Impeaching Trump doesn't mean he's guilty


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Impeaching Trump doesn't mean he's guilty

Impeaching Trump doesn't mean he's guilty
12/13/2019 ~ By Jenna Ellis
America is witnessing Democrats attempt to file a false report against Trump in their resolve to undermine the Constitution the Democrat House Judiciary Comm. passed 2 articles of impeachment on a strictly party-line, partisan vote. Shameful media reporting on this “historic impeachment” as if impeachment itself is evidence or a conviction, in an attempt to pretend there is any actual legal merit to this sham. “Impeachment” is the term for filing charges in this context. Similarly to a regular prosecutor “charging” a person with an alleged crime through the act of filing charges, constitutionally the House is charging through the act of filing articles of impeachment. But importantly, “impeaching” him does not mean that Trump is actually guilty of anything. If passed by a majority of the full House, Trump will have only been charged. Think of “impeaching” as synonymous with “charging” in this context. If someone has been charged, this means allegations and a presumption of innocence, the same here for impeachment — only allegations, and the president has the presumption of innocence and has not been found guilty of any wrongdoing simply because of the filing of articles of impeachment.
The system of impeachment can be abused. House Democrats are trying to file 'false impeachment' against President Trump for their own political purposes — not because there is any genuine legal reason. Contrary to what mainstream media is claiming, impeachment is not purely political. Like criminal charges, impeachment can only be filed for conduct specified in Article II, Section 4 (“treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors”) and must have evidentiary support. The House Judiciary Committee 'maliciously advanced' two articles of impeachment, “abuse of power” and “obstruction of congress,” that 'do not qualify as impeachable offenses here'... Worse, the committee has not found evidence for these articles. This is nothing more than a malicious prosecution. House Democrats are poised to file a false report, abusing the constitutional system for their own advantage. Their false impeachment is the only abuse of power happening here.

Impeachment = indictment. Surely it's said that prosecutors can indict a ham sandwich. However, then it must be tried and judged before a court of the accused peers
If the members of the House of Congress are smart, they’ll not vote to further indict a ham sandwich. Although majority Democrats ideologs within both the Intelligence and Judiciary Committees have committed themselves by use of false representation and hearsay.
If the Senate is smart, they’ll censure the House Democrats for being so stupid.
“Obstruction of Congress” is the Democrats’ way of completely ‘ignoring’ the separation of powers and the law. Every president has exercised legitimate executive privilege and due process rights. The president is not required simply to obey the whims of Congress without objection. When there is a dispute over the powers of Congress to force the executive branch to comply, we have another branch of government to resolve those questions of law: the judiciary.
Our Constitution provides for this to ensure that neither Congress or the President overreach their authority and that there is enforcement for the executive and Legislation to comply where proper. But the Democrats don’t want to wait for a decision from the courts. They want to pretend they are the highest branch of government, and if President Trump, the executive branch don’t automatically do everything congressional Democrats demand, they can whine and pretend this is illegal and impeachable. It is NOT.
Card carrying Congressional Democrat members of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left are leading their fellow Dems down a dark path. Actually, if the moderate junior member Democrats had any morals, they’d vote against this travesty. Both the Intelligence and Judiciary Committees have failed to produce prima facie evidence to indict. They cannot impeach without ANY evidence AT ALL, is outrageous! But they are attempting to do it.
But importantly, “impeaching” him does not mean that Trump is actually guilty of anything.
You conveniently forget that Tramp CONFESSED to asking a foreign country to investigate a political rival right in front of the cameras LIVE on the White House lawn. "Mick" Mulvaney and Sondland also CONFESSED to the Quid Pro Quo.
But importantly, “impeaching” him does not mean that Trump is actually guilty of anything.
You conveniently forget that Tramp CONFESSED to asking a foreign country to investigate a political rival right in front of the cameras LIVE on the White House lawn. "Mick" Mulvaney and Sondland also CONFESSED to the Quid Pro Quo.

