Impeachment- Why hasn’t this been done?

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Three DEM Senators told Ukraine, in writing, their Foreign Aid would be in Jeopardy, if they didn’t dig up dirt in Trump.

Three Dem Senators.

Why hasn’t the Media or the GOP asked them to recuse?

In fact, Durbin was on TV today saying Trump needs to be convicted.

Democrats Asked Ukraine To Investigate Trump In 2018

Dismiss this case out of the gate.

Yes. Throw it back in the faces of those who handed this steaming pile of shit to the Senate. Unfortunately some quisling Senators want to play along like they’re dealing with a legitimate, Constitutional process.
Three DEM Senators told Ukraine, in writing, their Foreign Aid would be in Jeopardy, if they didn’t dig up dirt in Trump.

Three Dem Senators.

Why hasn’t the Media or the GOP asked them to recuse?

In fact, Durbin was on TV today saying Trump needs to be convicted.

Democrats Asked Ukraine To Investigate Trump In 2018

Dismiss this case out of the gate.

Yes. Throw it back in the faces of those who handed this steaming pile of shit to the Senate. Unfortunately some quisling Senators want to play along like they’re dealing with a legitimate, Constitutional process.
NO surprise here. The Dems WILL cheat ANY way they can in an effort to make our president look bad. But the crazy thing is the Senate will NEVER vote TWO THIRDS Yes votes to remove him from office. It just WON'T happen. So this charade of a "trial" makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE. After all is said and done, Donald Trump will STILL be our president.
It'll probably be brought up during the unjustified trial. It's all about timing.
Why because the Extreme radical Right-wing Federalist think tank are a bunch of liars. That's why!
Three DEM Senators told Ukraine, in writing, their Foreign Aid would be in Jeopardy, if they didn’t dig up dirt in Trump.

Three Dem Senators.

Why hasn’t the Media or the GOP asked them to recuse?

In fact, Durbin was on TV today saying Trump needs to be convicted.

Democrats Asked Ukraine To Investigate Trump In 2018

Dismiss this case out of the gate.

Yes. Throw it back in the faces of those who handed this steaming pile of shit to the Senate. Unfortunately some quisling Senators want to play along like they’re dealing with a legitimate, Constitutional process.
there's been a thread or two on it a couple months back.... you or Easy65 started the thread or some other Russian sympathizer....

the reason it has been discarded as one of the right wing's WHAT ABOUT-ISMS, is because it was apples vs oranges....

The letter from the congress critter were not trying to affect an election, they simply wanted the Ukraine to cooperate in the official special counsel investigation, instead of not cooperating...

BOY oh boy, do we know so much more about this NOW due to the impeachment and all the dirty, scuzzy, and scummy Giuliani dealings with Lutsenko SP?... so this has been going on in the Ukraine with Giuliani since at least 2018.... hmmmm.....

this is part of the letter, there is no threat, y'all LIE LIKE RUGS!

upload_2020-1-20_1-13-35.png of Ukraine on Mueller investigation.pdf
Three DEM Senators told Ukraine, in writing, their Foreign Aid would be in Jeopardy, if they didn’t dig up dirt in Trump.

Three Dem Senators.

Why hasn’t the Media or the GOP asked them to recuse?

In fact, Durbin was on TV today saying Trump needs to be convicted.

Democrats Asked Ukraine To Investigate Trump In 2018

Dismiss this case out of the gate.

Yes. Throw it back in the faces of those who handed this steaming pile of shit to the Senate. Unfortunately some quisling Senators want to play along like they’re dealing with a legitimate, Constitutional process.
there's been a thread or two on it a couple months back.... you or Easy65 started the thread or some other Russian sympathizer....

the reason it has been discarded as one of the right wing's WHAT ABOUT-ISMS, is because it was apples vs oranges....

The letter from the congress critter were not trying to affect an election, they simply wanted the Ukraine to cooperate in the official special counsel investigation, instead of not cooperating...

BOY oh boy, do we know so much more about this NOW due to the impeachment and all the dirty, scuzzy, and scummy Giuliani dealings with Lutsenko SP?... so this has been going on in the Ukraine with Giuliani since at least 2018.... hmmmm.....

this is part of the letter, there is no threat, y'all LIE LIKE RUGS!

