India, Nepal sign US$1 billion hydropower deal


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
This is a win - win deal for both.


KATHMANDU: Nepal and India signed a deal on Tuesday (Nov 25) to build a US$1-billion hydropower plant as Indian premier Narendra Modi began a visit to the impoverished Himalayan nation.

The deal allows India's state-owned company Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam to construct a 900-megawatt hydropower project on Nepal's Arun river, with electricity expected to be generated from 2021.

The two energy-hungry countries both suffer crippling electricity shortages and blackouts. Nepal will receive for free about 22 per cent of the power generated, while the remainder will be exported to India, according to the Nepal Investment Board.

A vast network of fast-flowing rivers through the Himalayas means Nepal has huge untapped hydropower resources. But disagreements over perceived threats to its sovereignty stalled earlier agreements to develop joint ventures with India.

Meanwhile, Beijing has intensified its engagement with India's northern neighbour, pumping billions of dollars into infrastructure projects ranging from roads to hydropower plants.

"When we trust each other, we can move forward very quickly," Modi said in Kathmandu. "Projects that have been in limbo for 25 years are moving forward. I feel very satisfied," he said on the sidelines of a summit of South Asian leaders and ministers under way in Kathmandu.

Modi has sought to deepen ties since coming to power in May, with the two countries signing a power trade agreement last month. India is investing billions of dollars to develop hydropower in Nepal, which currently produces just 750 megawatts - less than two per cent of its potential.

"This project is an important achievement for both Nepal and India. There is a lot of excitement here to finally sign the agreement," said Radhesh Pant, from the Nepal Investment Board.

The latest deal comes after Indian infrastructure giant GMR agreed in September to build Nepal's first 900-megawatt hydropower plant.

Modi, who arrived Tuesday afternoon in Kathmandu for the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) summit, also urged Nepal's leaders to work together and secure a deal to draft a new constitution. "The only way to draft a constitution is through consensus ... if you don't agree on a new constitution, Nepal will undergo much suffering," he said.

Nepal has endured prolonged political limbo since the end of a decade-long civil war in 2006, when Maoists signed a peace deal paving the way for constituent assembly polls two years later. But successive governments have failed to agree on a new constitution which would conclude the country's peace process.

India Nepal sign US 1 billion hydropower deal - Channel NewsAsia
Nepalese nationalists still ain't gonna like this one. Ever since the civil war ended they've been anal about Indian economic and political immersing into their affairs. For comparison's sake, it's kinda like what I've read about ultra-nationalist factions in Georgia and their attitude towards the Russians in the dwindling days of the cold war.

That said, solid move by Modi. The more we pull their government away from covetous Chinese eyes, the better.
Nepalese nationalists still ain't gonna like this one. Ever since the civil war ended they've been anal about Indian economic and political immersing into their affairs. For comparison's sake, it's kinda like what I've read about ultra-nationalist factions in Georgia and their attitude towards the Russians in the dwindling days of the cold war.

That said, solid move by Modi. The more we pull their government away from covetous Chinese eyes, the better.

If the so called nationalists are in the way of Nepali folks making some money from their hydro-electric resources then they are not much of nationalists in my opinion.

Nepal and India are part of the same family. There is nothing that should divide the two countries other than the political border.
Nepalese nationalists still ain't gonna like this one. Ever since the civil war ended they've been anal about Indian economic and political immersing into their affairs. For comparison's sake, it's kinda like what I've read about ultra-nationalist factions in Georgia and their attitude towards the Russians in the dwindling days of the cold war.

That said, solid move by Modi. The more we pull their government away from covetous Chinese eyes, the better.

If the so called nationalists are in the way of Nepali folks making some money from their hydro-electric resources then they are not much of nationalists in my opinion.

uhm.......Nepalese are generally Buddhists---RIGHT??? ----do hindus and Buddhists have a history of conflict? -----
rosie is too lazy to google.. Hindus I have known have a
very HIGH opinion of ---Buddha-----I mean the person----
uhm ..?? SIDDHARTHA????

Nepal and India are part of the same family. There is nothing that should divide the two countries other than the political border.
Nepalese nationalists still ain't gonna like this one. Ever since the civil war ended they've been anal about Indian economic and political immersing into their affairs. For comparison's sake, it's kinda like what I've read about ultra-nationalist factions in Georgia and their attitude towards the Russians in the dwindling days of the cold war.

That said, solid move by Modi. The more we pull their government away from covetous Chinese eyes, the better.