Let's hope you are an ex-felon who no longer has the right to vote.
Impeaching Trump doesn't mean he's guilty

Impeaching Trump doesn't mean he's guilty
12/13/2019 ~ By Jenna Ellis
America is witnessing Democrats attempt to file a false report against Trump in their resolve to undermine the Constitution the Democrat House Judiciary Comm. passed 2 articles of impeachment on a strictly party-line, partisan vote. Shameful media reporting on this “historic impeachment” as if impeachment itself is evidence or a conviction, in an attempt to pretend there is any actual legal merit to this sham. “Impeachment” is the term for filing charges in this context. Similarly to a regular prosecutor “charging” a person with an alleged crime through the act of filing charges, constitutionally the House is charging through the act of filing articles of impeachment. But importantly, “impeaching” him does not mean that Trump is actually guilty of anything. If passed by a majority of the full House, Trump will have only been charged. Think of “impeaching” as synonymous with “charging” in this context. If someone has been charged, this means allegations and a presumption of innocence, the same here for impeachment — only allegations, and the president has the presumption of innocence and has not been found guilty of any wrongdoing simply because of the filing of articles of impeachment.
The system of impeachment can be abused. House Democrats are trying to file 'false impeachment' against President Trump for their own political purposes — not because there is any genuine legal reason. Contrary to what mainstream media is claiming, impeachment is not purely political. Like criminal charges, impeachment can only be filed for conduct specified in Article II, Section 4 (“treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors”) and must have evidentiary support. The House Judiciary Committee 'maliciously advanced' two articles of impeachment, “abuse of power” and “obstruction of congress,” that 'do not qualify as impeachable offenses here'... Worse, the committee has not found evidence for these articles. This is nothing more than a malicious prosecution. House Democrats are poised to file a false report, abusing the constitutional system for their own advantage. Their false impeachment is the only abuse of power happening here.

Impeachment = indictment. Surely it's said that prosecutors can indict a ham sandwich. However, then it must be tried and judged before a court of the accused peers
If the members of the House of Congress are smart, they’ll not vote to further indict a ham sandwich. Although majority Democrats ideologs within both the Intelligence and Judiciary Committees have committed themselves by use of false representation and hearsay.
If the Senate is smart, they’ll censure the House Democrats for being so stupid.
“Obstruction of Congress” is the Democrats’ way of completely ‘ignoring’ the separation of powers and the law. Every president has exercised legitimate executive privilege and due process rights. The president is not required simply to obey the whims of Congress without objection. When there is a dispute over the powers of Congress to force the executive branch to comply, we have another branch of government to resolve those questions of law: the judiciary.
Our Constitution provides for this to ensure that neither Congress or the President overreach their authority and that there is enforcement for the executive and Legislation to comply where proper. But the Democrats don’t want to wait for a decision from the courts. They want to pretend they are the highest branch of government, and if President Trump, the executive branch don’t automatically do everything congressional Democrats demand, they can whine and pretend this is illegal and impeachable. It is NOT.
Card carrying Congressional Democrat members of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left are leading their fellow Dems down a dark path. Actually, if the moderate junior member Democrats had any morals, they’d vote against this travesty. Both the Intelligence and Judiciary Committees have failed to produce prima facie evidence to indict. They cannot impeach without ANY evidence AT ALL, is outrageous! But they are attempting to do it.
Of course he's NOT guilty of ANY impeachable offense. This is just the latest chapter in the Dim Dems' OVER THREE YEAR temper tantrum since their beloved Killary LOST in 2016. Shameful behavior.
But importantly, “impeaching” him does not mean that Trump is actually guilty of anything.
You conveniently forget that Tramp CONFESSED to asking a foreign country to investigate a political rival right in front of the cameras LIVE on the White House lawn. "Mick" Mulvaney and Sondland also CONFESSED to the Quid Pro Quo.

Let's hope you are an ex-felon who no longer has the right to vote.
Rush Limbaugh Defines Hope
Feb 19, 2008
RUSH: Hope is an excuse for people not to do anything. Hope is an excuse for not trying,
Of course he's NOT guilty of ANY impeachable offense. This is just the latest chapter in the Dim Dems' OVER THREE YEAR temper tantrum since their beloved Killary LOST in 2016. Shameful behavior.