View attachment 301398 Menendez joint letter to General Prosecutor of Ukraine on Mueller investigation.pdf
The Right know they are lying, they just don't care!
Haven’t you learn anything? The democrats has the mentality of don’t do anything like us

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Three DEM Senators told Ukraine, in writing, their Foreign Aid would be in Jeopardy, if they didn’t dig up dirt in Trump.

Three Dem Senators.

Why hasn’t the Media or the GOP asked them to recuse?

In fact, Durbin was on TV today saying Trump needs to be convicted.

Democrats Asked Ukraine To Investigate Trump In 2018

Dismiss this case out of the gate.

Yes. Throw it back in the faces of those who handed this steaming pile of shit to the Senate. Unfortunately some quisling Senators want to play along like they’re dealing with a legitimate, Constitutional process.

Personally, I am confident virtually everything you, and the rest of us on this side of the aisle have said has been proven to be far more accurate than what the Left has stated for the last 3 years. Each and every time we say something that they deny, it is proven that we are correct, and they are wrong, so they start deflecting.

If Trump did nothing wrong, I would allow witnesses including Bolton and everyone else, as long as his side got to paint the picture of what actually was going on with the other side.

Unfortunately for Trump, I have a funny suspicion that many on the Republican side as well as the Leftist side, don't want everything to be laid bare for the American public. We on the Conservative side see all of this as an Obama deal, and want everything brought out into the open.

But what if it isn't just Obama? What if this kind of crap has been going on for decades, with whomever was in power as the ringleaders, using the power of government to handcuff their political enemies. If that is the case, the GOP (not so much Trump) would also be left holding the bag, and you better believe if the GOP outs the Dems, the Dems will reach back and out the GOP!

During the cold war with the Soviets, it was called MAD, or mutually assured destruction. Politically, that might be what both the Dems and GOP are looking at here, and nobody in power from either side is willing to go there.
Personally, I am confident virtually everything you, and the rest of us on this side of the aisle have said has been proven to be far more accurate than what the Left has stated for the last 3 years. Each and every time we say something that they deny, it is proven that we are correct, and they are wrong, so they start deflecting.

Just the opposite... ALL that Trump funnels through his fake media and acolytes, are LIES, and not true. You believe in LIES, you have put your faith in a man that LIES.... sad sad sad... :( Not faith in God, not faith in truth..... but LIES....

And WHO is the father of all LIES? What does the Bible say on it?

be careful! be wise! God gave you the ability to discern the truth...and not to be fooled by the lies.....
Personally, I am confident virtually everything you, and the rest of us on this side of the aisle have said has been proven to be far more accurate than what the Left has stated for the last 3 years. Each and every time we say something that they deny, it is proven that we are correct, and they are wrong, so they start deflecting.

Just the opposite... ALL that Trump funnels through his fake media and acolytes, are LIES, and not true. You believe in LIES, you have put your faith in a man that LIES.... sad sad sad... :( Not faith in God, not faith in truth..... but LIES....

And WHO is the father of all LIES? What does the Bible say on it?

be careful! be wise! God gave you the ability to discern the truth...and not to be fooled by the lies.....

When we said Trump was spied on, did you agree?

When you said he colluded with the Russians and we said he didn't, then Mueller agreed with us, did you accept it verbally in posts on here?

When Page was accused, didn't you attack him, only to discover it was all smoke and mirrors and did you finally agree, on posts in this forum of course?

The people who started unraveling this mess have been SPOT on, and there is a whole lot more they tell!

So who to believe? Let me see-------------->the people who have been consistently accurate in their reporting, or your side who has gotten EVERYTHING, or most everything wrong?

Call most of us dumb all you want----------------->but until your side gets a few allegations correct, we are going with those who HAVE been correct, until they start getting things wrong.

And I sure hope you don't pick your financial advisor the way you pick the people you believe because it fits your own view, even after being proven wrong. If you do, I am sure you are el broke-o, lol!
Three DEM Senators told Ukraine, in writing, their Foreign Aid would be in Jeopardy, if they didn’t dig up dirt in Trump.

Three Dem Senators.

Why hasn’t the Media or the GOP asked them to recuse?

In fact, Durbin was on TV today saying Trump needs to be convicted.

Democrats Asked Ukraine To Investigate Trump In 2018

Dismiss this case out of the gate.

