Inspector General Report on Racialist Dysfunction inside DOJ


A Rooincarnation
Nov 7, 2012
The 250-page report offers an inside glimpse of systemic racialist dysfunction inside one of the most powerful federal government agencies.

The report was prepared in response to Representative Frank Wolf’s (R-VA) outrage over the New Black Panther voter intimidation dismissal. In response to the report, Rep. Wolf said today, the “report makes clear that the division has become a rat’s nest of unacceptable and unprofessional actions, and even outright threats against career attorneys and systemic mismanagement.”


– “Numerous witnesses told us that there was widespread opposition to the Noxubee case among the Voting Section career staff.” Noxubee was a case in which white voters were victimized.

– DOJ employees opposed the bringing of a case against a black defendant to help white victims in Noxubee County, Mississippi.

The report: “Coates and other career attorneys told the OIG that they were aware of comments by some Voting Section attorneys indicating that the Noxubee case should have never been brought because White citizens were not historical victims of discrimination or could fend for themselves. Indeed, two career Voting Section attorneys told us that, even if the Department had infinite resources, they still would not have supported the filing of the Noxubee case because it was contrary to the purpose of the Voting Rights Act, which was to ensure that minorities who had historically been the victims of discrimination could exercise the right to vote.”

– “Many of those individuals told the OIG that they believed that the reason the voting rights laws were enacted was to protect historic victims of discrimination and therefore the Section should prioritize its resources accordingly. Additionally, some of these individuals, including one current manager, admitted to us that, while they believed that the text of the Voting Rights Act is race-neutral and applied to all races, they did not believe the Voting Section should pursue cases on behalf of White victims.”

– Threats were made to African American employees by other Justice Department staff.


– Attorney General Eric Holder was approached by Acting Assistant Attorney General Loretta King: King complained about cases that Voting Section Chief Chris Coates was bringing. King didn’t like that Coates was willing to use civil rights laws to protect white voters. Coates had brought and managed the New Black Panther voter intimidation case.

Holder greenlighted King: do what was necessary to take care of Coates.

– Attorney General Holder told us that he understood from what others told him that Coates was a divisive and controversial person in the Voting Section and that one concern about Coates was that he “wanted to expand the use of the power of the Civil Rights Division in such a way that it would take us into areas that, though justified, would come at a cost of that which the Department traditionally had done, at the cost of people [that the] Civil Rights Division had traditionally protected. ”

Rule of Law » Breaking: Inspector General Report on Racialist Dysfunction inside DOJ

Holder is Bammy's boy...they are both racist assholes.
I'm sorry, but as horrible as all that is, there is nothing new there. All that information has been out there for four years now.
When the majority of the media is in the president's back pocket anything is possible. Holder is most likely guilty of authorizing the gun running to Mexican drug cartels but since Holder runs the "justice dept" and the media is on his side there isn't likely be any outrage or justice for that matter.
I'm sorry, but as horrible as all that is, there is nothing new there. All that information has been out there for four years now.

Ok so lets remind people of the creditials of our potential new Secretary of labor..Isn't that a good idea?

Obama to name civil-rights official Thomas Perez as Labor secretary


Today the Department of Justice inspector general released a report on potential Labor secretary nominee Tom Perez’s DOJ Civil Rights Division. The timing of the release to coincide with his nomination was certainly accidental, because the report paints a damning portrait of the DOJ unit he managed

Obama to name civil-rights official Thomas Perez as Labor secretary -
No one on the left on this board will touch this story. We have 2 threads on it and both have died a quick death, as predicted the Press is ignoring it completely.
No one on the left on this board will touch this story. We have 2 threads on it and both have died a quick death, as predicted the Press is ignoring it completely.

The left doesn't care about racists if they are leftists...How pathetic :evil:
No one on the left on this board will touch this story. We have 2 threads on it and both have died a quick death, as predicted the Press is ignoring it completely.

The left doesn't care about racists if they are leftists...How pathetic :evil:

Liberals believe any means is justified if the ends are what they want. Further they believe laws are for other people not them.
No one on the left on this board will touch this story. We have 2 threads on it and both have died a quick death, as predicted the Press is ignoring it completely.

The left doesn't care about racists if they are leftists...How pathetic :evil:

Liberals believe any means is justified if the ends are what they want. Further they believe laws are for other people not them.

Yep…elitists who think they know what’s best and will force their views on everyone
Obama to Nominate Sharia Supporter, Illegal Immigrant Advocate as Labor Secretary

President Obama reportedly intends to nominate in-your-face radical leftist lawyer Thomas Perez as his next Secretary of Labor.

Now an assistant attorney general at the U.S. Department of Justice, Perez is a former top aide to the late Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) and possibly a perjurer.

Perez led the Obama administration's assault on voter ID laws last year. As John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky report in Who's Counting, as a member of the Montgomery County, Md., Council in 2003 he also tried to force governments to accept fraud-prone matricula consular ID cards issued by Mexican consular offices. He was a board member of Casa de Maryland, an advocacy group for illegal aliens funded by George Soros and the recently deceased Hugo Chavez.

Perez is apparently in favor of Saudi-style anti-blasphemy laws. In Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries offenders can be condemned to death merely for insulting Islam.

Amazingly, at a congressional hearing last year, Perez pointedly declined to rule out bringing such laws to the United States. At the July 27, 2012, meeting of the House Judiciary Committee's subcommittee on the Constitution, Perez refused to say whether he would uphold the religious speech protections in the First Amendment in the future.

"Will you tell us ... that this administration's Department of Justice will never entertain or advance a proposal that criminalizes speech against any religion?" Congressman Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) asked four times to no avail.

Perez, like so many Obama administration officials, believes that America is a seething hotbed of "Islamophobia," filled with ignorant racist rubes who irrationally fear the Muslim religion. He has worked with hardcore Islamist groups such as the terrorist-linked Islamic Society of North America and applauded Islamists for lobbying against airline security measures.

Articles: Obama to Nominate Sharia Supporter, Illegal Immigrant Advocate as Labor Secretary

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