Income equality bull shit.

Dear "danielpalos,"

The Rich do not need any tax breaks. But that is not the point.

Kindly remember that our Constitution prohibits taxes on incomes. The Founding Fathers recognized that government ought to be financed by the people utilizing its services: fees, excise taxes, and so on. To tax a man's income was to confiscate the product of his independent work, for no reason other than that the Government can throw you in jail if you don't pay. This is incredibly unfair.

But the Constitution was modified to allow taxation of incomes. Obviously, the "fair" way of taxing incomes would be to establish a percentage and have everyone pay that percentage of their income. In that way, the person making twice as much would pay twice as much in taxes - which is unfair - but it is tolerable.

But our tax code was born out of ENVY, nothing more. The Masses looked at those who were more successful than they were, and cried to their political representatives, "This is not FAIR. They have a lot more than we have!"

So the "progressive" tax principle was adopted, despite its fundamental unfairness. And now, a person making a million dollars a year pays INFINITELY more than the household making $30,000, because the less prosperous household pays either NOTHING in federal income taxes, or a NEGATIVE tax, in the form of the Earned Income Tax Credit.

This is fair? Why? That high income did not come out of luck or serendipity. That income usually comes from a lifetime of hard work, intelligent choices, and calculated risks.

So cutting the top marginal tax rate by a couple of percent is NOT a tax "break." It is partly rectifying a huge inequity ("unfairness") in the tax code. It is not a "break" when you are allowed to keep a little bit more of what you earn.
True, but this government not only taxes the successful Disproportionally, If strangles the individual with the collective.

... and an income tax is unconstitutional
No, it isn't. It is a power delegated by the People and ratified at the convention.
Dear "danielpalos,"

The Rich do not need any tax breaks. But that is not the point.

Kindly remember that our Constitution prohibits taxes on incomes.

No, it doesn't. This is why I don't take the right wing seriously about Constitutional law.
You do realize why your ancestors left inbred Europe... it was the tax of socialism
Dear "danielpalos,"

The Rich do not need any tax breaks. But that is not the point.

Kindly remember that our Constitution prohibits taxes on incomes.

No, it doesn't. This is why I don't take the right wing seriously about Constitutional law.
You do realize why your ancestors left inbred Europe... it was the tax of socialism
The Power to Tax, is in our Constitution, dear.
It's an election year and we will be hearing a lot if bull shit. No bigger pile of crap than "income equality" or lack thereof.

While we should have equality of opportunity (and we do), no one has a right to equality of outcome. The outcome of your opportunity is entirely up to you.

This whole issue is nothing but "spreading the wealth around" rehashed. Obama and the democrats didn't do anything about income equality in the first 5 years, in fact the gap has gotten worse, so they think that if they call it something else they can repackage it and sell it to the sheeple again and they will buy it. They have no real plan to do anything about it but campaign on it.

Equality of opportunity - free capitalist society
Equality of outcome - oppressive socialist society
Equal pay for equal work.

You forgot the work.

Republicans don't work. They want high paying jobs that require no skills.

That's the entire reason they elected Trump.

Don't you remember?
A few anecdotes?

Why do the rich need more tax breaks.
Why tax the successful more, it makes no sense.
Do you wake up every morning with envy on your mind? You seem the spineless fool. Lol
that is socialism, not capitalism; we simply need the finest government money can buy; why not tax the rich.
You seemed disoriented, you do realize there is no such thing as any sort of freedom and individuality in a socialist society?
Socialism is the very purpose of the drug war
Dear "danielpalos,"

The Rich do not need any tax breaks. But that is not the point.

Kindly remember that our Constitution prohibits taxes on incomes.

No, it doesn't. This is why I don't take the right wing seriously about Constitutional law.
You do realize why your ancestors left inbred Europe... it was the tax of socialism
Funny, cuz History gives other reasons.

Escaping from forced religion.

Being sent here after a conviction.

Nothing to do with socialism.
A few anecdotes?

Why do the rich need more tax breaks.
Why tax the successful more, it makes no sense.
Do you wake up every morning with envy on your mind? You seem the spineless fool. Lol
that is socialism, not capitalism; we simply need the finest government money can buy; why not tax the rich.
You seemed disoriented, you do realize there is no such thing as any sort of freedom and individuality in a socialist society?
Socialism is the very purpose of the drug war
Well there is no freedom and individuality under Trump and the GOP. Why do you think they are 90% white? And support voter suppression?
A few anecdotes?