If the so called nationalists are in the way of Nepali folks making some money from their hydro-electric resources then they are not much of nationalists in my opinion.

uhm.......Nepalese are generally Buddhists---RIGHT??? ----do hindus and Buddhists have a history of conflict? -----
rosie is too lazy to google.. Hindus I have known have a
very HIGH opinion of ---Buddha-----I mean the person----
uhm ..?? SIDDHARTHA????

Nepal and India are part of the same family. There is nothing that should divide the two countries other than the political border.

Majority of the population of Nepal is Hindu. They also have sizable Buddhist population. Nepal used to be the only country where Hindu faith was an official faith till Nepal under pressure from the western countries dropped the state support for Hindu faith. Ironically, the western countries that were pressuring Nepal to drop its state support for Hindu faith were declared Christian nations where tax payers had to support official Christian churches. I have to say Nepal got duped by them.
Nepalese nationalists still ain't gonna like this one. Ever since the civil war ended they've been anal about Indian economic and political immersing into their affairs. For comparison's sake, it's kinda like what I've read about ultra-nationalist factions in Georgia and their attitude towards the Russians in the dwindling days of the cold war.

That said, solid move by Modi. The more we pull their government away from covetous Chinese eyes, the better.

If the so called nationalists are in the way of Nepali folks making some money from their hydro-electric resources then they are not much of nationalists in my opinion.

uhm.......Nepalese are generally Buddhists---RIGHT??? ----do hindus and Buddhists have a history of conflict? -----
rosie is too lazy to google.. Hindus I have known have a
very HIGH opinion of ---Buddha-----I mean the person----
uhm ..?? SIDDHARTHA????

Nepal and India are part of the same family. There is nothing that should divide the two countries other than the political border.

Majority of the population of Nepal is Hindu. They also have sizable Buddhist population. Nepal used to be the only country where Hindu faith was an official faith till Nepal under pressure from the western countries dropped the state support for Hindu faith. Ironically, the western countries that were pressuring Nepal to drop its state support for Hindu faith were declared Christian nations where tax payers had to support official Christian churches. I have to say Nepal got duped by them.

OH!!!! majority is HINDU? gee------I had a kinda wrong
impression. --------uhm-----I am very confused------well-----
nothing new------A Tibetan Buddhist persisted in conversing
with me about his meeting the DALAI LAMA----and one day
I asked him "how are things going back home in Nepal"
I have another idiot question------does Nepal also have a
problem with china? Don't worry-----some day India will be
recognized as a HINDU COUNTRY-------if Pakistan can be
muslim-----india can be hindu (even Mahatma Gandhi will----
Nepalese nationalists still ain't gonna like this one. Ever since the civil war ended they've been anal about Indian economic and political immersing into their affairs. For comparison's sake, it's kinda like what I've read about ultra-nationalist factions in Georgia and their attitude towards the Russians in the dwindling days of the cold war.

That said, solid move by Modi. The more we pull their government away from covetous Chinese eyes, the better.

If the so called nationalists are in the way of Nepali folks making some money from their hydro-electric resources then they are not much of nationalists in my opinion.

uhm.......Nepalese are generally Buddhists---RIGHT??? ----do hindus and Buddhists have a history of conflict? -----
rosie is too lazy to google.. Hindus I have known have a
very HIGH opinion of ---Buddha-----I mean the person----
uhm ..?? SIDDHARTHA????

Nepal and India are part of the same family. There is nothing that should divide the two countries other than the political border.

Majority of the population of Nepal is Hindu. They also have sizable Buddhist population. Nepal used to be the only country where Hindu faith was an official faith till Nepal under pressure from the western countries dropped the state support for Hindu faith. Ironically, the western countries that were pressuring Nepal to drop its state support for Hindu faith were declared Christian nations where tax payers had to support official Christian churches. I have to say Nepal got duped by them.

OH!!!! majority is HINDU? gee------I had a kinda wrong
impression. --------uhm-----I am very confused------well-----
nothing new------A Tibetan Buddhist persisted in conversing
with me about his meeting the DALAI LAMA----and one day
I asked him "how are things going back home in Nepal"
I have another idiot question------does Nepal also have a
problem with china? Don't worry-----some day India will be
recognized as a HINDU COUNTRY-------if Pakistan can be
muslim-----india can be hindu (even Mahatma Gandhi will----

I do not think Nepal at the moment has any problem with China because it is pretty much acting like a doormat to China. Nepal has been criticized by the U.N. for arresting Tibetan refugees that were trying to cross into India to flee Chinese oppression. These refugees were handed back to China by Nepal even though Nepal knew that China will certainly execute them.
[QUOTE="Vikrant, post:

