Indoctrination on Campus

‘Academic Justice’: Inside the Abyss of the Academy

February 27, 2014 by Jack Kerwick


Sandra Korn is a Harvard University undergraduate student and a writer for The Harvard Crimson. In a recent edition of the school’s paper, she argues for abandoning the traditional value of “academic freedom” in favor of what she calls, “academic justice.”

Korn may still be but a student, but both the lines along which she thinks as well as the ease with which she articulates her thoughts reveals to all with eyes to see the character of the academic environment in which she’s been reared: those whom she wishes to deprive of academic freedom are just those academics who refuse to endorse the leftist ideology of Korn and her professors.

Korn singles out as instances of teacher-scholars who should have been stripped of their academic freedom just and only those figures who are noted for their penchant for smashing the sacred cows of the left.

Richard J. Herrnstein is one such example. Herrnstein is probably most distinguished for having co-authored, along with Charles Murray, the now famous, The Bell Curve. However, the thesis that IQ differences vary with race and that, to at least some extent, these differences are genetic, is one that he defended two decades earlier, back in 1971. Because of this position of his, militant student activists disrupted Herrnstein’s classes and demanded that, along with sociologist Christopher Jencks (another thought criminal), he be fired.

Quoting Herrnstein, Korn relays that while claiming to have not been “bothered…personally” by the attacks against him, Herrnstein admitted that he was deeply troubled by the fact it was now “hazardous for a professor to teach certain kinds of views” at Harvard. Korn replies that this was precisely the point of “the SDS [Students for a Democratic Society] activists—they wanted to make the ‘certain kinds of views’ they deemed racist and classist unwelcome on Harvard’s campus.”


The academic world inhabited by the Korns of our world is a radically different kind of place. Views with which one disagrees are not to be refuted, but condemned, and their proponents demonized. The university exists not for the sake of acquiring and conveying truth and knowledge, but for the sake of “social justice”—i.e. a totalizing leftist ideology that is to be imposed, “by whichever means necessary,” upon both students and faculty alike.

?Academic Justice?: Inside the Abyss of the Academy | FrontPage Magazine
USC Student Leaders Demand Action Plan to End Discrimination on Campus
They'll need $100 million and some "inclusion programming."
Trey Sanchez

On Tuesday, Undergraduate Student Government leaders at the University of Southern California aired a laundry list of demands in a bill that aims to banish any remnants of bias and discrimination on campus in relation to ethnicity, gender, and sexuality.

The submitted proposal demands that USC hire, with undergraduate and graduate student approval, a Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion who would then hire a Vice Dean of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in order to have an effective entity to oversee "multicultural and minority affairs" and ensure that "inclusion programming" be supported and coordinated.

Programming would include mandatory diversity training each year, in person, for all students and staff. The student government leaders want the re-implementation of the Diversity Requirement for all incoming students so that they will have to complete Critical Race Theory and Queer Theory courses within their first two semesters.

The resolution calls for increased transparency at USC by asking administrators to include informative links about bias and inclusion on all pages of the university's website. In addition, USC is to "provide an easily understood flowcharts or infographics of the process for reporting incidences of bias" so the newly-created Office of Diversity and Equity would have all information needed to pinpoint exact locations and the specific type of said incidences of bias.

The bill demands allotment of real estate to allow "multi-cultural specific spaces" for use by students to promote their individual identities. Once a year, a survey will be conducted by an independent source to check the university's progress in diversity.

And bringing out the big guns, student leaders are insisting that USC establish a $100 million fund distributed through scholarships, fellowships, and mentorships for grads, undergrads, and staff from "underrepresented backgrounds." And they want that by 2025.

This is an unprecedented list of demands for a college or university and though it has plenty of support around campus, not every student stands behind the measure.

TruthRevolt spoke with USC Republicans President Jacob Ellenhorn via e-mail who is hoping to drum up resistance to this progressive madness.

"This is a bill that the student body president introduced to the senate last night. It is out of control!" Ellenhorn said.


USC Student Leaders Demand Action Plan to End Discrimination on Campus
All 18 year olds should be shipped off to a city where they have to support themselves without help from their parents or from a centralized government.
After one year of living like this, most of these now 19 years will be neitherspoiled brat Conservatives nor ADD Liberals.
They will just have to take the first 17 years of input from their parents and translate it into life skills to survive the year.
American Universities Begin to Implode
Why the worst may be yet to come.
November 24, 2015
Dennis Prager


For over half a century, American universities, with few exceptions, have ceased teaching and begun indoctrinating. In the last few weeks, this downhill spiral has accelerated. The university is now a caricature of an educational institution. It is difficult to come up with an idea or policy that is more absurd than the ideas and policies that now dominate American campuses.

The University of California, once an elite public institution, now circulates a list of "microaggressions" that students and faculty must be careful to avoid lest they engage in racism and bigotry.

Some examples:

"There is only one race, the human race."

You read that right. The denial of the significance of race in favor of the primacy of the individual and the affirmation of the equality of all human beings — one of the noblest achievements of liberal Western society — is now officially listed by the University of California as a racist statement. It is a pure expression of moral inversion.

"America is a melting pot."

The University of California considers this, too, a racist statement. Throughout American history the melting pot idea has been an expression of America's unique ability to transform people of every race, ethnicity, and nationality into Americans. It is now deemed racist.

"I don't believe in race."

