Ins refunds - thanks Mr President

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
? Thanks To Obamacare, You Might Be Getting An Insurance Refund

In a story that’s bound to send Republicans straight into the spin cycle, it was announced on Thursday that insurance companies will be refunding Americans $332 million because they’ve been overcharging them for healthcare.

A generally ignored by Fox News part of the Affordable Care Act (aka, Obamacare) mandates that insurance companies spend at least $.80 of every dollar on *gulp* healthcare. The other $.20 can go toward administrative costs and all the other perks that CEOs of giant insurance companies enjoy. The law is even stricter when the policy is sold to a large employer, with a full 85 percent needing to go to healthcare. In other words, anti-Obamacare people, your insurance company is not charging you more because of Obamacare.

The refunds, which will be mailed to about 6.8 million customers, are set to go out by August 1st. Some will have the option of taking a credit toward future premiums instead.

As I've posted before, we got two refunds last year.

Its about frikken time the insurance consumer got what we pay for.

Thank you, Mr President.
Costs have been going on the right trajectory. In 2011, the year the law took effect, insurance companies owed their customers $1.1 billion. Last year, that number was cut by more than half, at $500 million. Overhead costs have gone down too – to just 11.5 percent.

If cutting overhead to 15-20 percent seems like an unrealistic goal in the free market, perhaps they could learn a lesson or two from Medicare, which conservatively, has an overhead of just 6 percent.

Medicare is Single Payer and has an overhead of 6% which means that 94 cents out of every tax dollar goes towards providing healthcare.

Compare that to the for profit HMO's prior to the ACA and the American people were lucky if they were getting 70 cents of healthcare for every dollar they were paying over.

The ACA is definitely an improvement when you consider that millions are now getting preventative care that will reduce long term costs too.
$6.66 a month! Thanks Mr. President!

My premiums will go up more than that next year and every year from now on.

Thanks Mr. President!
$6.66 a month! Thanks Mr. President!

My premiums will go up more than that next year and every year from now on.

Thanks Mr. President!

Your premiums were already skyrocketing BEFORE the ACA went into effect.

The HMO's were gouging both corporations and individuals mercilessly. The ACA has ensured that you will get value for your dollar and it forces the HMO's to become at least a third as efficient as Medicare.
Your premiums were already skyrocketing BEFORE the ACA went into effect.
So if I was getting raped before, I shouldn't complain that someone else is doing the raping? :confused:

Obama said my premiums wouldn't be more than a cell phone bill. Mine's $25 a month, virgin mobile.

Why do you Liberals put up with this Presidential Fraud?
Before ACA: No Death Panels
With ACA: Death Panels

Thanks Mr. President! Now my Health Care is just like going to the V.A.! Which until now, I was trying to stay away from.

Thanks Mr. President! Enjoy your day spent golfing!
Anyone who uses ridiculous terms like "death panels" and "rape" in connection with healthcare is not interested in a serious discussion in my opinion.
Anyone with middle school math skills and even a basic understanding of how this roll out has taken place knows that insurance premiums for ObamaCare are going to go up dramatically in the second year.
You can call the panels who will be rationing health care whatever you want to..."Death Panels" or"Sunshine Lollipop Panels" won't change the reality that healthcare WILL be rationed in this country. What you've witnessed happening at the VA? That's what's on tap for the rest of us. If you don't grasp that concept then you're rather naive.
Anyone with middle school math skills and even a basic understanding of how this roll out has taken place knows that insurance premiums for ObamaCare are going to go up dramatically in the second year.

And yet there is zero evidence of any math in your posts to back up your allegation.
Anyone who uses ridiculous terms like "death panels" and "rape" in connection with healthcare is not interested in a serious discussion in my opinion.
Getting "ripped off" is analogous with "getting raped".

"Oh man! I'm really gettingrapedhaving to pay these Health Care premiums!"

Oh look Bill Gates LOVES death panels! You can employ more Teachers that way! You Liberals always fall for the "do it for more education funds" lie even though it has never EVER helped in any way what so ever.

[ame=]Bill Gates: End-of-Life Care vs. Saving Teachers' Jobs - YouTube[/ame]

4 months old link?

According to the latest polling a majority now see the ACA as either a direct benefit to themselves or someone they know.

Scare tactics about ACA premiums might have the exact opposite effect that you expect them to have.

Come on, Derido! They back loaded the costs of ObamaCare. You can poll all you want NOW...those people haven't had to pay the fiddler yet. If you'll recall, Barack Obama sold the ACA to middle class Americans by telling them it would lower their health care costs by an average of $2,500 a year. What Sebelious did was break the bad news that won't be happening and in fact the cost to the middle class will be going up. That's the first shoe to drop...the next one will be how MUCH it's going to go up for some people! Get ready, Kiddies because this isn't going to be pretty...
"You know that mutha f*ckuh down the street? He say it a Bemifit yo!"

-Typical Retarded and Brainwashed American
? Thanks To Obamacare, You Might Be Getting An Insurance Refund

In a story that’s bound to send Republicans straight into the spin cycle, it was announced on Thursday that insurance companies will be refunding Americans $332 million because they’ve been overcharging them for healthcare.

A generally ignored by Fox News part of the Affordable Care Act (aka, Obamacare) mandates that insurance companies spend at least $.80 of every dollar on *gulp* healthcare. The other $.20 can go toward administrative costs and all the other perks that CEOs of giant insurance companies enjoy. The law is even stricter when the policy is sold to a large employer, with a full 85 percent needing to go to healthcare. In other words, anti-Obamacare people, your insurance company is not charging you more because of Obamacare.

The refunds, which will be mailed to about 6.8 million customers, are set to go out by August 1st. Some will have the option of taking a credit toward future premiums instead.

As I've posted before, we got two refunds last year.

Its about frikken time the insurance consumer got what we pay for.

Thank you, Mr President.

If only you could turn total control of your life over to Obama, you'd be the happiest little Progressive on the planet
Anyone with middle school math skills and even a basic understanding of how this roll out has taken place knows that insurance premiums for ObamaCare are going to go up dramatically in the second year.

And yet there is zero evidence of any math in your posts to back up your allegation.

Well, let's see...since the number of young people signing up was far below what they predicted...and the cost of health care provided is far higher than what was predicted (because of the number of people in poor health who signed up) it doesn't take a math genius to figure out that their cost predictions were "optimistic" at best.

In a nutshell...Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi gave us bullshit figures to get this passed. Now it's going to become rather clear how badly they misled us.

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