In 1955, we had twenty times as many people in insane asylums per capita.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
"State-run psychiatric facilities house 45,000 patients, less than a tenth of the number of patients they did in 1955."

Should the U.S. Bring Back Psychiatric Asylums?

During that time, our population has doubled. That means that we should lock about 950,000 people up in lunatic asylums instead of having legions of crazy homeless people shitting in the streets. Hippy psychologists got that whole de-institutionalization thing going decades ago. You can't fix crazy people, you can only protect society from them.
"State-run psychiatric facilities house 45,000 patients, less than a tenth of the number of patients they did in 1955."

Should the U.S. Bring Back Psychiatric Asylums?

During that time, our population has doubled. That means that we should lock about 950,000 people up in lunatic asylums instead of having legions of crazy homeless people shitting in the streets. Hippy psychologists got that whole de-institutionalization thing going decades ago. You can't fix crazy people, you can only protect society from them.
Reagan and Nixon thought psychiatry was communism. So they created this crisis. Lots of rubes still think that.
The insane should be assisted to the point of reintegration or executed. The same should be done with persistent drug addicts, and the criminally insane. They provide nothing to society. They only take away. They should be removed from it, permanently.
The insane should be assisted to the point of reintegration or executed. The same should be done with persistent drug addicts, and the criminally insane. They provide nothing to society. They only take away. They should be removed from it, permanently.
^ Trumpism
"State-run psychiatric facilities house 45,000 patients, less than a tenth of the number of patients they did in 1955."

Should the U.S. Bring Back Psychiatric Asylums?

During that time, our population has doubled. That means that we should lock about 950,000 people up in lunatic asylums instead of having legions of crazy homeless people shitting in the streets. Hippy psychologists got that whole de-institutionalization thing going decades ago. You can't fix crazy people, you can only protect society from them.

Yes. They should be reopened. There should not be any doubt in anyone's mind at this point.
The insane should be assisted to the point of reintegration or executed. The same should be done with persistent drug addicts, and the criminally insane. They provide nothing to society. They only take away. They should be removed from it, permanently.
^ Trumpism
You don't know me very well Augie.
Too moderate for you, hmm?
Trump...though not completely worthless loves nothing more than sniffing Jew ass crack. For this reason he cannot be trusted.
The insane should be assisted to the point of reintegration or executed. The same should be done with persistent drug addicts, and the criminally insane. They provide nothing to society. They only take away. They should be removed from it, permanently.
^ Trumpism
You don't know me very well Augie.
Too moderate for you, hmm?
Trump...though not completely worthless loves nothing more than sniffing Jew ass crack. For this reason he cannot be trusted.
Righties, this is what you are creating everyday that you argue your agenda is above the law and that dissenters are evil
"State-run psychiatric facilities house 45,000 patients, less than a tenth of the number of patients they did in 1955."

Should the U.S. Bring Back Psychiatric Asylums?

During that time, our population has doubled. That means that we should lock about 950,000 people up in lunatic asylums instead of having legions of crazy homeless people shitting in the streets. Hippy psychologists got that whole de-institutionalization thing going decades ago. You can't fix crazy people, you can only protect society from them.

Yes. They should be reopened. There should not be any doubt in anyone's mind at this point.
I agree...with CO ventilation systems.
The insane should be assisted to the point of reintegration or executed. The same should be done with persistent drug addicts, and the criminally insane. They provide nothing to society. They only take away. They should be removed from it, permanently.
^ Trumpism
You don't know me very well Augie.
Too moderate for you, hmm?
Trump...though not completely worthless loves nothing more than sniffing Jew ass crack. For this reason he cannot be trusted.
Righties, this is what you are creating everyday that you argue your agenda is above the law and that dissenters are evil
What am I creating exactly? Or am I the example of 'eeeeevil'?
^ Trumpism
You don't know me very well Augie.
Too moderate for you, hmm?
Trump...though not completely worthless loves nothing more than sniffing Jew ass crack. For this reason he cannot be trusted.
Righties, this is what you are creating everyday that you argue your agenda is above the law and that dissenters are evil
What am I creating exactly? Or am I the example of 'eeeeevil'?
Well you want the mentally ill to be executed and are concerned about sniffing Jew ass crack.
You don't know me very well Augie.
Too moderate for you, hmm?
Trump...though not completely worthless loves nothing more than sniffing Jew ass crack. For this reason he cannot be trusted.
Righties, this is what you are creating everyday that you argue your agenda is above the law and that dissenters are evil
What am I creating exactly? Or am I the example of 'eeeeevil'?
Well you want the mentally ill to be executed and are concerned about sniffing Jew ass crack.
Why should we burden our society with these? Drug addicts? Career criminals? The insane? Why?
As for Trump and his insane servitude to the Jew...what else would you call it?
Before you start filling the asylums up again, look back at the reason people were put into asylums. Weren't women who were caught masturbating put in asylums? Hell, if you had asthma you would likely be put into an insane asylum. I seem to recall something called "political excitement" being grounds for committment. This place would be empty pretty quick.

