Insulin resistance. Type 2 diabetes and diet

Blues Man

Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2016
Now the carnivore crowd will tell you that it's carbs, any carbs that cause these problems, the keto people will say an apple is no different than a Snickers bar and that grains are the bane of humanity.

But what if I told you that in only a few days of eating a low calorie diet of predominantly oatmeal with a few fruits and veg drastically lowered not only insulin resistance in type 2 diabetics but that even if after the few days on the oatmeal intervention where people went back to their shitty diets the effect on blood sugar and insulin resistance lasted for up to 6 weeks?

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Now the carnivore crowd will tell you that it's carbs, any carbs that cause these problems, the keto people will say an apple is no different than a Snickers bar and that grains are the bane of humanity.

But what if I told you that in only a few days of eating a low calorie diet of predominantly oatmeal with a few fruits and veg drastically lowered not only insulin resistance in type 2 diabetics but that even if after the few days on the oatmeal intervention where people went back to their shitty diets the effect on blood sugar and insulin resistance lasted for up to 6 weeks?

Yeah, I think the "experts" definitely went too far in the 80s telling us all meat and fats were terrible and just eat a bunch of carbs (and sugar). But now too far the other way surely. Oatmeal is good for you.

I do not take for granted that I'm pretty spry and healthy for my age, and I'm grateful for it. But I also think part of it is that at my job, I rarely sit down. Up down, dancing, singing, running all over with little kids. I think that helps keep a person healthy too (plus I exercise).
Yeah, I think the "experts" definitely went too far in the 80s telling us all meat and fats were terrible and just eat a bunch of carbs (and sugar). But now too far the other way surely. Oatmeal is good for you.

I do not take for granted that I'm pretty spry and healthy for my age, and I'm grateful for it. But I also think part of it is that at my job, I rarely sit down. Up down, dancing, singing, running all over with little kids. I think that helps keep a person healthy too (plus I exercise).
The science doesn't lie

The meat and dairy industry on the on the hand.....
Never had it

So, what we have here is someone who does not have type 2 diabetes, and who does not know shit about type 2 diabetes, trying to tell those of us who do have this condition what kind of diet is best for us.

We kinda already knew that if type 2 diabetics lowered their calorie intake and ate better, it will decrease their symptoms.

Literally every endocrinologist and dietician has been telling diabetics this for decades.
but there is little agreement on what foods are best for that...each diabetic differs in their reaction to foods...

dietitian are an aid...
Unless they’ve been an uncontrolled type 2’er for so long that they’re permanently resistant to insulin, all that is needed is a sensible diet and regular exercise.

All this debate about “which” sensible diet works best is just froufrou window dressing.
The science doesn't lie

The meat and dairy industry on the on the hand.....

Absolutely right. More people need to understand that. Those industries fund "studies" that give people false or misleading information, and that works, you know why? Because as it was stated in this video, people loooove hearing "good news" about their bad habits.

My type 2 diabetes is strange.
I can eat sweets and it really doesn't affect my blood sugar.
What really sucked is finding out flour tortillas have twice the sugar than a regular slice of white bread.
I still eat em just not as often as I'd like.
So, what we have here is someone who does not have type 2 diabetes, and who does not know shit about type 2 diabetes, trying to tell those of us who do have this condition what kind of diet is best for us.

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Why do I have to have had diabetes to understand the science?

Do you think every oncologist has to have cancer before he can understand the science of cancer?
Unless they’ve been an uncontrolled type 2’er for so long that they’re permanently resistant to insulin, all that is needed is a sensible diet and regular exercise.

All this debate about “which” sensible diet works best is just froufrou window dressing.
The study specifically addresses uncontrolled Type 2
not for all diabetics that is what you are not getting....again the reason they dont hand you a diet sheet when you get hit with the diagnosis is simple...each person reacts differently to each food...i cant handle fake sugars...grapefruits seems safe now doesnt it...yet it may react and reduce metformin's actions...
not for all diabetics that is what you are not getting....again the reason they dont hand you a diet sheet when you get hit with the diagnosis is simple...each person reacts differently to each food...i cant handle fake sugars...grapefruits seems safe now doesnt it...yet it may react and reduce metformin's actions...
People are not as different physiologically as you like to think.

Type 2 diabetics do not all have a different individualized diet plan. It would take a long time in a clinical setting for every person to have their blood sugar tested for every single food. It's just not done, especially if no insulin is needed to control it.

Grapefruit is quite low in fructose but fructose can be metabolized without insulin so even if you are insulin resistant fructose shouldn't really affect your blood sugar unless of course you eat a huge amount of high fructose fruits.

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