India disenfranchising Muslims in Assam State


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

The article skirts around it but that’s the nitty-gritty of what’s going on.

India, the land of Mahatma Gandhi, the patron saint of pluralism, peace, and tolerance, is on the cusp of achieving a dubious distinction: At the end of this month, it is poised to launch the biggest disenfranchisement drive in human history by stripping up to 4 million predominantly Muslim residents in Assam, an eastern province bordering Bangladesh, of their citizenship. And as if this weren't bad enough, Prime Minister Narendra Modi plans to go national with this crackdown.

And here is where it gets very definitive:

The Modi government is trying to pass a bill that would hand automatic citizenship to all Hindu, Buddhist, Parsee, and Christian migrants from neighboring countries — everyone that is, except for Muslims. The Muslims, the only ones left if the bills go through, will have to appear before foreign tribunals for a final determination.

Now, here’s a personal thought:

China has basicaly isolated its Muslim population and several other countries have done the same. Myramar is a good example.

And the leftist media is doing its best to label these countries as evil and inhuman. IMHO all they are doing is protecting themselves from a political movement set to take over those countries with its own form of extremely restrictive governance.

More of this @ India comes down with a virulent strain of nativism

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