And before we refill the asylums, go back and read the expose's and see the films of the conditions in the asylums. If you think treating people like that is ok, perhaps you need to be fitted for a straight jacket.

People cleaning human feces off sidewalk in San Francisco.


Lock them lunatics up. This is not progress.
Before you start filling the asylums up again, look back at the reason people were put into asylums. Weren't women who were caught masturbating put in asylums? Hell, if you had asthma you would likely be put into an insane asylum. I seem to recall something called "political excitement" being grounds for committment. This place would be empty pretty quick.

And before we refill the asylums, go back and read the expose's and see the films of the conditions in the asylums. If you think treating people like that is ok, perhaps you need to be fitted for a straight jacket.

So because some people may have thought masturbation was a sign of insanity at one time, we should turn legions of schizophrenics loose to starve and freeze to death on the streets and endanger others? They are a danger to themselves and the public. Additionally, they often dope them up on medication, say "See how calm they are." and then release them out on the streets only to have them disappear who knows where and go off their medication.
Before you start filling the asylums up again, look back at the reason people were put into asylums. Weren't women who were caught masturbating put in asylums? Hell, if you had asthma you would likely be put into an insane asylum. I seem to recall something called "political excitement" being grounds for committment. This place would be empty pretty quick.

And before we refill the asylums, go back and read the expose's and see the films of the conditions in the asylums. If you think treating people like that is ok, perhaps you need to be fitted for a straight jacket.

Nobody said it had to return to the way things were run back then. However, the reality is that beds are only open for those people that are actively suicidal and actively homicidal--if there are any beds available at all. Then there are those that are treat and release. So, if you have someone that has significant mental health issues or has a psychotic break or is schizophrenic then they get just enough drugs in their system to be "cured" and they are back on the street again.
"State-run psychiatric facilities house 45,000 patients, less than a tenth of the number of patients they did in 1955."

Should the U.S. Bring Back Psychiatric Asylums?

During that time, our population has doubled. That means that we should lock about 950,000 people up in lunatic asylums instead of having legions of crazy homeless people shitting in the streets. Hippy psychologists got that whole de-institutionalization thing going decades ago. You can't fix crazy people, you can only protect society from them.
Many people were put in hospitals for many different reasons. Some, for instance, not doing what their husbands couldn't control, talking out about the Church, non-conformists, etc., or just to De-tox. I have heard many stories first hand.

Three of my family members worked at State hospitals. All professionals. One at a senior position. No thanks to Reagan, their lives had to change.
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The insane should be assisted to the point of reintegration or executed. The same should be done with persistent drug addicts, and the criminally insane. They provide nothing to society. They only take away. They should be removed from it, permanently.
Mr. Humanity gets today's Poke in the Eye award. Congratulations.
Before you start filling the asylums up again, look back at the reason people were put into asylums. Weren't women who were caught masturbating put in asylums? Hell, if you had asthma you would likely be put into an insane asylum. I seem to recall something called "political excitement" being grounds for committment. This place would be empty pretty quick.

And before we refill the asylums, go back and read the expose's and see the films of the conditions in the asylums. If you think treating people like that is ok, perhaps you need to be fitted for a straight jacket.

So because some people may have thought masturbation was a sign of insanity at one time, we should turn legions of schizophrenics loose to starve and freeze to death on the streets and endanger others? They are a danger to themselves and the public. Additionally, they often dope them up on medication, say "See how calm they are." and then release them out on the streets only to have them disappear who knows where and go off their medication.
Dude, many refuse to take their meds because it makes them feel lethargic. Living with a mental condition on the streets is no easy thing for them.

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