Insidious Censorship


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
….or….Liberalism in action!

1.Actually, it is not censorship in the usual understanding of the term, but the control of the book industry by Democrats/Liberals requires an entirely new understanding of the terms ‘capitalism,’ and ‘ideology.’

Control of the dissemination of information in society is akin to control of the water in a desert community: you get what the one in control wants you to have. Government schooling is a perfect example: indoctrination over education.

The good news is that conservatives…readers- unlike Liberals-…have forced an industry-wide retreat in the book publishing industry.

2. Two decades back, when Liberal strangle-hold made the publication of conservative tomes a no-no, Coulter made the situation clear: profit was less a concern than advancing the ideology. The publishing companies simply rewarded would-be authors, for being Liberal

“Vast agglomerations of money are deployed to publish and promote liberal authors. National magazines and newspapers give hallucinatory reviews of books by their fellow liberals and snub books by conservatives.

Ludicrous uncompensated advances are made to support liberal authors, and liberal jeremiads make it to print without the most cursory fact-checking.

Gigantic book advances go to all sorts of authors—liberal historians, liberal feminists, liberal celebrities, liberal Clinton aides, liberal fighter pilots, liberal comedians. But you can be sure that enormous advances that turn out to be enormous mistakes will never be lavished on any of those “surprise best-sellers” [by conservatives]. Book advances are pure wealth transfers to liberal gabbers.

3. Feminist Naomi Wolf is regularly given mammoth advances, averaging half a million dollars apiece, for such intriguing themes as how Naomi lost her virginity. Despite colossal media interest more appropriate to the Second Coming, the actual books sell relatively poorly. In its characteristic understatement, the New York Times called Wolf’s first book, The Beauty Myth, about how women are victimized by the cosmetics industry (men)—I quote—”one of the most important books of the 20th century.”

It was given an adulatory write-up in a coveted New York Times book review. It was listed among the Times’s recommended “Summer Reading 1991: Books for Vacation Reading.” It was among the honored “Notable Books of the Year 1991.”

4. …, the endless press attention bumped Wolf’s book to the lower end of the best-seller list for three weeks—coming in at numbers 16,13, and 13. Also on the New York Times best-seller list at about the same time were Dinesh D’Souza’s Illiberal Education—which spent fifteen weeks on the list —and P. J. O’Rourke’s Parliament of Whores—which spent thirty-eight weeks on the list.

5. … D’Souza’s book spent five times as long on the best-seller list (and at much higher numbers) than Wolf’s book. For his next book D’Souza got an advance of $150,000. For Wolf’s next book, Random House paid her an advance of $600,000. “ Coulter, “Slander.”

Capitalism, it appears, plays no role when it comes to indoctrination in the Liberal worldview.
One can only look askance at an industry that does not mark the bottom line as at least as important as the ideology of those it chooses to advance.

It requires a new and unusual definition of capitalism, and explains the direction society has taken.
Does school give you history without commentary, yes. However! Look at the near obsessive fascination between two events in school history, the Spanish Armada, Queen Elizabeth I, Golden Age, Shakespeare... King George, totally Mad, the American Independence. IF, the English Civil War was even a mention, a non-highlighted non-tested mention, I can't recall Oliver Cromwell for instance. And that obscuring of your education because its so dangerous?! That the past tense claims of one rival group of the George Washington lovers way back in our Civil War, talked about the disturbances of the times of Oliver Cromwell? This isn't Dangerous information. But, the objective is v ery overt, whichalso shouldn't be understood, it shouldn't be understood how African Americans and other groups have a responsibility toward no sympathy toward American governance. "rebellion".

Why, all we'd know from the total irresponsibility exercised by imperial Russia and America toward a handshakre division of the 1919 Provisional Government of Korea, whether or not the King's line had become invalid by law or custom, is that a black man manned amachine gun and a white man was the ammo feeder. Integration!

Who is it Writing books, anyway? Something new to put down. That almost decidedly means liberal? Changing something?
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Does school give you history without commentary, yes. However! Look at the near obsessive fascination between two events in school history, the Spanish Armada, Queen Elizabeth I, Golden Age, Shakespeare... King George, totally Mad, the American Independence. IF, the English Civil War was even a mention, a non-highlighted non-tested mention, I can't recall Oliver Cromwell for instance. And that obscuring of your education because its so dangerous?! That the past tense claims of one rival group of the George Washington lovers way back in our Civil War, talked about the disturbances of the times of Oliver Cromwell? This isn't Dangerous information. But, the objective is v ery overt, whichalso shouldn't be understood, it shouldn't be understood how African Americans and other groups have a responsibility toward no sympathy toward American governance. "rebellion".

Why, all we'd know from the total irresponsibility exercised by imperial Russia and America toward a handshakre division of the 1919 Provisional Government of Korea, whether or not the King's line had become invalid by law or custom, is that a black man manned amachine gun and a white man was the ammo feeder. Integration!

Who is it Writing books, anyway? Something new to put down. That almost decidedly means liberal? Changing something?

Does your post have anything to do with the post you linked to.....


1.Actually, it is not censorship in the usual understanding of the term, but the control of the book industry by Democrats/Liberals requires an entirely new understanding of the terms ‘capitalism,’ and ‘ideology.’