OH!!!! majority is HINDU? gee------I had a kinda wrong
impression. --------uhm-----I am very confused------well-----
nothing new------A Tibetan Buddhist persisted in conversing
with me about his meeting the DALAI LAMA----and one day
I asked him "how are things going back home in Nepal"
I have another idiot question------does Nepal also have a
problem with china? Don't worry-----some day India will be
recognized as a HINDU COUNTRY-------if Pakistan can be
muslim-----india can be hindu (even Mahatma Gandhi will----

I do not think Nepal at the moment has any problem with China because it is pretty much acting like a doormat to China. Nepal has been criticized by the U.N. for arresting Tibetan refugees that were trying to cross into India to flee Chinese oppression. These refugees were handed back to China by Nepal even though Nepal knew that China will certainly execute them.[/QUOTE]

OY!!!!! no wonder I am confused------and no wonder the
TIBETAN person was so horrified that I confused Tibet with
Nepal--------how did the Nepal people become so CONTROLLED??????

I forgot to add this.

Hindus and Buddhists do not have any conflicts. They are very similar religions. I grew up a Hindu but adopted Buddhist faith during later phase in my life. Both of them are inclusive religions so I do not have any compatibility issues.
All it takes is a few rotten apples to stink up the orchard :)

In a nutshell, in 1996, the Communist Party of Nepal, also known as Maoists started a bid to replace the royal parliamentary system with a people's republic by violent means. As you guessed it by their nick name, Maoists were supported by China. The civil war lasted till the royals lost their administrative hold on Nepal in 2006. The civil war significantly weakened the national character of Nepal. China exploited this to create a lackey out of Nepal. But majority of Nepali are proud folks and with little bit of help from good countries in the region will be able to bounce back.

I forgot to add this.

Hindus and Buddhists do not have any conflicts. They are very similar religions. I grew up a Hindu but adopted Buddhist faith during later phase in my life. Both of them are inclusive religions so I do not have any compatibility issues.

sure you do-----if your blood type is B (-) -----do not
accept A (+) blood------not compatible

getting back to "inclusive"------that inclusive thing
should NOT "INCLUDE" arresting people fleeing china---
for the sake of being "POLITE" -----there are limits

I forgot to add this.

Hindus and Buddhists do not have any conflicts. They are very similar religions. I grew up a Hindu but adopted Buddhist faith during later phase in my life. Both of them are inclusive religions so I do not have any compatibility issues.

sure you do-----if your blood type is B (-) -----do not
accept A (+) blood------not compatible

getting back to "inclusive"------that inclusive thing
should NOT "INCLUDE" arresting people fleeing china---
for the sake of being "POLITE" -----there are limits

Good point. But just to clarify, the Nepalis who support those heinous acts are mostly Maoists. They are neither Hindus nor Buddhists.

I forgot to add this.

Hindus and Buddhists do not have any conflicts. They are very similar religions. I grew up a Hindu but adopted Buddhist faith during later phase in my life. Both of them are inclusive religions so I do not have any compatibility issues.

Bhai, are you sure you're fully aware of the history of Hindu-Buddhist relations?

There were a few Hindu kings were dedicated to destroying Buddhism in ancient India. Pusyamitra Sunga, Shashanka, and Mihirakula being some notable names who destroyed tens of thousands of stupas and massacred an equal number of monks and boddhisatvas, not to mention Rajendra Chola's invasion of Sri Lanka in which Buddhism was destroyed throughout the north to propagate Shaivism. Even today, the relations between Buddhists and Hindus in Sri Lanka is a problem, albeit an ethnic conflict.

Brahmins have always worked to undermine the sovereign identity of Buddhism. The whole "Buddha is an avatar of Vishnu" rhetoric is nonsense manufactured by the Brahmins to assimilate Buddhism into the Hindu fold. Adi Sankara was an intellectual, manipulative criminal and his faithful followers are the reason for Buddhism's gradual decline in India. According to the accounts of Chinese travelers in ancient India, Buddhism was the dominant religion in the land before the Hindu revivalist movements founded by Adi Sankara.
Nepalese nationalists still ain't gonna like this one. Ever since the civil war ended they've been anal about Indian economic and political immersing into their affairs. For comparison's sake, it's kinda like what I've read about ultra-nationalist factions in Georgia and their attitude towards the Russians in the dwindling days of the cold war.

That said, solid move by Modi. The more we pull their government away from covetous Chinese eyes, the better.

