Insanity an instagram model sold her own bathwater for 30$ a jar it sold out in 3 days

A little math... IF (and that's a BIG if) she is telling the truth and only selling water out of her bath.
Roughly that is 70 gallons, looks like those jars are about 4 oz. So... she made $67,200.
It is HIGHLY likely every single dolt who bought one of them don't make that much in a year.
I wonder how much her poo goes for?
I wonder how much the urine would go for considering how many people would use it to cheat on their drug testings. Of course what she brings to the pot luck herself (pun intended) would have to be as pure as the driven snow.

God bless you always!!!


Years back, in my wilder years my friend got in trouble with pot and had to be randomly drug tested. She loved her highs too much and wasn't going to pass so she got some pee from another friend of ours.

She should have asked questions because she got positive on not just pot, but opiates too and she didn't even fool with those.

Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it” ~ Publilius Syrus
Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it” ~ Publilius Syrus

I agree, though when you consider Pet Rocks and Chia Pets, it seems crazy.
Not terribly surprising. Look what we've done for the Kardashians.

It's just a reflection of what has become of our culture.

Trash culture has been around since the Romans, it just usually doesn't last as long as more durable culture.

For every Shakespeare back in the day there were a hundred bawdy purveyors of smut and stupidity that we will never hear of, because they have been lost to their era.
I wish I could find a way to monetize my daily ablutions. A fortune could be made selling my bread trimmings to silly people with more money than brains.
I wish I could find a way to monetize my daily ablutions. A fortune could be made selling my bread trimmings to silly people with more money than brains.

I thought I saw Jesus in my toast once, but it was just how my peanut butter was swirled.
I wish I could find a way to monetize my daily ablutions. A fortune could be made selling my bread trimmings to silly people with more money than brains.

I thought I saw Jesus in my toast once, but it was just how my peanut butter was swirled.

Isn't it usually Elvis in the Toast?

Don't ask me... I always miss out on the strange and amazing.

My toast is boring.

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