Control of the dissemination of information in society is akin to control of the water in a desert community: you get what the one in control wants you to have. Government schooling is a perfect example: indoctrination over education.

The good news is that conservatives…readers- unlike Liberals-…have forced an industry-wide retreat in the book publishing industry.

2. Two decades back, when Liberal strangle-hold made the publication of conservative tomes a no-no, Coulter made the situation clear: profit was less a concern than advancing the ideology. The publishing companies simply rewarded would-be authors, for being Liberal

“Vast agglomerations of money are deployed to publish and promote liberal authors. National magazines and newspapers give hallucinatory reviews of books by their fellow liberals and snub books by conservatives.

Ludicrous uncompensated advances are made to support liberal authors, and liberal jeremiads make it to print without the most cursory fact-checking.

Gigantic book advances go to all sorts of authors—liberal historians, liberal feminists, liberal celebrities, liberal Clinton aides, liberal fighter pilots, liberal comedians. But you can be sure that enormous advances that turn out to be enormous mistakes will never be lavished on any of those “surprise best-sellers” [by conservatives]. Book advances are pure wealth transfers to liberal gabbers.

3. Feminist Naomi Wolf is regularly given mammoth advances, averaging half a million dollars apiece, for such intriguing themes as how Naomi lost her virginity. Despite colossal media interest more appropriate to the Second Coming, the actual books sell relatively poorly. In its characteristic understatement, the New York Times called Wolf’s first book, The Beauty Myth, about how women are victimized by the cosmetics industry (men)—I quote—”one of the most important books of the 20th century.”

It was given an adulatory write-up in a coveted New York Times book review. It was listed among the Times’s recommended “Summer Reading 1991: Books for Vacation Reading.” It was among the honored “Notable Books of the Year 1991.”

4. …, the endless press attention bumped Wolf’s book to the lower end of the best-seller list for three weeks—coming in at numbers 16,13, and 13. Also on the New York Times best-seller list at about the same time were Dinesh D’Souza’s Illiberal Education—which spent fifteen weeks on the list —and P. J. O’Rourke’s Parliament of Whores—which spent thirty-eight weeks on the list.

5. … D’Souza’s book spent five times as long on the best-seller list (and at much higher numbers) than Wolf’s book. For his next book D’Souza got an advance of $150,000. For Wolf’s next book, Random House paid her an advance of $600,000. “ Coulter, “Slander.”

Capitalism, it appears, plays no role when it comes to indoctrination in the Liberal worldview.
One can only look askance at an industry that does not mark the bottom line as at least as important as the ideology of those it chooses to advance.

It requires a new and unusual definition of capitalism, and explains the direction society has taken.
I'm a little offended. I Did Read your whole post. Are we supposed to do better with your vague and abstracting buzz words? The Liberal Worldview is in education , its everywhere as much as a conservative worldview, both psychological.

I sort of get a theme going here linking conservatism to Anne Coulter? Should we print a million variants to "Atlas Shrugged"? I think breaking up Rockefeller already steered us on the path of Government larger than its Companies. And that wasn't even about employee abuses! That was basically, they might control the oil price? Ridiculous
….or….Liberalism in action!

1.Actually, it is not censorship in the usual understanding of the term, but the control of the book industry by Democrats/Liberals requires an entirely new understanding of the terms ‘capitalism,’ and ‘ideology.’

Control of the dissemination of information in society is akin to control of the water in a desert community: you get what the one in control wants you to have. Government schooling is a perfect example: indoctrination over education.

The good news is that conservatives…readers- unlike Liberals-…have forced an industry-wide retreat in the book publishing industry.

2. Two decades back, when Liberal strangle-hold made the publication of conservative tomes a no-no, Coulter made the situation clear: profit was less a concern than advancing the ideology. The publishing companies simply rewarded would-be authors, for being Liberal

“Vast agglomerations of money are deployed to publish and promote liberal authors. National magazines and newspapers give hallucinatory reviews of books by their fellow liberals and snub books by conservatives.

Ludicrous uncompensated advances are made to support liberal authors, and liberal jeremiads make it to print without the most cursory fact-checking.

Gigantic book advances go to all sorts of authors—liberal historians, liberal feminists, liberal celebrities, liberal Clinton aides, liberal fighter pilots, liberal comedians. But you can be sure that enormous advances that turn out to be enormous mistakes will never be lavished on any of those “surprise best-sellers” [by conservatives]. Book advances are pure wealth transfers to liberal gabbers.

3. Feminist Naomi Wolf is regularly given mammoth advances, averaging half a million dollars apiece, for such intriguing themes as how Naomi lost her virginity. Despite colossal media interest more appropriate to the Second Coming, the actual books sell relatively poorly. In its characteristic understatement, the New York Times called Wolf’s first book, The Beauty Myth, about how women are victimized by the cosmetics industry (men)—I quote—”one of the most important books of the 20th century.”

It was given an adulatory write-up in a coveted New York Times book review. It was listed among the Times’s recommended “Summer Reading 1991: Books for Vacation Reading.” It was among the honored “Notable Books of the Year 1991.”