If the so called nationalists are in the way of Nepali folks making some money from their hydro-electric resources then they are not much of nationalists in my opinion.

uhm.......Nepalese are generally Buddhists---RIGHT??? ----do hindus and Buddhists have a history of conflict? -----
rosie is too lazy to google.. Hindus I have known have a
very HIGH opinion of ---Buddha-----I mean the person----
uhm ..?? SIDDHARTHA????

Nepal and India are part of the same family. There is nothing that should divide the two countries other than the political border.

Majority of the population of Nepal is Hindu. They also have sizable Buddhist population. Nepal used to be the only country where Hindu faith was an official faith till Nepal under pressure from the western countries dropped the state support for Hindu faith. Ironically, the western countries that were pressuring Nepal to drop its state support for Hindu faith were declared Christian nations where tax payers had to support official Christian churches. I have to say Nepal got duped by them.

Western influence was a non-factor. It was all due to the Maoists.

Western nations can't effectuate such changes anywhere.
Nepalese nationalists still ain't gonna like this one. Ever since the civil war ended they've been anal about Indian economic and political immersing into their affairs. For comparison's sake, it's kinda like what I've read about ultra-nationalist factions in Georgia and their attitude towards the Russians in the dwindling days of the cold war.

That said, solid move by Modi. The more we pull their government away from covetous Chinese eyes, the better.

If the so called nationalists are in the way of Nepali folks making some money from their hydro-electric resources then they are not much of nationalists in my opinion.

uhm.......Nepalese are generally Buddhists---RIGHT??? ----do hindus and Buddhists have a history of conflict? -----
rosie is too lazy to google.. Hindus I have known have a
very HIGH opinion of ---Buddha-----I mean the person----
uhm ..?? SIDDHARTHA????

Nepal and India are part of the same family. There is nothing that should divide the two countries other than the political border.

Majority of the population of Nepal is Hindu. They also have sizable Buddhist population. Nepal used to be the only country where Hindu faith was an official faith till Nepal under pressure from the western countries dropped the state support for Hindu faith. Ironically, the western countries that were pressuring Nepal to drop its state support for Hindu faith were declared Christian nations where tax payers had to support official Christian churches. I have to say Nepal got duped by them.

Western influence was a non-factor. It was all due to the Maoists.

Western nations can't effectuate such changes anywhere.

That is not correct. The main critics of Nepal's Hindu status were Christian monarchies from Europe.

I forgot to add this.

Hindus and Buddhists do not have any conflicts. They are very similar religions. I grew up a Hindu but adopted Buddhist faith during later phase in my life. Both of them are inclusive religions so I do not have any compatibility issues.

Bhai, are you sure you're fully aware of the history of Hindu-Buddhist relations?

There were a few Hindu kings were dedicated to destroying Buddhism in ancient India. Pusyamitra Sunga, Shashanka, and Mihirakula being some notable names who destroyed tens of thousands of stupas and massacred an equal number of monks and boddhisatvas, not to mention Rajendra Chola's invasion of Sri Lanka in which Buddhism was destroyed throughout the north to propagate Shaivism. Even today, the relations between Buddhists and Hindus in Sri Lanka is a problem, albeit an ethnic conflict.

Brahmins have always worked to undermine the sovereign identity of Buddhism. The whole "Buddha is an avatar of Vishnu" rhetoric is nonsense manufactured by the Brahmins to assimilate Buddhism into the Hindu fold. Adi Sankara was an intellectual, manipulative criminal and his faithful followers are the reason for Buddhism's gradual decline in India. According to the accounts of Chinese travelers in ancient India, Buddhism was the dominant religion in the land before the Hindu revivalist movements founded by Adi Sankara.

I do not live too much in past. Past is past. I personally do not see too much friction between Buddhists and Hindus. There is a lot of support for Buddhists among Hindus and vice versa. This is pretty evident when you travel through Himachal Pradesh where large number of Buddhist refugees from Tibet live.

As far as Sri Lanka is concerned, that conflict is mainly between hardliner Christian Tamils and Sinhala of all faiths.
Last edited:
Nepalese nationalists still ain't gonna like this one. Ever since the civil war ended they've been anal about Indian economic and political immersing into their affairs. For comparison's sake, it's kinda like what I've read about ultra-nationalist factions in Georgia and their attitude towards the Russians in the dwindling days of the cold war.

That said, solid move by Modi. The more we pull their government away from covetous Chinese eyes, the better.