Why do the rich need more tax breaks.
Why tax the successful more, it makes no sense.
Do you wake up every morning with envy on your mind? You seem the spineless fool. Lol
that is socialism, not capitalism; we simply need the finest government money can buy; why not tax the rich.
You seemed disoriented, you do realize there is no such thing as any sort of freedom and individuality in a socialist society?
Socialism is the very purpose of the drug war
thanks for admitting the right are just a bunch of socialists on a national basis, and don't know it.
some on the left are trying to be poets, and know it.
Dear "danielpalos,"

The Rich do not need any tax breaks. But that is not the point.

Kindly remember that our Constitution prohibits taxes on incomes. The Founding Fathers recognized that government ought to be financed by the people utilizing its services: fees, excise taxes, and so on. To tax a man's income was to confiscate the product of his independent work, for no reason other than that the Government can throw you in jail if you don't pay. This is incredibly unfair.

But the Constitution was modified to allow taxation of incomes. Obviously, the "fair" way of taxing incomes would be to establish a percentage and have everyone pay that percentage of their income. In that way, the person making twice as much would pay twice as much in taxes - which is unfair - but it is tolerable.

But our tax code was born out of ENVY, nothing more. The Masses looked at those who were more successful than they were, and cried to their political representatives, "This is not FAIR. They have a lot more than we have!"

So the "progressive" tax principle was adopted, despite its fundamental unfairness. And now, a person making a million dollars a year pays INFINITELY more than the household making $30,000, because the less prosperous household pays either NOTHING in federal income taxes, or a NEGATIVE tax, in the form of the Earned Income Tax Credit.

This is fair? Why? That high income did not come out of luck or serendipity. That income usually comes from a lifetime of hard work, intelligent choices, and calculated risks.

So cutting the top marginal tax rate by a couple of percent is NOT a tax "break." It is partly rectifying a huge inequity ("unfairness") in the tax code. It is not a "break" when you are allowed to keep a little bit more of what you earn.
True, but this government not only taxes the successful Disproportionally, If strangles the individual with the collective.

... and an income tax is unconstitutional
No, it isn't. It is a power delegated by the People and ratified at the convention.
A form of luxury tax would be much more effective, that way drug dealers, career politicians and Hollywood types pay taxes for once.
It's an election year and we will be hearing a lot if bull shit. No bigger pile of crap than "income equality" or lack thereof.

While we should have equality of opportunity (and we do), no one has a right to equality of outcome. The outcome of your opportunity is entirely up to you.

This whole issue is nothing but "spreading the wealth around" rehashed. Obama and the democrats didn't do anything about income equality in the first 5 years, in fact the gap has gotten worse, so they think that if they call it something else they can repackage it and sell it to the sheeple again and they will buy it. They have no real plan to do anything about it but campaign on it.

Equality of opportunity - free capitalist society
Equality of outcome - oppressive socialist society
Equal pay for equal work.

You forgot the work.

Republicans don't work. They want high paying jobs that require no skills.

That's the entire reason they elected Trump.

Don't you remember?
It seems the opposite is true, most people do not consider themselves part of a party except for progressives their party is the collective
Dear "danielpalos,"

The Rich do not need any tax breaks. But that is not the point.

Kindly remember that our Constitution prohibits taxes on incomes. The Founding Fathers recognized that government ought to be financed by the people utilizing its services: fees, excise taxes, and so on. To tax a man's income was to confiscate the product of his independent work, for no reason other than that the Government can throw you in jail if you don't pay. This is incredibly unfair.

But the Constitution was modified to allow taxation of incomes. Obviously, the "fair" way of taxing incomes would be to establish a percentage and have everyone pay that percentage of their income. In that way, the person making twice as much would pay twice as much in taxes - which is unfair - but it is tolerable.

But our tax code was born out of ENVY, nothing more. The Masses looked at those who were more successful than they were, and cried to their political representatives, "This is not FAIR. They have a lot more than we have!"

