Impunity, denial & requests for independent investigations inkillingof MuhammadalDura

Why would Israel whitewash another instance of Pallie butchery?
Correction: Israel whitewashes Israeli butchery.

That's awful. What does that have to do with yet another example of Pallies killing their own kids?

Patriot----have a heart----poor billo/sherri-----they have a kid who got hit with
a bullet PROBABLY in crossfire----its all they got so they want to call it "MURDER"

In my town----stray bullet death is a weekly thing-----the idiot father was sitting
next to a METAL thing that looked like a dumpster and a stone
wall -----he did not seem to know
bullets richochet ---the child was not protected at all-----he was shoved
right out in the open in the line of any stray fire that could come his way
Only in the minds of deluded and pathetic and desperate Zionists like you! I think it is disgusting, these desperate attempts to whitewash the killing of a 12 yr old boy.

Why would I whitewash the Pallie killing of a Pallie child?

Israel is trying to whitewash the killing of this child and gullible souls like yours buy her lies! Disgusting! And an illustration of how low Israel has sunk into her Zionist muck!

If you take a look at history and CURRENT events----the people into white washing
the crimes of MURDERING CHILDREN are not zionists-----they are the ISA-respecters--
like you ----who not only justify slitting the throats of infants----BY LAW ----and insist that
their "god" wants it so------they even reward the throat slitters with medals, honors
and money. Three schools for little girls were named to HONOR an isa-worshipping
slut who tied a bomb to her stinking ass for her stated purpose of murdering (or
legally killing in your parlance) as many jewish children as possible.

The murder trial of BAZ----your fellow isa-worshipper----in New York, USA---
was certainly a delightful white wash of his noble effort in pumping the heads
of two boys full of lead------I will never forget the defense----"SUCH A GOOD MAN--
that somehow the minimum wage guy was wealthy enough to retain.

Now tell me again how your fave LYN STEWART was jailed for having the
audacity of being a defense attorney for the noble muslim
SHAYKH ABDEL RAHMAN-----speaking of white-wash. Time for you
to light a candle in loving memory of your fave TAMERLANE----and
to pray for the acquittal of his noble brother------have you considered
a hunger strike
Haaretz calls the Israeli whitewash report surreal and vengeful.

Ha-aretz does not call anything ----anything. - Ha aretz just publishes crap that
idiots donate. It is the VANITY PRESS of Israel -----you could probably get
an O P published in that rag----but try to polish up your style.- Your
writing style is atrocious.
That's awful. What does that have to do with yet another example of Pallies killing their own kids?
You're nothing but a little troll!

Israeli's killed that little boy.

How do you know? can you supply the forensics?
It is not easy to determine who shot who in crossfire---or
even easy to determine how the bullet got into who.

btw you probably know-----what kind of bullet wound
killed the kid----ie-----where was he hit and how many times?
How do you know? can you supply the forensics?
It is not easy to determine who shot who in crossfire---or
even easy to determine how the bullet got into who.

btw you probably know-----what kind of bullet wound
killed the kid----ie-----where was he hit and how many times?
Israel admitted to killing the kid.

And besides, Palestinian's do not shoot their own children to score political points!
How do you know? can you supply the forensics?
It is not easy to determine who shot who in crossfire---or
even easy to determine how the bullet got into who.

btw you probably know-----what kind of bullet wound
killed the kid----ie-----where was he hit and how many times?
Israel admitted to killing the kid.

And besides, Palestinian's do not shoot their own children to score political points!

In fact ----Israel did "admit" to killing the kid-----Israel was INFORMED---before
an investigation was carried out that ITS GUN FIRE had caused the death of the
child ------There is a huge difference between "killing the kid" and the child
being hit by gunfire during a gunfight. In my town there are lots of BULLET deaths---
that arise from discharge of guns either by police or by criminals or by nuts
that do not involved any ATTEMPT to kill anyone--- I have seen them myself ---and
their moms lying on the emergency room floor screaming. It takes quite a while to
actually sort out WHODUNIT The palestinians would not have had to PURPOSELY
shoot at the kid in order for one of their bullets to hit him In fact----considering what
palestinians often DO DO-------it is possible that the father was the intended victim.

Do SYRIANS kill their own kids? more syrian kids are dead in this ongoing
civil war than died in the whole TEN YEARS that is being cited incessantly on the
boards by propagandaists as victims of ISRAELI "crime" Do Yemenis kill
their own? how about PAKISTANIS?

OK you don't know the forensics-------fine-----I don't know whose bullet got
the kid either ----

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