Zone1 In 32 minutes


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
What is the counter for when I post? I don't remember seeing this before.
Here is how it looks:

The counter went back to how many minutes ago each post was posted. I was seeing this on the thread about bait threads.
The counter went back to how many minutes ago each post was posted. I was seeing this on the thread about bait threads.
Is this unusual? I have always seen a counter of time since post, as I look for it as an indicator on response time on reports.
I find it helps if I don't consider it censorship here.
The best euphemism I've seen for censorship so far was from last-word flacaltenn. I think he called censorship "library organization", lol.

The responses from 3 mods about if the 32 minutes was connected to censorship DOES leave me feeling suspicious. Did you see how all 3 of the mods responded when I asked if it was connected to censorship?
The best euphemism I've seen for censorship so far was from last-word flacaltenn. I think he called censorship "library organization", lol.

The responses from 3 mods about if the 32 minutes was connected to censorship DOES leave me feeling suspicious. Did you see how all 3 of the mods responded when I asked if it was connected to censorship?

Maybe because the screen shot you put up doesn't show enough of where and what page you were on? Ever hear of Occam's Razor? You seem to have only ONE explanation for everything around here.
Is it connected to censorship?
No, not by the board programmers/IT staff. Most of any censorship is suggested/requested by members, in reports. Quite common to have a member report a thread, sometimes repeatedly to get it or another member actioned, as they do not like their view or content/viewpoint discussed, sometimes suggesting moving to a less trafficked forum or down to the badlands/taunting zones, or shut down. Some of our most interest, though often irritating posters do this on a daily basis. Some reports are legitimate, with obvious board rules violations. Some are just censorship attempts, to favor their viewpoint. I've been doing this for 4 or 5 months and still struggle sometimes, letting some things slide or doing an alternative solution to avoid member manipulation of content for manipulation’s sake. We are supposed to blurb a report after going into a report and have to be ready to support our action or inaction after going to investigate a report. Other Mods online will definitely let you know if they agree or disagree and are absolutely invited and expected to read all reports and invited to comment, and indeed action something, that was not actioned correctly by the original investigating mod in accordance with board rules or the zen aspect of doing the gig. We don't always agree, but are not required to. If a mod were censoring allowed content or viewpoint, it would be questioned and discussed, to keep all on the same sheet of music.

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