So the "progressive" tax principle was adopted, despite its fundamental unfairness. And now, a person making a million dollars a year pays INFINITELY more than the household making $30,000, because the less prosperous household pays either NOTHING in federal income taxes, or a NEGATIVE tax, in the form of the Earned Income Tax Credit.

This is fair? Why? That high income did not come out of luck or serendipity. That income usually comes from a lifetime of hard work, intelligent choices, and calculated risks.

So cutting the top marginal tax rate by a couple of percent is NOT a tax "break." It is partly rectifying a huge inequity ("unfairness") in the tax code. It is not a "break" when you are allowed to keep a little bit more of what you earn.
True, but this government not only taxes the successful Disproportionally, If strangles the individual with the collective.

... and an income tax is unconstitutional
No, it isn't. It is a power delegated by the People and ratified at the convention.
A form of luxury tax would be much more effective, that way drug dealers, career politicians and Hollywood types pay taxes for once.
Choosing targets isn't what we are about. By we, I mean not Republicans. The GOP has an entire hate list of targets.
It's an election year and we will be hearing a lot if bull shit. No bigger pile of crap than "income equality" or lack thereof.

While we should have equality of opportunity (and we do), no one has a right to equality of outcome. The outcome of your opportunity is entirely up to you.

This whole issue is nothing but "spreading the wealth around" rehashed. Obama and the democrats didn't do anything about income equality in the first 5 years, in fact the gap has gotten worse, so they think that if they call it something else they can repackage it and sell it to the sheeple again and they will buy it. They have no real plan to do anything about it but campaign on it.

Equality of opportunity - free capitalist society
Equality of outcome - oppressive socialist society
Equal pay for equal work.

You forgot the work.

Republicans don't work. They want high paying jobs that require no skills.

That's the entire reason they elected Trump.

Don't you remember?
It seems the opposite is true, most people do not consider themselves part of a party except for progressives their party is the collective
Oh come on. You can't get any more collective than the GOP. 90% white and hatred of gays, black, Muslims, Hispanics and others kinds of tells you where they are coming from. It's their unabashed worship of the rich that's the biggest problem. Their hate is second.
A few anecdotes?

Why do the rich need more tax breaks.
Why tax the successful more, it makes no sense.
Do you wake up every morning with envy on your mind? You seem the spineless fool. Lol
that is socialism, not capitalism; we simply need the finest government money can buy; why not tax the rich.
You seemed disoriented, you do realize there is no such thing as any sort of freedom and individuality in a socialist society?
Socialism is the very purpose of the drug war
Well there is no freedom and individuality under Trump and the GOP. Why do you think they are 90% white? And support voter suppression?
Not really, This country is more divided on urban and rural than race it seems.
Urban absolutely can’t work for rural and vice versa.
That is why the collective is against the self interest of at least half of the country
A few anecdotes?

Why do the rich need more tax breaks.
Why tax the successful more, it makes no sense.
Do you wake up every morning with envy on your mind? You seem the spineless fool. Lol
that is socialism, not capitalism; we simply need the finest government money can buy; why not tax the rich.
You seemed disoriented, you do realize there is no such thing as any sort of freedom and individuality in a socialist society?
Socialism is the very purpose of the drug war
thanks for admitting the right are just a bunch of socialists on a national basis, and don't know it.
some on the left are trying to be poets, and know it.
I agree somewhat, I do think all career politicians no matter the party they pick are socialists/progressives, and do not act in the best interest of their constituents.
But at the same time the only thing worse than nationalism is globalism
A few anecdotes?

Why do the rich need more tax breaks.
Why tax the successful more, it makes no sense.
Do you wake up every morning with envy on your mind? You seem the spineless fool. Lol
that is socialism, not capitalism; we simply need the finest government money can buy; why not tax the rich.
You seemed disoriented, you do realize there is no such thing as any sort of freedom and individuality in a socialist society?
Socialism is the very purpose of the drug war
Well there is no freedom and individuality under Trump and the GOP. Why do you think they are 90% white? And support voter suppression?

Nobody is suppressing votes and everybody is welcome to join the GOP. If you didn't have the brainwashing MSM, there would be more minorities and different groups of people in our party, so it's you on the left keeping them away--not us.
Dear "danielpalos,"

The Rich do not need any tax breaks. But that is not the point.

