In the age of Trump, grim warnings from Holocaust survivors

“When you see these mass rallies that Trump is able to attract, you really wonder: How are they buying into this message of hate. Thinking that Germany was somehow unique is wrong,” he said.

Germany was unique during the Hitler era. It was unique back then because in spite of some minor elements of political disagreement the German people were ethnically and spiritually aligned. It was said they were "of one heart." Hitler understood that and he spoke to that heart.

The post WW-II occupation forces, both American and Russian, also understood that and they focused their reconstruction and propaganda efforts on dissolving the solidarity which had produced the most powerful and efficient military force since the Legions of Ancient Rome. The result of those efforts is what we are witnessing today in the comparative timidity of contemporary Germany and the willingness of its people to tolerate the treachery of Angela Merkel and the offensive abuses her perfidy has brought about.
It's sd because we need them. They saved us from defeat by Neapolian

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