And let's not forget that OJ was innocent, too. As for Ted Bundy, it was a set up! Hitler? M'eh, so he got a little carried away.

On a more serious note, how come ALL neocon whackadoodles on this site are stuck on 'dumb'.
Of course he's NOT guilty of ANY impeachable offense. This is just the latest chapter in the Dim Dems' OVER THREE YEAR temper tantrum since their beloved Killary LOST in 2016. Shameful behavior.

And let's not forget that OJ was innocent, too. As for Ted Bundy, it was a set up! Hitler? M'eh, so he got a little carried away.

On a more serious note, how come ALL neocon whackadoodles on this site are stuck on 'dumb'.
Hey, Grumpy, how's that brainwashing from the biased media working for you? It APPEARS that it has worked quite WELL on you. Good luck with that.
Of course he's NOT guilty of ANY impeachable offense. This is just the latest chapter in the Dim Dems' OVER THREE YEAR temper tantrum since their beloved Killary LOST in 2016. Shameful behavior.

And let's not forget that OJ was innocent, too. As for Ted Bundy, it was a set up! Hitler? M'eh, so he got a little carried away.

On a more serious note, how come ALL neocon whackadoodles on this site are stuck on 'dumb'.
Hey, Grumpy, how's that brainwashing from the biased media working for you? It APPEARS that it has worked quite WELL on you. Good luck with that.
Irony alert!!!!!!!
But importantly, “impeaching” him does not mean that Trump is actually guilty of anything.
You conveniently forget that Tramp CONFESSED to asking a foreign country to investigate a political rival right in front of the cameras LIVE on the White House lawn. "Mick" Mulvaney and Sondland also CONFESSED to the Quid Pro Quo.

No he didn't you lying Idiot! Play us the link to that "confession!" You are thinking of the video where Biden said he gave Ukraine 6 hours to fire their investigator or he's walk with our money.

And SHAZAMM! Rather than impeach Biden for his quid pro quo abuse of power, everyone in the room LAUGHS. They thought it was FUNNY.
Impeaching Trump doesn't mean he's guilty

Impeaching Trump doesn't mean he's guilty
12/13/2019 ~ By Jenna Ellis
America is witnessing Democrats attempt to file a false report against Trump in their resolve to undermine the Constitution the Democrat House Judiciary Comm. passed 2 articles of impeachment on a strictly party-line, partisan vote. Shameful media reporting on this “historic impeachment” as if impeachment itself is evidence or a conviction, in an attempt to pretend there is any actual legal merit to this sham. “Impeachment” is the term for filing charges in this context. Similarly to a regular prosecutor “charging” a person with an alleged crime through the act of filing charges, constitutionally the House is charging through the act of filing articles of impeachment. But importantly, “impeaching” him does not mean that Trump is actually guilty of anything. If passed by a majority of the full House, Trump will have only been charged. Think of “impeaching” as synonymous with “charging” in this context. If someone has been charged, this means allegations and a presumption of innocence, the same here for impeachment — only allegations, and the president has the presumption of innocence and has not been found guilty of any wrongdoing simply because of the filing of articles of impeachment.
The system of impeachment can be abused. House Democrats are trying to file 'false impeachment' against President Trump for their own political purposes — not because there is any genuine legal reason. Contrary to what mainstream media is claiming, impeachment is not purely political. Like criminal charges, impeachment can only be filed for conduct specified in Article II, Section 4 (“treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors”) and must have evidentiary support. The House Judiciary Committee 'maliciously advanced' two articles of impeachment, “abuse of power” and “obstruction of congress,” that 'do not qualify as impeachable offenses here'... Worse, the committee has not found evidence for these articles. This is nothing more than a malicious prosecution. House Democrats are poised to file a false report, abusing the constitutional system for their own advantage. Their false impeachment is the only abuse of power happening here.