Yes. Throw it back in the faces of those who handed this steaming pile of shit to the Senate. Unfortunately some quisling Senators want to play along like they’re dealing with a legitimate, Constitutional process.
If witnesses are allowed in the Senate, it looks like Trump has 3 more to call.
Three DEM Senators told Ukraine, in writing, their Foreign Aid would be in Jeopardy, if they didn’t dig up dirt in Trump.

Three Dem Senators.

Why hasn’t the Media or the GOP asked them to recuse?

In fact, Durbin was on TV today saying Trump needs to be convicted.

Democrats Asked Ukraine To Investigate Trump In 2018

Dismiss this case out of the gate.

Yes. Throw it back in the faces of those who handed this steaming pile of shit to the Senate. Unfortunately some quisling Senators want to play along like they’re dealing with a legitimate, Constitutional process.

Hardly a reliable source:

The Federalist - Media Bias/Fact Check

In any case, even if true, the Democratic Senators are hardly in a position to “hold up aid”, since Dems don’t have a majority in the Senate.

Trump isn’t being impeached because he threatened anyone in a letter. Trump is being impeached because he illegally held up aid.
Call most of us dumb all you want----------------->but until your side gets a few allegations correct, we are going with those who HAVE been correct, until they start getting things wrong.

And I sure hope you don't pick your financial advisor the way you pick the people you believe because it fits your own view, even after being proven wrong. If you do, I am sure you are el broke-o, lol!
I did not call you dumb... unlike many left wing posters here, ... I don't think any of you on the right are dumb.

It isn't my VIEW that I am concerned with... it is TRUTH being truth, not some alternative truth.... there is no such thing as alternative truth.... truth is truth.... facts are facts, not alternative facts.... there are no alternative facts, the facts are THE FACTS.

What made you put your trust in a chronic LIAR? Why did you choose a LIAR to follow? You don't need to answer me on that, ask the question of yourself? Was it your hatred for Clinton? What was it, that made you put all of your eggs, in the basket of lies?
Call most of us dumb all you want----------------->but until your side gets a few allegations correct, we are going with those who HAVE been correct, until they start getting things wrong.

And I sure hope you don't pick your financial advisor the way you pick the people you believe because it fits your own view, even after being proven wrong. If you do, I am sure you are el broke-o, lol!
I did not call you dumb... unlike many left wing posters here, ... I don't think any of you on the right are dumb.

It isn't my VIEW that I am concerned with... it is TRUTH being truth, not some alternative truth.... there is no such thing as alternative truth.... truth is truth.... facts are facts, not alternative facts.... there are no alternative facts, the facts are THE FACTS.

What made you put your trust in a chronic LIAR? Why did you choose a LIAR to follow? You don't need to answer me on that, ask the question of yourself? Was it your hatred for Clinton? What was it, that made you put all of your eggs, in the basket of lies?

See, there you go!

Do you actually believe we did not question our own thought process? We heard EXACTLY what you people were saying. I was personally highly upset that this could have happened, as were most people not totally ideologically driven. To me, it was Nixon on steroids.

Then, authors started coming out with DIFFERENT facts. Of course, being partisan, we grabbed onto them and requested that your side answer these allegations. Truth be told, we were STILL on the DEFENSIVE.

Each and every allegation we threw at you, your side denied, and that is understandable. Problem was, as time went on, all or most of these allegations were proven true. (I won't go through the list, as it would be redundant) Your side for months, insisted that we wait on Muellers report. Why not you asked, that would settle things.

Well, out came the Mueller report, and after he testified, all of the sudden your stance changed. (not you personally, but your side) In the meantime, more and more evidence came out that everything your side denied was true, was for the most part, true!

Now look, I don't know you personally, I know absolutely nothing about you, and to be honest, I could care less. But, so far your side is batting o-fer, and everything up and until this Ukraine thing has been proven false. And this Ukraine thing; well that has yet to be determined.

So let me ask you---------------->should anyone just buy into anything your side says, when they have yet to get it correct yet? That doesn't mean they should support Trump, for whatever reason, they don't like him, and so be it.

And yet rather, should your side at least START looking with a skeptical eye at these people feeding you misinformation! You know, the feeding of misinformation to YOU is not only about screwing Trump, it is about MISGUIDING you to your best choice of Democratic candidates that will do your bidding in the primaries. That would worry me most if I was you! After all...………….having to choose between Donald Trump and a Democratic candidate that you chose through misinformation that would serve your goals WORSE, is a bad state of affairs.