4. …, the endless press attention bumped Wolf’s book to the lower end of the best-seller list for three weeks—coming in at numbers 16,13, and 13. Also on the New York Times best-seller list at about the same time were Dinesh D’Souza’s Illiberal Education—which spent fifteen weeks on the list —and P. J. O’Rourke’s Parliament of Whores—which spent thirty-eight weeks on the list.

5. … D’Souza’s book spent five times as long on the best-seller list (and at much higher numbers) than Wolf’s book. For his next book D’Souza got an advance of $150,000. For Wolf’s next book, Random House paid her an advance of $600,000. “ Coulter, “Slander.”

Capitalism, it appears, plays no role when it comes to indoctrination in the Liberal worldview.
One can only look askance at an industry that does not mark the bottom line as at least as important as the ideology of those it chooses to advance.

It requires a new and unusual definition of capitalism, and explains the direction society has taken.

Actually, I have to object to this post on specifically point 3. That was the OLD Wolf, she left that behind. To characterize her thus now, when she is an ally of all people is disingenuous.

Feminist Author, Naomi Wolf is a loyal upstanding American, who is only interested in protecting the Civil Rights and Civil Liberties of ALL AMERICANS.

She is opposed to the Patriot Act and the NDAA, that were passed by the Bush Administration, and the police state brutality that only continued during the Obama administration. You do remember the Patriot Act, that monstrosity coming out of Biden's office, written prior to 9/11, only needing the proper crisis to be passed? The echos of pre-war Germany are chilling. . .

She sees no difference in any of these two parties, only their oppression of the States and their people everywhere, and she has no problem making common cause with Libertarians to defend our BILL OF RIGHTS, to keep America free from a global police state.

Ever since she published this book, the establishment has considered her persona non grata, Wikipedia doesn't even have stubs for her later work and she landed on the no fly list.

She is as much, or more an enemy to the establishment as D’Souza is. Anyone that would speak up about the violation of folks liberties is always a thorn in the side of the police state.

Check out this piece which pissed off all the feminists that love her;
Julian Assange Captured by World's Dating Police
By Naomi Wolf
Julian Assange Captured by World's Dating Police - LewRockwell

The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot - Wikipedia

The only thing worse than a police state, a foreign imperial police state. People hear plenty that African Americans chaff under police contacts. Well its all the same story, that whenever diversity appears, and some armed idiot, steps in and judges the comfortable interactions native to an area, then Efficiency itself ceases. Basically, diversity has to end, and we all develop a New York cops accent to go out the door and get the groceries, pass one commercial good across interstate.
The good news is that liberal publishers other than universities have a burn rate of a tech IPO as in beyond meat is a no brainer leftist short.
I'm a little offended. I Did Read your whole post. Are we supposed to do better with your vague and abstracting buzz words? The Liberal Worldview is in education , its everywhere as much as a conservative worldview, both psychological.

I sort of get a theme going here linking conservatism to Anne Coulter? Should we print a million variants to "Atlas Shrugged"? I think breaking up Rockefeller already steered us on the path of Government larger than its Companies. And that wasn't even about employee abuses! That was basically, they might control the oil price? Ridiculous

"I sort of get a theme going here linking conservatism to Anne Coulter? "
No WONDER they call you Einstein!

"I'm a little offended."

Well, then my work here is done!
….or….Liberalism in action!

1.Actually, it is not censorship in the usual understanding of the term, but the control of the book industry by Democrats/Liberals requires an entirely new understanding of the terms ‘capitalism,’ and ‘ideology.’

Control of the dissemination of information in society is akin to control of the water in a desert community: you get what the one in control wants you to have. Government schooling is a perfect example: indoctrination over education.

The good news is that conservatives…readers- unlike Liberals-…have forced an industry-wide retreat in the book publishing industry.

2. Two decades back, when Liberal strangle-hold made the publication of conservative tomes a no-no, Coulter made the situation clear: profit was less a concern than advancing the ideology. The publishing companies simply rewarded would-be authors, for being Liberal

“Vast agglomerations of money are deployed to publish and promote liberal authors. National magazines and newspapers give hallucinatory reviews of books by their fellow liberals and snub books by conservatives.

Ludicrous uncompensated advances are made to support liberal authors, and liberal jeremiads make it to print without the most cursory fact-checking.

Gigantic book advances go to all sorts of authors—liberal historians, liberal feminists, liberal celebrities, liberal Clinton aides, liberal fighter pilots, liberal comedians. But you can be sure that enormous advances that turn out to be enormous mistakes will never be lavished on any of those “surprise best-sellers” [by conservatives]. Book advances are pure wealth transfers to liberal gabbers.

3. Feminist Naomi Wolf is regularly given mammoth advances, averaging half a million dollars apiece, for such intriguing themes as how Naomi lost her virginity. Despite colossal media interest more appropriate to the Second Coming, the actual books sell relatively poorly. In its characteristic understatement, the New York Times called Wolf’s first book, The Beauty Myth, about how women are victimized by the cosmetics industry (men)—I quote—”one of the most important books of the 20th century.”

It was given an adulatory write-up in a coveted New York Times book review. It was listed among the Times’s recommended “Summer Reading 1991: Books for Vacation Reading.” It was among the honored “Notable Books of the Year 1991.”

