Indiana GOP Files Ethics Complaint Against Joe Donnelly


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Is the GOP finally getting a spine? Are they actually acting as if they want to win elections? What’s going on here?

Kyle Hupfer, the Indiana Republican Party Chairman, said in a statement Monday, “Democrat Senator Joe Donnelly, in an ethically challenged act of desperation, directed his official taxpayer-funded staff to film his meeting with Judge Brett Kavanaugh and then to post video, with no audio, on their official YouTube page so his campaign and outside entities could use the footage.”

Not only has he played political games by dragging his feet and taking an entire month to meet with Judge Kavanaugh but now Joe Donnelly is playing political games with the meeting itself by using official resources for campaign purposes – a clear ethical breach,” Hupfer added.

More @ Indiana GOP Files Ethics Complaint Against Joe Donnelly for Allegedly Misusing Taxpayer Resources | Breitbart
The audio would be edited and dubbed to make Kavanaugh say anything the democrsts wanted him to say.

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