


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Almost everyone of the 34 nations that are ahead of us use single payer. Is there any reason not to seeing that it seems to work worldwide?
34 nations ahead of us....

Gotta love the faggots who bitch about America as they dream of the greatness of other countries.

Do us all a favor and fucking move.

GTF out of our Country and go move there if you think America sucks so bad because you big babies don't know your asses from a hole in the ground and want FREE everything.
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Trump is responsible for the increases. But like the fanatical party apparatchik that Mindwars is, he's blaming it on Obama. Good little lapdog. Your masters will give you extra table scraps.

Blame For Obamacare's Next Rate Hike Shifts To Trump And GOP
If cost-sharing reductions (CSRs) aren’t funded through 2018, Trump and Republicans will be responsible for more insurers leaving public exchanges and a rate hike of nearly 20% on average, reports indicate. The cost-sharing reductions (CSRs) are used to help 7 million Americans pay less out of pocket for healthcare services.

Mindwars, Darkfury, which of your mentors -- Goebbel, Stalin and Alinksy -- do you love the most? If you can't decide, we'll understand.

Oh, your masters are calling. They need another coat of saliva applied to various places. Go do your duty.

Almost everyone of the 34 nations that are ahead of us use single payer. Is there any reason not to seeing that it seems to work worldwide?
Single payer would take the profit out of healthcare and we can't have that in our so called civilized society, how would white america make a living?
Trump is responsible for the increases. But like the fanatical party apparatchik that Mindwars is, he's blaming it on Obama. Good little lapdog. Your masters will give you extra table scraps.

Blame For Obamacare's Next Rate Hike Shifts To Trump And GOP
If cost-sharing reductions (CSRs) aren’t funded through 2018, Trump and Republicans will be responsible for more insurers leaving public exchanges and a rate hike of nearly 20% on average, reports indicate. The cost-sharing reductions (CSRs) are used to help 7 million Americans pay less out of pocket for healthcare services.

Mindwars, Darkfury, which of your mentors -- Goebbel, Stalin and Alinksy -- do you love the most? If you can't decide, we'll understand.

Oh, your masters are calling. They need another coat of saliva applied to various places. Go do your duty.

They don't get any dumber than this folks. She is actually blaming Trump.

Fucking hysterical
They don't get any dumber than this folks. She is actually blaming Trump.

Forbes blamed Trump, my sweet little snowflake. Are you saying Forbes is a liberal conspiracy?

What's your excuse for that bit of dumbassery? Too stupid to read? You wanted to be part of the mewling wimp crowd? Maybe you were just sore about one of your buttbuddies being humiliated?

And by the way, I'm not flattered by the attention of old predatory conservative queers. I'm used to it, as I seem to attract fatass conservative faggots, but I'm not flattered by it.
They don't get any dumber than this folks. She is actually blaming Trump.

Forbes blamed Trump, my sweet little snowflake. Are you saying Forbes is a liberal conspiracy?

What's your excuse for that bit of dumbassery? Too stupid to read? You wanted to be part of the mewling wimp crowd? Maybe you were just sore about one of your buttbuddies being humiliated?

And by the way, I'm not flattered by the attention of old predatory conservative queers. I'm used to it, as I seem to attract fatass conservative faggots, but I'm not flattered by it.
Forbes lol
Antifa's flapping their retard teachings lmfao

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