4. …, the endless press attention bumped Wolf’s book to the lower end of the best-seller list for three weeks—coming in at numbers 16,13, and 13. Also on the New York Times best-seller list at about the same time were Dinesh D’Souza’s Illiberal Education—which spent fifteen weeks on the list —and P. J. O’Rourke’s Parliament of Whores—which spent thirty-eight weeks on the list.

5. … D’Souza’s book spent five times as long on the best-seller list (and at much higher numbers) than Wolf’s book. For his next book D’Souza got an advance of $150,000. For Wolf’s next book, Random House paid her an advance of $600,000. “ Coulter, “Slander.”

Capitalism, it appears, plays no role when it comes to indoctrination in the Liberal worldview.
One can only look askance at an industry that does not mark the bottom line as at least as important as the ideology of those it chooses to advance.

It requires a new and unusual definition of capitalism, and explains the direction society has taken.

Actually, I have to object to this post on specifically point 3. That was the OLD Wolf, she left that behind. To characterize her thus now, when she is an ally of all people is disingenuous.

Feminist Author, Naomi Wolf is a loyal upstanding American, who is only interested in protecting the Civil Rights and Civil Liberties of ALL AMERICANS.

She is opposed to the Patriot Act and the NDAA, that were passed by the Bush Administration, and the police state brutality that only continued during the Obama administration. You do remember the Patriot Act, that monstrosity coming out of Biden's office, written prior to 9/11, only needing the proper crisis to be passed? The echos of pre-war Germany are chilling. . .

She sees no difference in any of these two parties, only their oppression of the States and their people everywhere, and she has no problem making common cause with Libertarians to defend our BILL OF RIGHTS, to keep America free from a global police state.

Ever since she published this book, the establishment has considered her persona non grata, Wikipedia doesn't even have stubs for her later work and she landed on the no fly list.

She is as much, or more an enemy to the establishment as D’Souza is. Anyone that would speak up about the violation of folks liberties is always a thorn in the side of the police state.

Check out this piece which pissed off all the feminists that love her;
Julian Assange Captured by World's Dating Police
By Naomi Wolf
Julian Assange Captured by World's Dating Police - LewRockwell

The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot - Wikipedia

The woman is certifiably insane.....or Liberal.....same thing.
The only thing worse than a police state, a foreign imperial police state. People hear plenty that African Americans chaff under police contacts. Well its all the same story, that whenever diversity appears, and some armed idiot, steps in and judges the comfortable interactions native to an area, then Efficiency itself ceases. Basically, diversity has to end, and we all develop a New York cops accent to go out the door and get the groceries, pass one commercial good across interstate.

Perhaps you didn't notice this....the OP....

1.Actually, it is not censorship in the usual understanding of the term, but the control of the book industry by Democrats/Liberals requires an entirely new understanding of the terms ‘capitalism,’ and ‘ideology.’

Control of the dissemination of information in society is akin to control of the water in a desert community: you get what the one in control wants you to have. Government schooling is a perfect example: indoctrination over education.

The good news is that conservatives…readers- unlike Liberals-…have forced an industry-wide retreat in the book publishing industry.

2. Two decades back, when Liberal strangle-hold made the publication of conservative tomes a no-no, Coulter made the situation clear: profit was less a concern than advancing the ideology. The publishing companies simply rewarded would-be authors, for being Liberal

“Vast agglomerations of money are deployed to publish and promote liberal authors. National magazines and newspapers give hallucinatory reviews of books by their fellow liberals and snub books by conservatives.

Ludicrous uncompensated advances are made to support liberal authors, and liberal jeremiads make it to print without the most cursory fact-checking.

Gigantic book advances go to all sorts of authors—liberal historians, liberal feminists, liberal celebrities, liberal Clinton aides, liberal fighter pilots, liberal comedians. But you can be sure that enormous advances that turn out to be enormous mistakes will never be lavished on any of those “surprise best-sellers” [by conservatives]. Book advances are pure wealth transfers to liberal gabbers.

3. Feminist Naomi Wolf is regularly given mammoth advances, averaging half a million dollars apiece, for such intriguing themes as how Naomi lost her virginity. Despite colossal media interest more appropriate to the Second Coming, the actual books sell relatively poorly. In its characteristic understatement, the New York Times called Wolf’s first book, The Beauty Myth, about how women are victimized by the cosmetics industry (men)—I quote—”one of the most important books of the 20th century.”

It was given an adulatory write-up in a coveted New York Times book review. It was listed among the Times’s recommended “Summer Reading 1991: Books for Vacation Reading.” It was among the honored “Notable Books of the Year 1991.”

4. …, the endless press attention bumped Wolf’s book to the lower end of the best-seller list for three weeks—coming in at numbers 16,13, and 13. Also on the New York Times best-seller list at about the same time were Dinesh D’Souza’s Illiberal Education—which spent fifteen weeks on the list —and P. J. O’Rourke’s Parliament of Whores—which spent thirty-eight weeks on the list.

5. … D’Souza’s book spent five times as long on the best-seller list (and at much higher numbers) than Wolf’s book. For his next book D’Souza got an advance of $150,000. For Wolf’s next book, Random House paid her an advance of $600,000. “ Coulter, “Slander.”

