Inside Biden's Meeting With Civil Rights Leaders


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
In audio obtained by The Intercept, Biden was unenthusiastic about executive action and warned against police reform before Georgia’s Senate runoffs.

Inside Biden’s Meeting With Civil Rights Leaders (
10 Dec2020 ~~ By Ryan Grim

DEMOCRATS IN THE House, Senate, and around the country have been urging President-elect Joe Biden to use the maximum amount of executive authority available to him in order to grow the economy, expand civil rights, protect the climate, and otherwise implement the agenda he ran on, despite the expected obstruction from a Republican Senate.
On Tuesday, a group of civil rights leaders urged him privately to take a slew of executive actions during a two-hour virtual meeting. While Biden didn’t close the door to anything specific, he was far from enthusiastic about the idea of using executive action.
A recording of the virtual meeting, attended by Biden, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, and civil rights leaders, was obtained by The Intercept. Excerpts from it can be heard in this week’s Deconstructed podcast, which you can find for free on any platform that hosts podcasts.
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Biden also warned the civil rights leaders that pressure on the incoming administration around police reform could hurt the party’s chances in the Georgia Senate runoffs, claiming that the Republicans’ ability to define that party as in favor of defunding the police is “how they beat the living hell out of us across the country.”
Biden insisted that his commitment to police reform was unwavering but argued that the branding effort had done too much damage.
The slogan “defund the police” has been blamed for House and Senate losses by Majority Whip James Clyburn, D-S.C., along with other moderate House Democrats. Former President Barack Obama joined in, calling it a snappy slogan that cost votes.
“I just raise it with you to think about how much do we push between now and January 5 — we need those two seats — about police reform. But I guarantee you, there will be a full-blown commission. I guarantee you it’s a major, major, major element,” Biden said.

If the crime situation in the Democrat-run cities is anything to go by, Democrats shouldn't be touching any policing policies. Policing is a local and state issue not a federal issue.
Let's see how he handles things when another minority gets executed and things start to burn down again.

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