India-Canada health conference


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
I can personally vouch for Yoga and its benefits.


When Naseem Gulamhusein was diagnosed with an inflammatory digestive disease roughly 20 years ago, she was told that with no known cure, medication was the only option.

Exposed to yoga at an early age, she turned to the practice to get at the root of her illness, refusing to accept living with a lifetime of chronic pain.

“At 42, I’m healthier than I’ve ever felt in my entire life,” she told StarMetro. “I’ve managed my own disease through yoga, along with taking medicine.”

Gulamhusein was a presenter at the third Canada India Networking Initiative (CINI) conference in Surrey, co-hosted by Fraser Health and Simon Fraser University. The event, from Friday to Sunday, brought together local and international health experts to bridge gaps in care — for both Canada and India — through technology and innovation, such as using alternative health practices.

A growing field of research highlights the benefits of yoga — from helping cancer treatment to panic attacks. Medicine and yoga are complementary, she explained: Where the former looks at symptoms, the latter supports well-being.

Gulamhusein designed the yoga teacher training program at Langara College, one of the first academic programs in the country. She hopes to roll out an integrated yoga therapist program by next year.

But the two are not the same, she noted. Therapy requires a stricter accreditation process, and often one-on-one treatment is involved to deal with chronic health conditions.

Gulamhusein’s goal is to raise the standards for yoga as therapy, recognizing it’s a tradition from India with an approach to holistic health.

“For so long, I’ve seen yoga get lost in a sea of appropriation,” she said. “It’s become this universal understanding. We also need to recognize where yoga has come from and where it is going.”

The conference didn’t focus on yoga alone.

Researchers explore healing power of yoga at Canada-India health conference | The Star

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