Capitalism, it appears, plays no role when it comes to indoctrination in the Liberal worldview.
One can only look askance at an industry that does not mark the bottom line as at least as important as the ideology of those it chooses to advance.

It requires a new and unusual definition of capitalism, and explains the direction society has taken.
….or….Liberalism in action!

1.Actually, it is not censorship in the usual understanding of the term, but the control of the book industry by Democrats/Liberals requires an entirely new understanding of the terms ‘capitalism,’ and ‘ideology.’

Control of the dissemination of information in society is akin to control of the water in a desert community: you get what the one in control wants you to have. Government schooling is a perfect example: indoctrination over education.

The good news is that conservatives…readers- unlike Liberals-…have forced an industry-wide retreat in the book publishing industry.

2. Two decades back, when Liberal strangle-hold made the publication of conservative tomes a no-no, Coulter made the situation clear: profit was less a concern than advancing the ideology. The publishing companies simply rewarded would-be authors, for being Liberal

“Vast agglomerations of money are deployed to publish and promote liberal authors. National magazines and newspapers give hallucinatory reviews of books by their fellow liberals and snub books by conservatives.

Ludicrous uncompensated advances are made to support liberal authors, and liberal jeremiads make it to print without the most cursory fact-checking.

Gigantic book advances go to all sorts of authors—liberal historians, liberal feminists, liberal celebrities, liberal Clinton aides, liberal fighter pilots, liberal comedians. But you can be sure that enormous advances that turn out to be enormous mistakes will never be lavished on any of those “surprise best-sellers” [by conservatives]. Book advances are pure wealth transfers to liberal gabbers.

3. Feminist Naomi Wolf is regularly given mammoth advances, averaging half a million dollars apiece, for such intriguing themes as how Naomi lost her virginity. Despite colossal media interest more appropriate to the Second Coming, the actual books sell relatively poorly. In its characteristic understatement, the New York Times called Wolf’s first book, The Beauty Myth, about how women are victimized by the cosmetics industry (men)—I quote—”one of the most important books of the 20th century.”

It was given an adulatory write-up in a coveted New York Times book review. It was listed among the Times’s recommended “Summer Reading 1991: Books for Vacation Reading.” It was among the honored “Notable Books of the Year 1991.”

4. …, the endless press attention bumped Wolf’s book to the lower end of the best-seller list for three weeks—coming in at numbers 16,13, and 13. Also on the New York Times best-seller list at about the same time were Dinesh D’Souza’s Illiberal Education—which spent fifteen weeks on the list —and P. J. O’Rourke’s Parliament of Whores—which spent thirty-eight weeks on the list.

5. … D’Souza’s book spent five times as long on the best-seller list (and at much higher numbers) than Wolf’s book. For his next book D’Souza got an advance of $150,000. For Wolf’s next book, Random House paid her an advance of $600,000. “ Coulter, “Slander.”

Capitalism, it appears, plays no role when it comes to indoctrination in the Liberal worldview.
One can only look askance at an industry that does not mark the bottom line as at least as important as the ideology of those it chooses to advance.

It requires a new and unusual definition of capitalism, and explains the direction society has taken.

Actually, I have to object to this post on specifically point 3. That was the OLD Wolf, she left that behind. To characterize her thus now, when she is an ally of all people is disingenuous.

Feminist Author, Naomi Wolf is a loyal upstanding American, who is only interested in protecting the Civil Rights and Civil Liberties of ALL AMERICANS.

She is opposed to the Patriot Act and the NDAA, that were passed by the Bush Administration, and the police state brutality that only continued during the Obama administration. You do remember the Patriot Act, that monstrosity coming out of Biden's office, written prior to 9/11, only needing the proper crisis to be passed? The echos of pre-war Germany are chilling. . .

She sees no difference in any of these two parties, only their oppression of the States and their people everywhere, and she has no problem making common cause with Libertarians to defend our BILL OF RIGHTS, to keep America free from a global police state.

Ever since she published this book, the establishment has considered her persona non grata, Wikipedia doesn't even have stubs for her later work and she landed on the no fly list.

She is as much, or more an enemy to the establishment as D’Souza is. Anyone that would speak up about the violation of folks liberties is always a thorn in the side of the police state.

Check out this piece which pissed off all the feminists that love her;
Julian Assange Captured by World's Dating Police
By Naomi Wolf
Julian Assange Captured by World's Dating Police - LewRockwell

The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot - Wikipedia

The woman is certifiably insane.....or Liberal.....same thing.

Truth has no labels.

Get the propaganda out of your head.

….or….Liberalism in action!

1.Actually, it is not censorship in the usual understanding of the term, but the control of the book industry by Democrats/Liberals requires an entirely new understanding of the terms ‘capitalism,’ and ‘ideology.’

Control of the dissemination of information in society is akin to control of the water in a desert community: you get what the one in control wants you to have. Government schooling is a perfect example: indoctrination over education.

The good news is that conservatives…readers- unlike Liberals-…have forced an industry-wide retreat in the book publishing industry.

2. Two decades back, when Liberal strangle-hold made the publication of conservative tomes a no-no, Coulter made the situation clear: profit was less a concern than advancing the ideology. The publishing companies simply rewarded would-be authors, for being Liberal

“Vast agglomerations of money are deployed to publish and promote liberal authors. National magazines and newspapers give hallucinatory reviews of books by their fellow liberals and snub books by conservatives.

