In what way do you want free speech regulated?

Sig, today's internet tough guy, wants hate speech regulated. I assume you want all hate speech regulated in terms of people hating soldiers, or hating gays, or hating muslims, or hating christians, etc etc etc. How much US taxpayer dollars should be committed to creating a new agency that regulates and defines what speech should be illegal and how long of prison terms and what size fines are handed out?

Vayank is hoping for violence and for government to allow this. Let's just let a 2 mobs fight it out in the streets, that sounds rational.

Just as the government feels they need to regulate my cigarettes and where and when I smoke them as they deem them dangerous to my health and those around me, they shoul dbe able to regulate other certain actions that are dangerous to others' health. Such as protesting at the funaeral for a dead US serviceman or woman.

Give a lawyer that wording and lookout. There's gonna be a lot of speech put under that broad cloak.

Westboro hate speech at a funeral doesn't cause a heart attack, KKK hate speech at a parade doesn't cause cancer. Giving government power to regulate that stuff scares me a lot more than the meaningless idiotic words these groups say do.

Cancer and heart attacks are not caused by their words and deeds. However, under the right circumstances, broken jaws and gunshot wounds are.
1.) The $354 million dollar FCC (that's a 1 year budget btw) in order to regulate every word in every version of media to make sure we don't have too naughty of words or too much of someone's bottom showing.

2.) The Fairness Doctrine, which tells media outlets what hosts to have on and what shows to play.

3.) Have Congress pass laws that makes unpopular speech illegal, such as the Westboro chants, Muslim speeches by certain individuals, KKK parades etc.

Do you approve of any of these 3 items? None? Another item I didn't list?

None of the above.

The only limits to free speech that I believe should be allowed are when the speech causes harm, or may potentially do so, to other people such as yelling fire in a crowded theater. Slander which may harm a person's reputation or cause him/her financial problems should also not be allowed.

WBC should be allowed to spread their lies, but they should be prevented from directly interfering in the funeral rights of families of soldiers who have given their lives... meaning their should be a buffer zone between the families and the idiots.

If I want the country to honor my right to free speech, then I have to be willing to honor the same rights for others, even those with whom I disagree.

The Westboro protests at military funerals should be stopped. If the government won't do it, I hope American citizens are not held responsible for taking matters into their own hands to stop them.

Not stopped.... just moved. I support their right to rant like the fucking amoral shitheads that they are.... but not in the earshot of those seeking to go about their lawful, private business of burying their loved ones.
I don't want free speech regulated.

However, I also don't see pornography as a free speech issue. It wasnt for the Founders and I see no reason why we should change that.

political speech especially shouldn't be touched at all.
Sig, today's internet tough guy, wants hate speech regulated. I assume you want all hate speech regulated in terms of people hating soldiers, or hating gays, or hating muslims, or hating christians, etc etc etc. How much US taxpayer dollars should be committed to creating a new agency that regulates and defines what speech should be illegal and how long of prison terms and what size fines are handed out?

Vayank is hoping for violence and for government to allow this. Let's just let a 2 mobs fight it out in the streets, that sounds rational.

Just as the government feels they need to regulate my cigarettes and where and when I smoke them as they deem them dangerous to my health and those around me, they shoul dbe able to regulate other certain actions that are dangerous to others' health. Such as protesting at the funaeral for a dead US serviceman or woman.

Two wrongs don't make a right. :thup:
I don't want free speech regulated.

However, I also don't see pornography as a free speech issue. It wasnt for the Founders and I see no reason why we should change that.

political speech especially shouldn't be touched at all.

That's why you don't make it about the 'what', but about the 'where' and 'when'. Freedom of speech is supposed to be about the content, NOT allowing anyone to spout off anytime they want to, anywhere. It wouldn't be appropriate for someone to politicize a T-ball banquet, would it?
Passing new laws to 'deal' with the likes of the WBC flies in the face of the entire principle of free speech. Some of you guys are serious mental midgets. No offense.

And in a related analogy, how is what they do any worse than protesting outside an abortion clinic yelling whore and slut at every woman that enters?

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