Impeachment = indictment. Surely it's said that prosecutors can indict a ham sandwich. However, then it must be tried and judged before a court of the accused peers
If the members of the House of Congress are smart, they’ll not vote to further indict a ham sandwich. Although majority Democrats ideologs within both the Intelligence and Judiciary Committees have committed themselves by use of false representation and hearsay.
If the Senate is smart, they’ll censure the House Democrats for being so stupid.
“Obstruction of Congress” is the Democrats’ way of completely ‘ignoring’ the separation of powers and the law. Every president has exercised legitimate executive privilege and due process rights. The president is not required simply to obey the whims of Congress without objection. When there is a dispute over the powers of Congress to force the executive branch to comply, we have another branch of government to resolve those questions of law: the judiciary.
Our Constitution provides for this to ensure that neither Congress or the President overreach their authority and that there is enforcement for the executive and Legislation to comply where proper. But the Democrats don’t want to wait for a decision from the courts. They want to pretend they are the highest branch of government, and if President Trump, the executive branch don’t automatically do everything congressional Democrats demand, they can whine and pretend this is illegal and impeachable. It is NOT.
Card carrying Congressional Democrat members of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left are leading their fellow Dems down a dark path. Actually, if the moderate junior member Democrats had any morals, they’d vote against this travesty. Both the Intelligence and Judiciary Committees have failed to produce prima facie evidence to indict. They cannot impeach without ANY evidence AT ALL, is outrageous! But they are attempting to do it.

It is true that impeaching him doesn't mean he is guilty. He is guilty whether he is impeached or not, but he will be impeached. How many think OJ is innocent and was railroaded just because he was found not guilty?
How many think OJ is innocent and was railroaded just because he was found not guilty?
Every single constitutional-ist since the founding fathers..."innocent until proven guilty" is the founding principle/foundation of our justice system, dismissing it is usually done by those who like to make up the rules as they see you also think second amendment advocates are "gun nuts"? the 2 usually go hand-n-hand
Of course he's NOT guilty of ANY impeachable offense. This is just the latest chapter in the Dim Dems' OVER THREE YEAR temper tantrum since their beloved Killary LOST in 2016. Shameful behavior.

And let's not forget that OJ was innocent, too. As for Ted Bundy, it was a set up! Hitler? M'eh, so he got a little carried away.

On a more serious note, how come ALL neocon whackadoodles on this site are stuck on 'dumb'.
Hey, Grumpy, how's that brainwashing from the biased media working for you? It APPEARS that it has worked quite WELL on you. Good luck with that.
Irony alert!!!!!!!
Says edith, the brainwashed loony lib. Nice try, dickhead!
But importantly, “impeaching” him does not mean that Trump is actually guilty of anything.
You conveniently forget that Tramp CONFESSED to asking a foreign country to investigate a political rival right in front of the cameras LIVE on the White House lawn. "Mick" Mulvaney and Sondland also CONFESSED to the Quid Pro Quo.

No he didn't you lying Idiot! Play us the link to that "confession!" You are thinking of the video where Biden said he gave Ukraine 6 hours to fire their investigator or he's walk with our money.

And SHAZAMM! Rather than impeach Biden for his quid pro quo abuse of power, everyone in the room LAUGHS. They thought it was FUNNY.

what if we impeach Maxine Brown just for having an IQ of 23?
Impeaching Trump doesn't mean he's guilty