Ludicrous uncompensated advances are made to support liberal authors, and liberal jeremiads make it to print without the most cursory fact-checking.

Gigantic book advances go to all sorts of authors—liberal historians, liberal feminists, liberal celebrities, liberal Clinton aides, liberal fighter pilots, liberal comedians. But you can be sure that enormous advances that turn out to be enormous mistakes will never be lavished on any of those “surprise best-sellers” [by conservatives]. Book advances are pure wealth transfers to liberal gabbers.

3. Feminist Naomi Wolf is regularly given mammoth advances, averaging half a million dollars apiece, for such intriguing themes as how Naomi lost her virginity. Despite colossal media interest more appropriate to the Second Coming, the actual books sell relatively poorly. In its characteristic understatement, the New York Times called Wolf’s first book, The Beauty Myth, about how women are victimized by the cosmetics industry (men)—I quote—”one of the most important books of the 20th century.”

It was given an adulatory write-up in a coveted New York Times book review. It was listed among the Times’s recommended “Summer Reading 1991: Books for Vacation Reading.” It was among the honored “Notable Books of the Year 1991.”

4. …, the endless press attention bumped Wolf’s book to the lower end of the best-seller list for three weeks—coming in at numbers 16,13, and 13. Also on the New York Times best-seller list at about the same time were Dinesh D’Souza’s Illiberal Education—which spent fifteen weeks on the list —and P. J. O’Rourke’s Parliament of Whores—which spent thirty-eight weeks on the list.

5. … D’Souza’s book spent five times as long on the best-seller list (and at much higher numbers) than Wolf’s book. For his next book D’Souza got an advance of $150,000. For Wolf’s next book, Random House paid her an advance of $600,000. “ Coulter, “Slander.”

Capitalism, it appears, plays no role when it comes to indoctrination in the Liberal worldview.
One can only look askance at an industry that does not mark the bottom line as at least as important as the ideology of those it chooses to advance.

It requires a new and unusual definition of capitalism, and explains the direction society has taken.

Actually, I have to object to this post on specifically point 3. That was the OLD Wolf, she left that behind. To characterize her thus now, when she is an ally of all people is disingenuous.

Feminist Author, Naomi Wolf is a loyal upstanding American, who is only interested in protecting the Civil Rights and Civil Liberties of ALL AMERICANS.

She is opposed to the Patriot Act and the NDAA, that were passed by the Bush Administration, and the police state brutality that only continued during the Obama administration. You do remember the Patriot Act, that monstrosity coming out of Biden's office, written prior to 9/11, only needing the proper crisis to be passed? The echos of pre-war Germany are chilling. . .

She sees no difference in any of these two parties, only their oppression of the States and their people everywhere, and she has no problem making common cause with Libertarians to defend our BILL OF RIGHTS, to keep America free from a global police state.

Ever since she published this book, the establishment has considered her persona non grata, Wikipedia doesn't even have stubs for her later work and she landed on the no fly list.

She is as much, or more an enemy to the establishment as D’Souza is. Anyone that would speak up about the violation of folks liberties is always a thorn in the side of the police state.

Check out this piece which pissed off all the feminists that love her;
Julian Assange Captured by World's Dating Police
By Naomi Wolf
Julian Assange Captured by World's Dating Police - LewRockwell

The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot - Wikipedia

The woman is certifiably insane.....or Liberal.....same thing.

Truth has no labels.

Get the propaganda out of your head.


Labels, more often than not, represent the truth.

From the ultra-Liberal Guardian:

"Well, Wolf did not rebel. Nor did she turn out to be a lesbian. Instead, she excelled at school, had poetic ambitions of her own and went to Yale to study English literature. From there, she won a Rhodes scholarship to spend two years at Oxford. She arrived a quasi-Marxist, chain-smoking poet with a penchant for leather jackets. In other words, fairly typical of the leftie youth of the era."
Naomi Wolf: true radical or ultra egoist? | Profile

Wise up.

I'm never wrong.
Socialism/political correctness the greatest fuck up in the history of civilization… Fact
….or….Liberalism in action!

1.Actually, it is not censorship in the usual understanding of the term, but the control of the book industry by Democrats/Liberals requires an entirely new understanding of the terms ‘capitalism,’ and ‘ideology.’

Control of the dissemination of information in society is akin to control of the water in a desert community: you get what the one in control wants you to have. Government schooling is a perfect example: indoctrination over education.

The good news is that conservatives…readers- unlike Liberals-…have forced an industry-wide retreat in the book publishing industry.

2. Two decades back, when Liberal strangle-hold made the publication of conservative tomes a no-no, Coulter made the situation clear: profit was less a concern than advancing the ideology. The publishing companies simply rewarded would-be authors, for being Liberal

“Vast agglomerations of money are deployed to publish and promote liberal authors. National magazines and newspapers give hallucinatory reviews of books by their fellow liberals and snub books by conservatives.

Ludicrous uncompensated advances are made to support liberal authors, and liberal jeremiads make it to print without the most cursory fact-checking.