Again, this statement — which is the opposite of racism — is deemed racist. In terms of the inherent importance of race, the American university is now closer to Fascism than to traditional liberalism.

"America is the land of opportunity."

According to the University of California, this is a "myth" that is also racist. It implies that some of those who fail do so not because they haven't had opportunities to succeed but because of their failure to take advantage of those opportunities.

Meanwhile university after university allows students to take over administration buildings and even president's offices. University presidents and other moral weaklings who administer colleges — aka leftists — never demand that these students leave the buildings they have illegally occupied. Rather they give in to just about all of their "demands."


So, the universities are imploding by their own doing. They produce aggrieved and angry young Americans whose primary identity is that of victim.

And there may be worse to come. There is little that produces violence as surely as does a victim mentality.

At this time, if you donate money to an American university, you are doing much worse than wasting your money. You are subsidizing the most anti-liberal, anti-American institution in America.

American Universities Begin to Implode
American Universities Begin to Implode
Why the worst may be yet to come.
November 24, 2015
Dennis Prager


For over half a century, American universities, with few exceptions, have ceased teaching and begun indoctrinating. In the last few weeks, this downhill spiral has accelerated. The university is now a caricature of an educational institution. It is difficult to come up with an idea or policy that is more absurd than the ideas and policies that now dominate American campuses.

The University of California, once an elite public institution, now circulates a list of "microaggressions" that students and faculty must be careful to avoid lest they engage in racism and bigotry.

Some examples:

"There is only one race, the human race."

You read that right. The denial of the significance of race in favor of the primacy of the individual and the affirmation of the equality of all human beings — one of the noblest achievements of liberal Western society — is now officially listed by the University of California as a racist statement. It is a pure expression of moral inversion.

"America is a melting pot."

The University of California considers this, too, a racist statement. Throughout American history the melting pot idea has been an expression of America's unique ability to transform people of every race, ethnicity, and nationality into Americans. It is now deemed racist.

"I don't believe in race."

Again, this statement — which is the opposite of racism — is deemed racist. In terms of the inherent importance of race, the American university is now closer to Fascism than to traditional liberalism.

"America is the land of opportunity."

According to the University of California, this is a "myth" that is also racist. It implies that some of those who fail do so not because they haven't had opportunities to succeed but because of their failure to take advantage of those opportunities.

Meanwhile university after university allows students to take over administration buildings and even president's offices. University presidents and other moral weaklings who administer colleges — aka leftists — never demand that these students leave the buildings they have illegally occupied. Rather they give in to just about all of their "demands."


So, the universities are imploding by their own doing. They produce aggrieved and angry young Americans whose primary identity is that of victim.

And there may be worse to come. There is little that produces violence as surely as does a victim mentality.

At this time, if you donate money to an American university, you are doing much worse than wasting your money. You are subsidizing the most anti-liberal, anti-American institution in America.

American Universities Begin to Implode

Each one of those absurdities should be its own thread so that we can see if anyone here is insane enough to support the excuse for 'thinking' that seems to be taking place at the university referenced above.
American Universities Begin to Implode
Why the worst may be yet to come.
November 24, 2015
Dennis Prager


For over half a century, American universities, with few exceptions, have ceased teaching and begun indoctrinating. In the last few weeks, this downhill spiral has accelerated. The university is now a caricature of an educational institution. It is difficult to come up with an idea or policy that is more absurd than the ideas and policies that now dominate American campuses.

The University of California, once an elite public institution, now circulates a list of "microaggressions" that students and faculty must be careful to avoid lest they engage in racism and bigotry.

Some examples:

"There is only one race, the human race."

You read that right. The denial of the significance of race in favor of the primacy of the individual and the affirmation of the equality of all human beings — one of the noblest achievements of liberal Western society — is now officially listed by the University of California as a racist statement. It is a pure expression of moral inversion.

"America is a melting pot."

The University of California considers this, too, a racist statement. Throughout American history the melting pot idea has been an expression of America's unique ability to transform people of every race, ethnicity, and nationality into Americans. It is now deemed racist.

"I don't believe in race."

Again, this statement — which is the opposite of racism — is deemed racist. In terms of the inherent importance of race, the American university is now closer to Fascism than to traditional liberalism.

"America is the land of opportunity."

According to the University of California, this is a "myth" that is also racist. It implies that some of those who fail do so not because they haven't had opportunities to succeed but because of their failure to take advantage of those opportunities.

Meanwhile university after university allows students to take over administration buildings and even president's offices. University presidents and other moral weaklings who administer colleges — aka leftists — never demand that these students leave the buildings they have illegally occupied. Rather they give in to just about all of their "demands."


So, the universities are imploding by their own doing. They produce aggrieved and angry young Americans whose primary identity is that of victim.

And there may be worse to come. There is little that produces violence as surely as does a victim mentality.

At this time, if you donate money to an American university, you are doing much worse than wasting your money. You are subsidizing the most anti-liberal, anti-American institution in America.

American Universities Begin to Implode

I'm glad I stumbled onto this thread and glad you reactivated it. I was about to start a thread on the subject(would have been my first). I recently posted the following in a pc thread but realized it belonged here.

This is a full documentary and is lengthy (1:28) and is 3yrs old but was a serious eye opener for me. I figured I'd get it out. Probably not something conducive to forum discussions because of the length but too important to not post(imho). I made 2 of my sisters watch it with their college bound kids.

One other note, ther's an org mentioned in the piece I will personally be looking into.
Foundation For Individual Rights In Education
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