Indiana makes it legal to shoot cops who illegally enter your home


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Hard to believe we need laws to justify something that should be a natural right. Anyone breaks into your home - you have the right to shoot.

Refreshing News: Indiana passes law that will allow citizens to shoot police officers who illegally enter their homes

June 12, 2012

Indiana passes law that will allow citizens to shoot police officers who illegally enter their homes
Police officers in Indiana are upset over a new law allowing residents to use deadly force against public servants, including law enforcement officers, who unlawfully enter their homes. It was signed by Republican Governor Mitch Daniels in March.

The first of its kind in the United States, the law was adopted after the state Supreme Court went too far in one of its rulings last year, according to supporters. The case in question involved a man who assaulted an officer during a domestic violence call. The court ruled that there was “no right to reasonably resist unlawful entry by police officers.”

The National Rifle Association lobbied for the new law, arguing that the court decision had legalized police to commit unjustified entries.
Wow. This is awful. All the OWS morons who think EVERYTHING a cop does is illegal will think shooting any cop when they come to their home is ok. They'll think every drug search warrant is "illegal" and think they can shoot the cops.

If I were an Indiana cop, my response time would be VERY extended, if I showed up at all. Fuck it, let the people fend for themselves.
Wow. This is awful. All the OWS morons who think EVERYTHING a cop does is illegal will think shooting any cop when they come to their home is ok. They'll think every drug search warrant is "illegal" and think they can shoot the cops.

If I were an Indiana cop, my response time would be VERY extended, if I showed up at all. Fuck it, let the people fend for themselves.

We'll they'll figure it out pretty quickly when they're jailed on Murder One facing the death penalty.

This sounds pretty good to me.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated,
I work law enforcement and even I support this. Police should not be entering your home without a warrant to begin with unless they have to intervene with a crime in progress.

Most LEOs (vast majority) are decent hard working guys trying to do the right thing and dealing with sleazeballs. There are a few jerk offs who think the badge is a license to do whatever they want. This law is aimed at them.
I work law enforcement and even I support this. Police should not be entering your home without a warrant to begin with unless they have to intervene with a crime in progress.

Most LEOs (vast majority) are decent hard working guys trying to do the right thing and dealing with sleazeballs. There are a few jerk offs who think the badge is a license to do whatever they want. This law is aimed at them.

I'm just wondering how this is going to work out when it comes to Game wardens, because a game warden CAN enter your house without a warrant to do his job in most states, I am not sure how Indianas is set up, but I am sure they have that right there as well. I wonder if they put a stipulation in there protecting them.
I work law enforcement and even I support this. Police should not be entering your home without a warrant to begin with unless they have to intervene with a crime in progress.

You work LE? So did I, and I'm 100% against this. YOU of all folks should know the deal. It doesn't matter if we are there legally. This is important because it matters if the people THINK we are there legally or not. How many times are we there lawfully, and they think we aren't? And I dont have to tell you what % of people we deal with aren't mentally stable.

Cops are gonna get killed over this law, and it is wrong. If a crime is in progress, what are the odds the suspect or mentally disturbed person inside is gonna think we are there illegally? Who cares if they get tried and found guilty later, a cop may still be dead.
I work law enforcement and even I support this. Police should not be entering your home without a warrant to begin with unless they have to intervene with a crime in progress.

Most LEOs (vast majority) are decent hard working guys trying to do the right thing and dealing with sleazeballs. There are a few jerk offs who think the badge is a license to do whatever they want. This law is aimed at them.

I'm just wondering how this is going to work out when it comes to Game wardens, because a game warden CAN enter your house without a warrant to do his job in most states, I am not sure how Indianas is set up, but I am sure they have that right there as well. I wonder if they put a stipulation in there protecting them.

A game warden may lawfully enter the house without a warrant. Same as if an LEO were called to investigate. So it wouldn't apply to them.
I work law enforcement and even I support this. Police should not be entering your home without a warrant to begin with unless they have to intervene with a crime in progress.

You work LE? So did I, and I'm 100% against this. YOU of all folks should know the deal. It doesn't matter if we are there legally. This is important because it matters if the people THINK we are there legally or not. How many times are we there lawfully, and they think we aren't? And I dont have to tell you what % of people we deal with aren't mentally stable.

Cops are gonna get killed over this law, and it is wrong. If a crime is in progress, what are the odds the suspect or mentally disturbed person inside is gonna think we are there illegally? Who cares if they get tried and found guilty later, a cop may still be dead.

If they're mentally disturbed they would shoot the LE regardless of the law.
I am 100% in favor of it. Cops don't have special rights in our society.
All right. Let's think this through.

The cops get a warrant to enter a house. Due to some kind of screwup along the line, they enter the wrong house.

