In memory: Columbine High School


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Forgot to post this on April 20th. To all the victims of the April 20th, 1999 event at Columbine, we have you in our prayers.

I only wish I could've been at the school, armed, waiting for those two punk ass cowards before they found their first victim.
Almost finished reading Dan Cullen's book "Columbine". It's on sale at B&Noble for $6. Honestly, to everyone out there, it's the best $6 you can ever spend. VERY informative, detailed. Goes very in depth about that entire situation, the lead up, the response, etd. For parents, cops, school staff, media, or just a regular citizen, it's a must read.

It's shocking just how wrong everyone got that story. Those scumbags weren't bullied. The jock theory was proven false. And they targeted no one. The shooting was supposed to be the 2nd wave. A bombing was the initial plot, to kill everyone. If their bombs had worked (over 100 were found!) the school would've been leveled and over 800+ killed. Their intent was to beat the OKC bombing total. Harris, the most worthless of the two, fantasized about human extinction.

Anyway, won't ruin the read any more. And to see the breaking news now that they've found a bomb in a mall near Columbine High this week. Wow. Some sick bastard out there picked the anniversary date to plant a bomb at the nearby mall. Sick people out there.

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