Remember, so far you are either very close. or absolutely o-fer by the information you are receiving. So are you CONFIDENT you even know who to choose from your Democratic candidates, that will serve your needs, and not screw you worse than you feel you are already screwed?

If I was you, I would think not!
Trump's defense team says 'abuse of power' isn't impeachable. Am I to take that they're admitting he did abuse his power, but that under the Constitution we're not allowed to do anything about it? Sounds to me like Dershowitz has lost his mind.
Trump's Senate trial defense: Abuse of power is not impeachable - CNNPolitics
Dershowitz has actually done a complete about face. Check at 5:20 of the clip to hear him say that there doesn't have to be a crime in order to impeach!

Three DEM Senators told Ukraine, in writing, their Foreign Aid would be in Jeopardy, if they didn’t dig up dirt in Trump.

Three Dem Senators.

Why hasn’t the Media or the GOP asked them to recuse?

In fact, Durbin was on TV today saying Trump needs to be convicted.

Democrats Asked Ukraine To Investigate Trump In 2018

Dismiss this case out of the gate.

Yes. Throw it back in the faces of those who handed this steaming pile of shit to the Senate. Unfortunately some quisling Senators want to play along like they’re dealing with a legitimate, Constitutional process.

You mean where Senate Democrats openly asked Ukraine for help in a legitimately authorized investigation by the Justice Department and didn't at all threaten aid to Ukraine?

Instead of where the President of the United States made a secret call to Ukraine to ask for Ukraine to investigate his political opponent- and then secretly sent his personal attorney to demand that Ukraine publicly announce an investigation into Trump's political rival.

Yeah- those two things are just the same.....
Call most of us dumb all you want----------------->but until your side gets a few allegations correct, we are going with those who HAVE been correct, until they start getting things wrong.

And I sure hope you don't pick your financial advisor the way you pick the people you believe because it fits your own view, even after being proven wrong. If you do, I am sure you are el broke-o, lol!
I did not call you dumb... unlike many left wing posters here, ... I don't think any of you on the right are dumb.

It isn't my VIEW that I am concerned with... it is TRUTH being truth, not some alternative truth.... there is no such thing as alternative truth.... truth is truth.... facts are facts, not alternative facts.... there are no alternative facts, the facts are THE FACTS.

What made you put your trust in a chronic LIAR? Why did you choose a LIAR to follow? You don't need to answer me on that, ask the question of yourself? Was it your hatred for Clinton? What was it, that made you put all of your eggs, in the basket of lies?

See, there you go!

Do you actually believe we did not question our own thought process? We heard EXACTLY what you people were saying. I was personally highly upset that this could have happened, as were most people not totally ideologically driven. To me, it was Nixon on steroids.

Then, authors started coming out with DIFFERENT facts. Of course, being partisan, we grabbed onto them and requested that your side answer these allegations. Truth be told, we were STILL on the DEFENSIVE.

Each and every allegation we threw at you, your side denied, and that is understandable. Problem was, as time went on, all or most of these allegations were proven true. (I won't go through the list, as it would be redundant) Your side for months, insisted that we wait on Muellers report. Why not you asked, that would settle things.

Well, out came the Mueller report, and after he testified, all of the sudden your stance changed. (not you personally, but your side) In the meantime, more and more evidence came out that everything your side denied was true, was for the most part, true!

Now look, I don't know you personally, I know absolutely nothing about you, and to be honest, I could care less. But, so far your side is batting o-fer, and everything up and until this Ukraine thing has been proven false. And this Ukraine thing; well that has yet to be determined.

So let me ask you---------------->should anyone just buy into anything your side says, when they have yet to get it correct yet? That doesn't mean they should support Trump, for whatever reason, they don't like him, and so be it.

And yet rather, should your side at least START looking with a skeptical eye at these people feeding you misinformation! You know, the feeding of misinformation to YOU is not only about screwing Trump, it is about MISGUIDING you to your best choice of Democratic candidates that will do your bidding in the primaries. That would worry me most if I was you! After all...………….having to choose between Donald Trump and a Democratic candidate that you chose through misinformation that would serve your goals WORSE, is a bad state of affairs.

Remember, so far you are either very close. or absolutely o-fer by the information you are receiving. So are you CONFIDENT you even know who to choose from your Democratic candidates, that will serve your needs, and not screw you worse than you feel you are already screwed?

If I was you, I would think not!
What a load of hogwash!

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