If you are innocent and hear the cops illegally breaking into your house, are you going to say to yourself, "Oh, I can start shooting these guys legally!"?

Sure. Go right ahead. How likely is your survival if you start blasting away at a boatload of cops?

From the cops' perspective, a bad guy opened up on them and they responded with about 438 rounds. You're dead. Your wife is dead. Your baby is dead. Your dog is dead. The fleas in your bed are dead.

I'd say this law has made it inevitable that a lot more innocent people are going to get killed.
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I work law enforcement and even I support this. Police should not be entering your home without a warrant to begin with unless they have to intervene with a crime in progress.

Most LEOs (vast majority) are decent hard working guys trying to do the right thing and dealing with sleazeballs. There are a few jerk offs who think the badge is a license to do whatever they want. This law is aimed at them.

But what matters is the general public usually cant tell the difference bt the good ones and the jerk offs. The uniform is the same.

How many cops will get hurt b/c they THINK the cop is there illegally, but he isn't? Especially the mentally ill citizens. Cops get sent to "welfare checks" on suicidal people. They enter the home, without a warrant, without a crime. If the suicidal, mentally ill person thinks the cop is there illegally, he may choose to shoot the cop because he thinks NOW he can. The guy will be charged with murder. The cop will be dead.

This law is dangerous. If I were an Indiana cop, I'd leave that fucking state asap.
I work law enforcement and even I support this. Police should not be entering your home without a warrant to begin with unless they have to intervene with a crime in progress.

You work LE? So did I, and I'm 100% against this. YOU of all folks should know the deal. It doesn't matter if we are there legally. This is important because it matters if the people THINK we are there legally or not. How many times are we there lawfully, and they think we aren't? And I dont have to tell you what % of people we deal with aren't mentally stable.

Cops are gonna get killed over this law, and it is wrong. If a crime is in progress, what are the odds the suspect or mentally disturbed person inside is gonna think we are there illegally? Who cares if they get tried and found guilty later, a cop may still be dead.

If they're mentally disturbed they would shoot the LE regardless of the law.
I am 100% in favor of it. Cops don't have special rights in our society.

Not true. They may anyway....or may not. But NOW, in the minds of some of our more screwed up citizens, they THINK they have a law that backs them to shoot a cop when THEY think they are in the home unlawfully.

Not everyone is as rational, intelligent, or able to think things through as you, me or anyone else here.

This law is only gonna create more dead cops and dead citizens.
All right. Let's think this through.

The cops get a warrant to enter a house. Due to some kind of screwup along the line, they enter the wrong house.

If you are innocent and hear the cops illegally breaking into your house, are you going to say to yourself, "Oh, I can start shooting these guys legally!"?

Sure. Go right ahead. How likely is your survival if you start blasting away at a boatload of cops?

From the cops' perspective, a bad guy opened up on them and they responded with about 438 rounds. You're dead. Your wife is dead. Your baby is dead. Your dog is dead. The fleas in your bed are dead.

I'd say this law has made it inevitable that a lot more innocent people are going to get killed.

Under that scenario I would not know they were cops. There were simply people breaking into my house. And yes, they will get the full treatment with bullets flying.
They could announce they were cops. Of course so could a gang.
You work LE? So did I, and I'm 100% against this. YOU of all folks should know the deal. It doesn't matter if we are there legally. This is important because it matters if the people THINK we are there legally or not. How many times are we there lawfully, and they think we aren't? And I dont have to tell you what % of people we deal with aren't mentally stable.

Cops are gonna get killed over this law, and it is wrong. If a crime is in progress, what are the odds the suspect or mentally disturbed person inside is gonna think we are there illegally? Who cares if they get tried and found guilty later, a cop may still be dead.

If they're mentally disturbed they would shoot the LE regardless of the law.
I am 100% in favor of it. Cops don't have special rights in our society.

Not true. They may anyway....or may not. But NOW, in the minds of some of our more screwed up citizens, they THINK they have a law that backs them to shoot a cop when THEY think they are in the home unlawfully.

Not everyone is as rational, intelligent, or able to think things through as you, me or anyone else here.

This law is only gonna create more dead cops and dead citizens.

I dont think so. People who are going to shoot at cops, will tend to do so anyway.
The case that caused this is horrible. The citizen was frankly denied his rights, and denied redress. That is injustice.
All right. Let's think this through.

The cops get a warrant to enter a house. Due to some kind of screwup along the line, they enter the wrong house.

If you are innocent and hear the cops illegally breaking into your house, are you going to say to yourself, "Oh, I can start shooting these guys legally!"?

Sure. Go right ahead. How likely is your survival if you start blasting away at a boatload of cops?