If the so called nationalists are in the way of Nepali folks making some money from their hydro-electric resources then they are not much of nationalists in my opinion.

uhm.......Nepalese are generally Buddhists---RIGHT??? ----do hindus and Buddhists have a history of conflict? -----
rosie is too lazy to google.. Hindus I have known have a
very HIGH opinion of ---Buddha-----I mean the person----
uhm ..?? SIDDHARTHA????

Nepal and India are part of the same family. There is nothing that should divide the two countries other than the political border.

Majority of the population of Nepal is Hindu. They also have sizable Buddhist population. Nepal used to be the only country where Hindu faith was an official faith till Nepal under pressure from the western countries dropped the state support for Hindu faith. Ironically, the western countries that were pressuring Nepal to drop its state support for Hindu faith were declared Christian nations where tax payers had to support official Christian churches. I have to say Nepal got duped by them.

Western influence was a non-factor. It was all due to the Maoists.

Western nations can't effectuate such changes anywhere.

That is not correct. The main critics of Nepal's Hindu status were Christian monarchies from Europe.

Critics, yes. But the reform in the nation via the promotion of a secular constitution emerged only after the war ended, as a capitulation from the ruling regime.
If the so called nationalists are in the way of Nepali folks making some money from their hydro-electric resources then they are not much of nationalists in my opinion.

uhm.......Nepalese are generally Buddhists---RIGHT??? ----do hindus and Buddhists have a history of conflict? -----
rosie is too lazy to google.. Hindus I have known have a
very HIGH opinion of ---Buddha-----I mean the person----
uhm ..?? SIDDHARTHA????

Nepal and India are part of the same family. There is nothing that should divide the two countries other than the political border.

Majority of the population of Nepal is Hindu. They also have sizable Buddhist population. Nepal used to be the only country where Hindu faith was an official faith till Nepal under pressure from the western countries dropped the state support for Hindu faith. Ironically, the western countries that were pressuring Nepal to drop its state support for Hindu faith were declared Christian nations where tax payers had to support official Christian churches. I have to say Nepal got duped by them.

Western influence was a non-factor. It was all due to the Maoists.

Western nations can't effectuate such changes anywhere.

That is not correct. The main critics of Nepal's Hindu status were Christian monarchies from Europe.

Critics, yes. But the reform in the nation via the promotion of a secular constitution emerged only after the war ended, as a capitulation from the ruling regime.

The criticism was backed by routine admonition in the U.N., threats of sanctions and so on. There was a systematic attack on Nepal to drop Hindu faith as a state religion of Nepal. Maoists were an ally of these anti-Hindu/Buddhist forces but they were not the main culprits.

I forgot to add this.

Hindus and Buddhists do not have any conflicts. They are very similar religions. I grew up a Hindu but adopted Buddhist faith during later phase in my life. Both of them are inclusive religions so I do not have any compatibility issues.

Bhai, are you sure you're fully aware of the history of Hindu-Buddhist relations?

There were a few Hindu kings were dedicated to destroying Buddhism in ancient India. Pusyamitra Sunga, Shashanka, and Mihirakula being some notable names who destroyed tens of thousands of stupas and massacred an equal number of monks and boddhisatvas, not to mention Rajendra Chola's invasion of Sri Lanka in which Buddhism was destroyed throughout the north to propagate Shaivism. Even today, the relations between Buddhists and Hindus in Sri Lanka is a problem, albeit an ethnic conflict.

Brahmins have always worked to undermine the sovereign identity of Buddhism. The whole "Buddha is an avatar of Vishnu" rhetoric is nonsense manufactured by the Brahmins to assimilate Buddhism into the Hindu fold. Adi Sankara was an intellectual, manipulative criminal and his faithful followers are the reason for Buddhism's gradual decline in India. According to the accounts of Chinese travelers in ancient India, Buddhism was the dominant religion in the land before the Hindu revivalist movements founded by Adi Sankara.

I do not live too much in past. Past is past. I personally do not see too much friction between Buddhists and Hindus. There is a lot of support for Buddhists among Hindus and vice versa. This is pretty evident when you travel through Himachal Pradesh where large number of Buddhist refugees from Tibet live.

As far as Sri Lanka is concerned, that conflict is mainly between hardliner Christian Tamils and Singhlas of all faiths.

Most Tamils are Hindu though, and proportionately most LTTE members were as well.

You're right, there isn't much friction nowadays. Hell, the contemporary relations between Hindus and Buddhists are more favorable than Christians and Jews I'd say. But again, that is only because Hindus believe that Buddha was a reincarnation of Vishnu hence Buddhism can be reconciled within Hindu teachings.

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