In an Unequal America, Getting to Work Can Be Hell...

It makes little sense in America. Takes you hours to drive to the train station in SF or SJ (example). No where to park....$20/day at airport long term. Train ticket to LA......$100. 5 stops min. Offsetting any speed gains.

There are SW flights all day long....faster and same price. High speed my butt.
Yes thats right. Our infrastructure was not built around public transportation like other countries were.
Yes thats right. Our infrastructure was not built around public transportation like other countries were.

There are a few places in America which are indeed built around public transport.

But not many.

Manhattan is unique.

Compare Manhattan, NY, with Hermitage PA. Manhattan is 22 sq miles, Hermitage is 29 square miles. Manhattan's population at 1.6 Million is 100 times that of Hermitage. The density is the key.
All the countries with high speed rail also have very high tax rates which makes it difficult for people to make a living, which causes a drastic reduction in birth rate because people can't afford to have children.
I actually have a big problem "giving a blank check" to the Pentagon. I'm all for accountability in government spending.

That being said, these whinging bitches can have MY tax money to build THEIR high speed rail for THEIR commute just as soon as they can explain what possible benefit I, a resident of Arizona, get from a frigging train in "the Boston to DC corridor".
If you're in Arizona you should be more worried about where your water's gonna come from in 10 or 20 years when Lake Mead dries up.

Deflection noted. You may continue your ignorant ranting.
Isn't it interesting that your thread title talks about commuting to work, yet all you seem talk about are high speed travel trains!

Many years ago, daughter once took Amtrak from FL to PA. She was going to DC, but the trains don't stop anywhere near there. I could have dropped her off at the train, gone home and slept for about 6 hours, got into my car, drove there by myself, and still beaten her to DC by at least another 6 hours.

That's sad!
Isn't it interesting that your thread title talks about commuting to work, yet all you seem talk about are high speed travel trains!

Many years ago, daughter once took Amtrak from FL to PA. She was going to DC, but the trains don't stop anywhere near there. I could have dropped her off at the train, gone home and slept for about 6 hours, got into my car, drove there by myself, and still beaten her to DC by at least another 6 hours.

That's sad!
"Let them hitchhike to work, those worthless fucking pet hamsters."
"Drive a pickup like me."
"Give them a shiny train to shit on ? Why ?"
"...stop bothering me with their "wisdom"..."

"I didn't read anyone's posts, I'm just assuming you said this because I want to believe that's what you think."

"What do you mean, I should actually read and understand my own posts?!"
It makes little sense in America. Takes you hours to drive to the train station in SF or SJ (example). No where to park....$20/day at airport long term. Train ticket to LA......$100. 5 stops min. Offsetting any speed gains.

There are SW flights all day long....faster and same price. High speed my butt.

What's funny is a couple of radio personalities tested whether it was faster to fly from SF to LA or drive. The guy driving won by 20 minutes!

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