From the cops' perspective, a bad guy opened up on them and they responded with about 438 rounds. You're dead. Your wife is dead. Your baby is dead. Your dog is dead. The fleas in your bed are dead.

I'd say this law has made it inevitable that a lot more innocent people are going to get killed.
And a lot of cops are going to be afraid to enforce the law. Why should they trust that a mistake wasn't made along the way with the warrant? Why should they trust that the perp is rational.

A very bad law, imo.
All right. Let's think this through.

The cops get a warrant to enter a house. Due to some kind of screwup along the line, they enter the wrong house.

If you are innocent and hear the cops illegally breaking into your house, are you going to say to yourself, "Oh, I can start shooting these guys legally!"?

Sure. Go right ahead. How likely is your survival if you start blasting away at a boatload of cops?

From the cops' perspective, a bad guy opened up on them and they responded with about 438 rounds. You're dead. Your wife is dead. Your baby is dead. Your dog is dead. The fleas in your bed are dead.

I'd say this law has made it inevitable that a lot more innocent people are going to get killed.
And a lot of cops are going to be afraid to enforce the law. Why should they trust that a mistake wasn't made along the way with the warrant? Why should they trust that the perp is rational.

A very bad law, imo.

If they think a mistake was made with the warrant they shouldn't execute it. Duh.
All right. Let's think this through.

The cops get a warrant to enter a house. Due to some kind of screwup along the line, they enter the wrong house.

If you are innocent and hear the cops illegally breaking into your house, are you going to say to yourself, "Oh, I can start shooting these guys legally!"?

Sure. Go right ahead. How likely is your survival if you start blasting away at a boatload of cops?

From the cops' perspective, a bad guy opened up on them and they responded with about 438 rounds. You're dead. Your wife is dead. Your baby is dead. Your dog is dead. The fleas in your bed are dead.

I'd say this law has made it inevitable that a lot more innocent people are going to get killed.

100% right.

The danger here is it allows the resident to interpret what they think is legal and illegal IN THE MOMENT and, in their minds now, they think they can shoot the cops legally. Just saying....90% of the general public doesn't know the law very well, especially the 4th amendment dealing with searches and warrants.

For example, flushing drugs is considered destruction of evidence, and the 4th amendment allows cops to enter a home, without a warrant, to prevent destruction of evidence. But some OWS moron who sees the cops at his door, and starts flushing when they enter, MAY think they are entering unlawfully. When in fact, a cop is watching from a window as they try to flush it, and radio that to the front, and they enter. In this example, you'd have a resident who thinks they can legally shoot the cops because (in their mind) they are entering "without a warrant", when in fact, it is a legal entry to preserve evidence. But.....bullets will still fly.

Stupid, dangerous law.
And about half of cops dont know the law very well either. It will sure make them think twice about executing a no knock warrant in the dark based on testimony of a very dodgy informant.
All right. Let's think this through.

The cops get a warrant to enter a house. Due to some kind of screwup along the line, they enter the wrong house.

If you are innocent and hear the cops illegally breaking into your house, are you going to say to yourself, "Oh, I can start shooting these guys legally!"?

Sure. Go right ahead. How likely is your survival if you start blasting away at a boatload of cops?

From the cops' perspective, a bad guy opened up on them and they responded with about 438 rounds. You're dead. Your wife is dead. Your baby is dead. Your dog is dead. The fleas in your bed are dead.

I'd say this law has made it inevitable that a lot more innocent people are going to get killed.
And a lot of cops are going to be afraid to enforce the law. Why should they trust that a mistake wasn't made along the way with the warrant? Why should they trust that the perp is rational.

A very bad law, imo.

If they think a mistake was made with the warrant they shouldn't execute it. Duh.

They dont know a mistake is made until AFTER it's been served. Duh. Those are thankfully quite uncommon, but do happen. For example, especially on drug warrants. A snitch says "Joe Blow" lives at the white house on Main Street, 5th one on the right. And drives the cops there and points to it. Unfortunately, Joe Blow was drunk and high when he was at the house party, and the correct house is actually the white house, on Main, 5th one on the RIGHT.

Warrant was issued. Cops have all reason to believe it is right. Wrong house. They find out once inside, and it's a soccer mom and 55 year old husband. Damn. Nobody is hurt thank goodness. PD should pay for the families busted door and kiss some major ass to apologize, then take away Joe Blow's plea deal.

But you still dont want bullets flying. We aren't Mexico. If the cops show up, there is a 99.999999% chance they are there in good faith, and if you cooperate, and they are wrong, you'll come out fine, especially if it is just the wrong house. If you are committing a crime, but they didn't do the warrant right, you'll likely get off at court. Bullets are never the answer.

Until now, obviously, since these politicians decided to give residents the right to make that choice.

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