Gigantic book advances go to all sorts of authors—liberal historians, liberal feminists, liberal celebrities, liberal Clinton aides, liberal fighter pilots, liberal comedians. But you can be sure that enormous advances that turn out to be enormous mistakes will never be lavished on any of those “surprise best-sellers” [by conservatives]. Book advances are pure wealth transfers to liberal gabbers.

3. Feminist Naomi Wolf is regularly given mammoth advances, averaging half a million dollars apiece, for such intriguing themes as how Naomi lost her virginity. Despite colossal media interest more appropriate to the Second Coming, the actual books sell relatively poorly. In its characteristic understatement, the New York Times called Wolf’s first book, The Beauty Myth, about how women are victimized by the cosmetics industry (men)—I quote—”one of the most important books of the 20th century.”

It was given an adulatory write-up in a coveted New York Times book review. It was listed among the Times’s recommended “Summer Reading 1991: Books for Vacation Reading.” It was among the honored “Notable Books of the Year 1991.”

4. …, the endless press attention bumped Wolf’s book to the lower end of the best-seller list for three weeks—coming in at numbers 16,13, and 13. Also on the New York Times best-seller list at about the same time were Dinesh D’Souza’s Illiberal Education—which spent fifteen weeks on the list —and P. J. O’Rourke’s Parliament of Whores—which spent thirty-eight weeks on the list.

5. … D’Souza’s book spent five times as long on the best-seller list (and at much higher numbers) than Wolf’s book. For his next book D’Souza got an advance of $150,000. For Wolf’s next book, Random House paid her an advance of $600,000. “ Coulter, “Slander.”

Capitalism, it appears, plays no role when it comes to indoctrination in the Liberal worldview.
One can only look askance at an industry that does not mark the bottom line as at least as important as the ideology of those it chooses to advance.

It requires a new and unusual definition of capitalism, and explains the direction society has taken.

Actually, I have to object to this post on specifically point 3. That was the OLD Wolf, she left that behind. To characterize her thus now, when she is an ally of all people is disingenuous.

Feminist Author, Naomi Wolf is a loyal upstanding American, who is only interested in protecting the Civil Rights and Civil Liberties of ALL AMERICANS.

She is opposed to the Patriot Act and the NDAA, that were passed by the Bush Administration, and the police state brutality that only continued during the Obama administration. You do remember the Patriot Act, that monstrosity coming out of Biden's office, written prior to 9/11, only needing the proper crisis to be passed? The echos of pre-war Germany are chilling. . .

She sees no difference in any of these two parties, only their oppression of the States and their people everywhere, and she has no problem making common cause with Libertarians to defend our BILL OF RIGHTS, to keep America free from a global police state.

Ever since she published this book, the establishment has considered her persona non grata, Wikipedia doesn't even have stubs for her later work and she landed on the no fly list.

She is as much, or more an enemy to the establishment as D’Souza is. Anyone that would speak up about the violation of folks liberties is always a thorn in the side of the police state.

Check out this piece which pissed off all the feminists that love her;
Julian Assange Captured by World's Dating Police
By Naomi Wolf
Julian Assange Captured by World's Dating Police - LewRockwell

The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot - Wikipedia

The woman is certifiably insane.....or Liberal.....same thing.

Truth has no labels.

Get the propaganda out of your head.


Labels, more often than not, represent the truth.

From the ultra-Liberal Guardian:

"Well, Wolf did not rebel. Nor did she turn out to be a lesbian. Instead, she excelled at school, had poetic ambitions of her own and went to Yale to study English literature. From there, she won a Rhodes scholarship to spend two years at Oxford. She arrived a quasi-Marxist, chain-smoking poet with a penchant for leather jackets. In other words, fairly typical of the leftie youth of the era."
Naomi Wolf: true radical or ultra egoist? | Profile

Wise up.

I'm never wrong.

Your motto is; "I'm never wrong."

Mine is that of Socrates;


The world is, as those who control it, want it to appear to you.

In the end, you know nothing girl.
How often are people actually Feminists, and for what reason? Princeton was such a boy's club, to say "Under God's Power She Flourishes". They must be updating. I wouldn't know. For American independence or something. Old Nassau being the English Civil War's relief force from the Netherlands in the form of, Prince Orange, William of Nassau. They have a gender neutral version Of their fight song too? For women that like the dirty work with wrenches, I'd guess? That's what they do at Princeton, they all learn Plumber stuff, wrenches, and plumber's butt crack. Nobody would want to attend until some 70's feminist crazies.
. . . . and the Guardian is NOT ultra-liberal, it is Neo-Liberal, completely infested with British intelligence as an agent of propaganda and the corporate power structure for the CITY.

How many times must I smash a custard pie in your kisser, you dope?

"The paper's readership is generally on the mainstream left of British political opinion,[8][9] and its reputation as a platform for liberal and left-wing editorial has led to the use of the "Guardian reader" and "Guardianista" as often-pejorative epithets for those of left-leaning or "politically correct" tendencies.[10][11][12] "
The Guardian - Wikipedia

Jot this down, and have it laminated for your wallet:

a. You know less than nothing.

b. I am never wrong.
How often are people actually Feminists, and for what reason? Princeton was such a boy's club, to say "Under God's Power She Flourishes". They must be updating. I wouldn't know. For American independence or something. Old Nassau being the English Civil War's relief force from the Netherlands in the form of, Prince Orange, William of Nassau. They have a gender neutral version Of their fight song too? For women that like the dirty work with wrenches, I'd guess? That's what they do at Princeton, they all learn Plumber stuff, wrenches, and plumber's butt crack. Nobody would want to attend until some 70's feminist crazies.

