In Light of the Durham Report Trump Needs to Re-File His RICO Lawsuit Against Hillary


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
A likely corrupt federal judge tossed the original lawsuit but in light of the Durham Report Trump needs to re-file his lawsuit against Hillary and others.

Original thread:

I see no reason why we wouldnt or shouldnt at this point. Lets weaponize the DOJ as soon as we take back the White House. We will fire all the heads of the DOJ and FBI and put in people who are conniving and unpatriotic, who dont value ethics or the rights of our citizens, who think the Constitution is a joke. Lets hire some real slimeballs to throw a bunch of dems in prison for the things they did, and lets also throw them in prison for things they didnt do.

Weaponizing the DOJ is not illegal anymore, so why wouldnt we do so? :dunno:
I see no reason why we wouldnt or shouldnt at this point. Lets weaponize the DOJ as soon as we take back the White House. We will fire all the heads of the DOJ and FBI and put in people who are conniving and unpatriotic, who dont value ethics or the rights of our citizens, who think the Constitution is a joke. Lets hire some real slimeballs to throw a bunch of dems in prison for the things they did, and lets also throw them in prison for things they didnt do.

Weaponizing the DOJ is not illegal anymore, so why wouldnt we do so? :dunno:
It'd be a waste of time at this point. There is no coming back from the damage done so the time and energy would be best spent getting ready to separate from these illegitimate criminals and to defend our rights by whatever means necessary. There is no longer any peaceful solution available, I think.
A likely corrupt federal judge tossed the original lawsuit but in light of the Durham Report Trump needs to re-file his lawsuit against Hillary and others.

Original thread:

Your link is USMB?
A likely corrupt federal judge tossed the original lawsuit but in light of the Durham Report Trump needs to re-file his lawsuit against Hillary and others.

Original thread:

Well the original thread was horseshit. There was no finding of 'not guilty'. The judge dismissed the case so hard, it bounced twice on the way out the door.

It was dismissed with prejudice. Which means it can't be refiled.

Which you would have known with....maybe 60 second worth of research?
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Your link is USMB?

Yeah. And to a thread which itself was a lie. As the judge didn't find Hillary 'not guilty'. The judge tossed the entire suit out the door. With prejudice.

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In a just world we would get televised quick trials and firing squads

And what, pray tell, would 'they' be tried for?

Remember, Durham managed 1 plea deal. And even that was a sweetheart deal: a felony settled for 400 hours of community service.

If you think you could get indictments, let alone convicts for charges that carry the death may want to take a look at the Durham report.

It refers no crimes to the DOJ. It makes no recommendations for any prosecutions.
A likely corrupt federal judge tossed the original lawsuit but in light of the Durham Report Trump needs to re-file his lawsuit against Hillary and others.

Original thread:

Your link is us
Yeah. And to a thread which itself was a lie. As the judge didn't find Hillary 'not guilty'. The judge tossed the entire suit out the door.

View attachment 786502

What pathetic losers.
I love how they explain away yet another pathetic loss in making up corruption conspiracies about the judge.

Backed by absolutely nothing, of course.
It'd be a waste of time at this point. There is no coming back from the damage done so the time and energy would be best spent getting ready to separate from these illegitimate criminals and to defend our rights by whatever means necessary. There is no longer any peaceful solution available, I think.


It's over.

It's over.
No, its not.

Your ilk are trying to talk yourself into violence......with calls for mass executions. But whenever the topic of who will do the actual fighting is brought up......

......y'all always have an excuse why it won't be you.
It'd be a waste of time at this point. There is no coming back from the damage done so the time and energy would be best spent getting ready to separate from these illegitimate criminals and to defend our rights by whatever means necessary. There is no longer any peaceful solution available, I think.

Sure there is. Complaining while doing jackshit is what your ilk does best. And while whiny....its generally peaceful.

There is no legal recourse for 'separation'. Nor is there a single state that backs such an effort. So, if you want to get violent, you're talking about domestic terrorism.

Ask Ricky Shiffer how that worked out.
No, its not.

Your ilk are trying to talk yourself into violence......with calls for mass executions. But whenever the topic of who will do the actual fighting is brought up......

......y'all always have an excuse why it won't be you.

It could go like this, and I like it: let the blue cities eat themselves and rot with no help whatsoever from Republicans and red states. See: New York. See: San Francisco.

That's a start.
Sure there is. Complaining while doing jackshit is what your ilk does best. And while whiny....its generally peaceful.

There is no legal recourse for 'separation'. Nor is there a single state that backs such an effort. So, if you want to get violent, you're talking about domestic terrorism.

Ask Ricky Shiffer how that worked out.

Step two: Trucker's Strike. Overwhelmingly conservative. They would shut this nation down in a matter of hours, not even days. Add to them the vast majority of people who work with their hands.

All of this and more is coming. People are fed up.
It could go like this, and I like it: let the blue cities eat themselves and rot with no help whatsoever from Republicans and red states. See: New York. See: San Francisco.

That's a start.

7 murders per 100,000 residents doesn't really match your 'blue cities eating themselves from the inside' narrative.

Especially when cities in redstates are so, so much higher.
Step two: Trucker's Strike. Overwhelmingly conservative. They would shut this nation down in a matter of hours, not even days. Add to them the vast majority of people who work with their hands.

All of this and more is coming. People are fed up.

Truckers have got to eat. They've got rent to pay. And they don't get paid while they're striking.

You assume that the truckers would be willing to pay these high prices, go without pay, lose homes, sacrifice and suffer for YOUR convictions.......because you're not the one who will be striking. You won't be paying the price you demand of them.

Its the same problem with y'all's 'civil war' nonsense. You always have an excuse why you won't be fighting. And thus, there is no fight.

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