IMO, Obama's most notable achievement... what do think was his most notable achievement?

That's a Russian Poodle.



The Republicans still despise Obama for taking down Osama. Osama was their best bud, back to the Clinton days. Clinton tries to kill him, Republicans scream "Wag the dog! Aspirin factory" and threatened another impeachment. The result? 9/11.

And they are not sorry. They still think back with pride on saving Osama. All over the nation, conversations like this go on in conservative households ...

"Billy, did Grampa every tell you about how he saved noble Osama from the evil Bill Clinton? Proudest day of my life that was ... but then the evil Obama took our friend <tear forms in eye>. We'll get him for that."
Getting the Democrat party thrown out of every majority in government, and losing more than 1,000 legislative seats in Federal and State govts, in only 8 years.

This is his most beneficial accomplishment for the country. The U.S. is much better off for his having done it.
More like Comey and Putin. And crap media. No issues, just character assassination. Refusal to call GOP obstruction for what it was.
Blaming always somebody else. You need to regain your composure, you look desperate.
Go Mr. Businessman Trump! And keep dumping the dupes wishes- they won't notice anyway.
OP- ACA, ending the corrupt GOP depression and the stupidest war ever, stopping Gaddafi from massacring Bengazi and Libya, gay marriage, legal pot, raising taxes on the rich a bit, giving Israel RW a-hole a hard time, getting back respect on foreign stage, sanctions on Russia, getting Iran back on track- too bad about the "No compromise, Un-American and duped TP GOP"-TIME.
Taking down Bin Laden after Republicans let him go and stopped looking for him.
Nobody else respected ISIS at the time, dupe.

The CIA has the GREATEST INTELLIGENCE CAPACITY IN HISTORY? So why did they tell Obama that Isis was a bloody JV team? Then Obama told the world. FAILURE!! So the same CIA told Bush about Saddam's WMDs. So Obama gets a "Pass" and Bush gets lumbered with the Iraq mess. Hypocrisy is a liberal!!

Taking down Bin Laden after Republicans let him go and stopped looking for him.
Nobody else respected ISIS at the time, dupe.

The CIA has the GREATEST INTELLIGENCE CAPACITY IN HISTORY? So why did they tell Obama that Isis was a bloody JV team? Then Obama told the world. FAILURE!! So the same CIA told Bush about Saddam's WMDs. So Obama gets a "Pass" and Bush gets lumbered with the Iraq mess. Hypocrisy is a liberal!!

WHO said that? lol. NOBODY was worried about ISIS at the time DUH> Booosh and Cheney cherry picked what they wanted- Booosh and Cheney and the GOP propaganda machine didn't give a damn about the facts. They wanted Saddam, period. Great job, morons. And when they were thru, 80% of the country believed Saddam was part of 9/11!

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