This was the OP that brought you scurrying over....

Insidious Censorship

….or….Liberalism in action!

1.Actually, it is not censorship in the usual understanding of the term, but the control of the book industry by Democrats/Liberals requires an entirely new understanding of the terms ‘capitalism,’ and ‘ideology.’

Control of the dissemination of information in society is akin to control of the water in a desert community: you get what the one in control wants you to have. Government schooling is a perfect example: indoctrination over education.

The good news is that conservatives…readers- unlike Liberals-…have forced an industry-wide retreat in the book publishing industry.

2. Two decades back, when Liberal strangle-hold made the publication of conservative tomes a no-no, Coulter made the situation clear: profit was less a concern than advancing the ideology. The publishing companies simply rewarded would-be authors, for being Liberal

“Vast agglomerations of money are deployed to publish and promote liberal authors. National magazines and newspapers give hallucinatory reviews of books by their fellow liberals and snub books by conservatives.

Ludicrous uncompensated advances are made to support liberal authors, and liberal jeremiads make it to print without the most cursory fact-checking.

Gigantic book advances go to all sorts of authors—liberal historians, liberal feminists, liberal celebrities, liberal Clinton aides, liberal fighter pilots, liberal comedians. But you can be sure that enormous advances that turn out to be enormous mistakes will never be lavished on any of those “surprise best-sellers” [by conservatives]. Book advances are pure wealth transfers to liberal gabbers.

3. Feminist Naomi Wolf is regularly given mammoth advances, averaging half a million dollars apiece, for such intriguing themes as how Naomi lost her virginity. Despite colossal media interest more appropriate to the Second Coming, the actual books sell relatively poorly. In its characteristic understatement, the New York Times called Wolf’s first book, The Beauty Myth, about how women are victimized by the cosmetics industry (men)—I quote—”one of the most important books of the 20th century.”

It was given an adulatory write-up in a coveted New York Times book review. It was listed among the Times’s recommended “Summer Reading 1991: Books for Vacation Reading.” It was among the honored “Notable Books of the Year 1991.”

4. …, the endless press attention bumped Wolf’s book to the lower end of the best-seller list for three weeks—coming in at numbers 16,13, and 13. Also on the New York Times best-seller list at about the same time were Dinesh D’Souza’s Illiberal Education—which spent fifteen weeks on the list —and P. J. O’Rourke’s Parliament of Whores—which spent thirty-eight weeks on the list.

5. … D’Souza’s book spent five times as long on the best-seller list (and at much higher numbers) than Wolf’s book. For his next book D’Souza got an advance of $150,000. For Wolf’s next book, Random House paid her an advance of $600,000. “ Coulter, “Slander.”

Capitalism, it appears, plays no role when it comes to indoctrination in the Liberal worldview.
One can only look askance at an industry that does not mark the bottom line as at least as important as the ideology of those it chooses to advance.

It requires a new and unusual definition of capitalism, and explains the direction society has taken.

Be sure to get right back when you have a comment related to same.
6. Liberals imposed their version of censorship based on their control of the publishing industry. Eschewing profits, and talent, and capitalism, advancing the collectivist doctrine was the aim, desire, and agenda.

Making money is less important in the book business than publishing liberals editors can be “proud” of. In the first of his many establishment rewards for having worked for a Democrat president, who was later impeached and disbarred, George Stephanopoulos was given a $2.75 million advance by Little, Brown for his book, titled All Too Human.

Another monopoly media rapture ensued. Stephanopoulos was interviewed about his book on NBC’s Today show (twice!), ABC’s Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, CNBC’s Tim Russert Show, CNN’s Larry King Live, Fox News’s Special Report with Brit Hume, Fox News’s The Crier Report, CBS News’s Saturday Morning. His book was the topic of dozens of other programs. He had an appearance on Late Night with Conan O’Brien.

Stephanopoulos’s book was excerpted in Newsweek three days before it was released. It was written up in six separate articles in the New York Times alone the first week it came out—and another dozen times over the next month. That level of publicity is enough to make Britney Spears a star. The media swoon put Stephanopoulos’s book on the New York Times best-seller list for fifteen weeks, five of those at number one. (D’Souza had received an advance of $25,000 for his book that spent fifteen on the bestseller list, …

On the best-seller list at the same time as Stephanopoulos’s All Too Human was Bill Gertz’s Betrayal—another Regnery book— which spent seven weeks on the list. This was also without being excerpted in Newsweek, reviewed in the Times, or featured on the Conan O’Brien show, the Today show, Good Morning America, or CBS This Morning. It was certainly without a $3 million advance. And so it goes.”
Coulter, “Slander.”

Clear what was important to Liberal management?

There was no sense of obligation to the public or to honest debate.

Guess why Liberals eschew debate.

That's right.....Liberal ideas and agendas don't hold a candle to conservative ones.....e.g., private property, free speech, abortion.


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