Kindly remember that our Constitution prohibits taxes on incomes. The Founding Fathers recognized that government ought to be financed by the people utilizing its services: fees, excise taxes, and so on. To tax a man's income was to confiscate the product of his independent work, for no reason other than that the Government can throw you in jail if you don't pay. This is incredibly unfair.

But the Constitution was modified to allow taxation of incomes. Obviously, the "fair" way of taxing incomes would be to establish a percentage and have everyone pay that percentage of their income. In that way, the person making twice as much would pay twice as much in taxes - which is unfair - but it is tolerable.

But our tax code was born out of ENVY, nothing more. The Masses looked at those who were more successful than they were, and cried to their political representatives, "This is not FAIR. They have a lot more than we have!"

So the "progressive" tax principle was adopted, despite its fundamental unfairness. And now, a person making a million dollars a year pays INFINITELY more than the household making $30,000, because the less prosperous household pays either NOTHING in federal income taxes, or a NEGATIVE tax, in the form of the Earned Income Tax Credit.

This is fair? Why? That high income did not come out of luck or serendipity. That income usually comes from a lifetime of hard work, intelligent choices, and calculated risks.

So cutting the top marginal tax rate by a couple of percent is NOT a tax "break." It is partly rectifying a huge inequity ("unfairness") in the tax code. It is not a "break" when you are allowed to keep a little bit more of what you earn.
True, but this government not only taxes the successful Disproportionally, If strangles the individual with the collective.

... and an income tax is unconstitutional
No, it isn't. It is a power delegated by the People and ratified at the convention.
A form of luxury tax would be much more effective, that way drug dealers, career politicians and Hollywood types pay taxes for once.
Choosing targets isn't what we are about. By we, I mean not Republicans. The GOP has an entire hate list of targets.
The same can be said about progressives their envy picks success as their target, every time.
No doubt the GOP is full of corruption, that comes with the territory when you have career politicians/deep state that makes up most of Washington.
It's an election year and we will be hearing a lot if bull shit. No bigger pile of crap than "income equality" or lack thereof.

While we should have equality of opportunity (and we do), no one has a right to equality of outcome. The outcome of your opportunity is entirely up to you.

This whole issue is nothing but "spreading the wealth around" rehashed. Obama and the democrats didn't do anything about income equality in the first 5 years, in fact the gap has gotten worse, so they think that if they call it something else they can repackage it and sell it to the sheeple again and they will buy it. They have no real plan to do anything about it but campaign on it.

Equality of opportunity - free capitalist society
Equality of outcome - oppressive socialist society
Equal pay for equal work.

You forgot the work.

Republicans don't work. They want high paying jobs that require no skills.

That's the entire reason they elected Trump.

Don't you remember?
It seems the opposite is true, most people do not consider themselves part of a party except for progressives their party is the collective
Oh come on. You can't get any more collective than the GOP. 90% white and hatred of gays, black, Muslims, Hispanics and others kinds of tells you where they are coming from. It's their unabashed worship of the rich that's the biggest problem. Their hate is second.
You do realize that the GOP does not represent real conservatives? LOL
Urban and rural separate this country more so than race by a longshot
Here's an idea, try income equality in Hollywood. There is no more closed society than Tinseltown so try paying the actors as much (as little) as the sound technicians or the camera people or vice versa. If it works out we can try it on other segments of society.

I know a guy who does lighting in movies. He is working poor. NOt poverty, but not good.

Funny how no one ever talks about that industry.

Or the sports industry, or the music industry.......
Here's an idea, try income equality in Hollywood. There is no more closed society than Tinseltown so try paying the actors as much (as little) as the sound technicians or the camera people or vice versa. If it works out we can try it on other segments of society.

A few years ago I got a new big screen. Not much of a television watcher, I started to be one. So I started watching the more popular shows like Big Bang Theory. After a while I really loved the show, so I went on Google to get info on the cast.

Turns out these are all millionaires. Each major player gets over one million dollars per episode; one million dollars for doing about ten minutes of work. Plus they get a cut on reruns, people using their character picture, just a whole lot of other perks.

The libs never ask what their hair dressers are paid, their makeup artists, the people that actually write the jokes for the show. All they are concerned about is how much more a CEO is paid than the workers under him or her.

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