“Infrastructure Bill”, p.508: National Per-Mile Motor Vehicle User Fee

Fine, all you have to do is find one federal tax that was ever removed by these tyrants....

You will get nowhere with this. He is hellbent on sticking up for every Democratic hairbrained idea.
Right, I am sure Democrats say among themselves, "Hey, we should tax milage because of the electric cars." and then only have a pilot program and never the tax...ok right....
Well, when they actually do propose a tax, then we can argue about whether or not it replaces the gas tax.

Until then, y’all are just making shit up.
You made up the notion that it’s not a replacement for the gas tax.

Then you attack others for not believing your made up belief.

Its hard to think any voluntary pilot program is detrimental but okay. Given how electric cars are only increasing in number, it makes sense to go away from a gas tax to a mileage tax. Don’t you agree?

Or do you think it’s a good thing that electric vehicle owners don’t pay anything for the highways through the gas tax?

Where does it say anything about it being a replacement for the gas tax? You are making that up. As it is written, this is an additional tax for those that volunteer to pay it.
You honestly don't think the government thinks like this? Man, you guys are hopelessly ignorant.

What is the point of this "pilot" program? Is it not to gauge interest(nobody is interested in a new tax unless they have a vested interest in its supposed purpose) or to determine the feasibility of such a proposal?
I’m not ignorant just because I don’t have the same paranoid delusions as you. You are getting upset over something that hasn’t been implemented or even proposed.

The point of a pilot program is to figure out the best way to do a mileage tax which is going to be more complicated than a gas tax.
Well, when they actually do propose a tax, then we can argue about whether or not it replaces the gas tax.

Until then, y’all are just making shit up.

Even if it did replace the gas tax, which it won't, it is a HORRIBLE idea.
Veggie Joe must think that everyone who drives a car makes more than $400,000 per year cuz he promised not to raise any taxes on anyone making less than that.
he point of a pilot program is to figure out the best way to do a mileage tax which is going to be more complicated than a gas tax.

Sure, that is the point and like I said, only a demented "greenie" would volunteer for such nonsense. I am completely opposed to a mileage tax. The only way for them to measure this would be through monitoring my mileage. Sorry, that is a no go.
Mileage tax would replace gas tax. As more and more electric cars go on the road, the fewer people are paying the gas tax that keeps those roads maintained.

This is common sense guys.
Where does it say the gas tax is going away? Provide a link colfax_m
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Fine. Let the people who drive gas consuming cars pay for all the roads and the people who drive electric cars pay nothing.

That’ll show the libs.
One time $50,000 road tax when you purchase an electric vehicle.

Problem solved.
Because it makes no sense to keep both.

Your prejudice isn’t reality.
Since when does the Fed govt have to make sense, Clown?

Show us where the gas tax goes away. Give us a link, or admit you are a lying sack of shit.
Where does it say anything about it being a replacement for the gas tax? You are making that up. As it is written, this is an additional tax for those that volunteer to pay it.
It’s a pilot program. It doesn’t say anything about a lot of things because it’s intended to study the idea.

Answer one question. Does this pilot program affect you whatsoever?
Well, when they actually do propose a tax, then we can argue about whether or not it replaces the gas tax.

Until then, y’all are just making shit up.
By then it is too late...But, that is what they are banking on...

Now is the time to make voices heard....Why are you against that?
Even if it did replace the gas tax, which it won't, it is a HORRIBLE idea.
Maybe. But I think electric vehicles are a problem for funding highways and someone needs to work on problems rather than ignore them.
You made up the notion that it’s not a replacement for the gas tax.

Then you attack others for not believing your made up belief.

Its hard to think any voluntary pilot program is detrimental but okay. Given how electric cars are only increasing in number, it makes sense to go away from a gas tax to a mileage tax. Don’t you agree?

Or do you think it’s a good thing that electric vehicle owners don’t pay anything for the highways through the gas tax?
You made up the notion that it’s not a replacement for the gas tax.

No, you made up the lie it IS a replacement for the gas tax. Show us where it says that.
Well, when they actually do propose a tax, then we can argue about whether or not it replaces the gas tax.

Until then, y’all are just making shit up.
You are the one making shit up, Dumbass. You claimed it was a replacement of the gas tax.
Well, since you haven't provided one tax ever dropped by these so called reps, then I assume you already know the answer to that question.
So you want to voice opposition to something that hasn’t been proposed?

Jesus, you guys need hobbies.

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