Impeaching Trump doesn't mean he's guilty
12/13/2019 ~ By Jenna Ellis
America is witnessing Democrats attempt to file a false report against Trump in their resolve to undermine the Constitution the Democrat House Judiciary Comm. passed 2 articles of impeachment on a strictly party-line, partisan vote. Shameful media reporting on this “historic impeachment” as if impeachment itself is evidence or a conviction, in an attempt to pretend there is any actual legal merit to this sham. “Impeachment” is the term for filing charges in this context. Similarly to a regular prosecutor “charging” a person with an alleged crime through the act of filing charges, constitutionally the House is charging through the act of filing articles of impeachment. But importantly, “impeaching” him does not mean that Trump is actually guilty of anything. If passed by a majority of the full House, Trump will have only been charged. Think of “impeaching” as synonymous with “charging” in this context. If someone has been charged, this means allegations and a presumption of innocence, the same here for impeachment — only allegations, and the president has the presumption of innocence and has not been found guilty of any wrongdoing simply because of the filing of articles of impeachment.
The system of impeachment can be abused. House Democrats are trying to file 'false impeachment' against President Trump for their own political purposes — not because there is any genuine legal reason. Contrary to what mainstream media is claiming, impeachment is not purely political. Like criminal charges, impeachment can only be filed for conduct specified in Article II, Section 4 (“treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors”) and must have evidentiary support. The House Judiciary Committee 'maliciously advanced' two articles of impeachment, “abuse of power” and “obstruction of congress,” that 'do not qualify as impeachable offenses here'... Worse, the committee has not found evidence for these articles. This is nothing more than a malicious prosecution. House Democrats are poised to file a false report, abusing the constitutional system for their own advantage. Their false impeachment is the only abuse of power happening here.

Impeachment = indictment. Surely it's said that prosecutors can indict a ham sandwich. However, then it must be tried and judged before a court of the accused peers
If the members of the House of Congress are smart, they’ll not vote to further indict a ham sandwich. Although majority Democrats ideologs within both the Intelligence and Judiciary Committees have committed themselves by use of false representation and hearsay.
If the Senate is smart, they’ll censure the House Democrats for being so stupid.
“Obstruction of Congress” is the Democrats’ way of completely ‘ignoring’ the separation of powers and the law. Every president has exercised legitimate executive privilege and due process rights. The president is not required simply to obey the whims of Congress without objection. When there is a dispute over the powers of Congress to force the executive branch to comply, we have another branch of government to resolve those questions of law: the judiciary.
Our Constitution provides for this to ensure that neither Congress or the President overreach their authority and that there is enforcement for the executive and Legislation to comply where proper. But the Democrats don’t want to wait for a decision from the courts. They want to pretend they are the highest branch of government, and if President Trump, the executive branch don’t automatically do everything congressional Democrats demand, they can whine and pretend this is illegal and impeachable. It is NOT.
Card carrying Congressional Democrat members of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left are leading their fellow Dems down a dark path. Actually, if the moderate junior member Democrats had any morals, they’d vote against this travesty. Both the Intelligence and Judiciary Committees have failed to produce prima facie evidence to indict. They cannot impeach without ANY evidence AT ALL, is outrageous! But they are attempting to do it.
CONS: "Bill Clinton was impeached so he was guilty".
But importantly, “impeaching” him does not mean that Trump is actually guilty of anything.
You conveniently forget that Tramp CONFESSED to asking a foreign country to investigate a political rival right in front of the cameras LIVE on the White House lawn. "Mick" Mulvaney and Sondland also CONFESSED to the Quid Pro Quo.

No he didn't you lying Idiot! Play us the link to that "confession!" You are thinking of the video where Biden said he gave Ukraine 6 hours to fire their investigator or he's walk with our money.

And SHAZAMM! Rather than impeach Biden for his quid pro quo abuse of power, everyone in the room LAUGHS. They thought it was FUNNY.

what if we impeach Maxine Brown just for having an IQ of 23?

23 MAY be a bit of a high estimate. It's probably closer to 17.............
You conveniently forget that Tramp CONFESSED to asking a foreign country to investigate a political rival right in front of the cameras LIVE on the White House lawn. "Mick" Mulvaney and Sondland also CONFESSED to the Quid Pro Quo.

Let's hope you are an ex-felon who no longer has the right to vote

And of COURSE, ^^^^this is the ONLY response RWI's have. Deflect.
You conveniently forget that Tramp CONFESSED to asking a foreign country to investigate a political rival right in front of the cameras LIVE on the White House lawn. "Mick" Mulvaney and Sondland also CONFESSED to the Quid Pro Quo.

Let's hope you are an ex-felon who no longer has the right to vote

And of COURSE, ^^^^this is the ONLY response RWI's have. Deflect.
The DIM one strikes again. Way to go, edith!

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