Immigration, legal and not, is not the problem some are making it out to be

John Edgar Slow Horses

Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2023
As of 2021, the U.S. population was 332 million. Estimates are that there are 11.5 million undocumented people living here, so that is only 3.5%.

The problem is thinking that is a problem, let alone believing it is a crisis of some kind.

We have a historically low unemployment rate currently 3.7%, so the undocumented are not only not the problem, we need them here.

Immigrants are the folks who had the gumption to take the risk to leave society's they were familiar with to resettle in strange surroundings and they typically thrive. These are the people you should want to be here with lower crime rates than native born Americans and hard workers.

We should process work permits for those who are here and hire more immigration court staff to rapidly process asylum claims.

Stop making the undocumented, who the vast majority of which are good decent people, live in limbo so the wealthy can profit from their cheap labor.
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the real fear people have is the record amount of deadly fentanyl coming across the border and lax border security allowing people with bad intent to come through ! our border is wide open leaving the country wide open for another major terrorist attack ! secure the border and control the flow ! right now we dont know who's gotten into the country or for what reason they came .
Immigrants are the folks who had the gumption to take the risk to leave society's they were familiar with to resettle in strange surroundings and they typically thrive. These are the people you should want to be here with lower crime rates than native born Americans and hard workers.
Immigrants (Legal) are the ones who had the gumption to go through the LEGAL system to get here.
That is not the problem, the problem is with the ILLEGAL aliens that come here unvetted and released
within our borders with a piece of paper to show up for a court date years from now, and this administration
doesn't have an issue with that.

I wonder how many nefarious people have crossed into our borders?
Immigrants (Legal) are the ones who had the gumption to go through the LEGAL system to get here.
That is not the problem, the problem is with the ILLEGAL aliens that come here unvetted and released
within our borders with a piece of paper to show up for a court date years from now, and this administration
doesn't have an issue with that.

I wonder how many nefarious people have crossed into our borders?
I am all for tightening up on illegal crossings, yes.
As of 2021, the U.S. population was 332 million. Estimates are that there are 11.5 million undocumented people living here, so that is only 3.5%.
Estimated by lying libs who want want all the foreigners they can find

The number is much higher

Not even ultra lib Pew Research agrees with you

And their guess of 40 million may be too low
As of 2021, the U.S. population was 332 million. Estimates are that there are 11.5 million undocumented people living here, so that is only 3.5%.

The problem is thinking that is a problem, let alone believing it is a crisis of some kind.

We have a historically low unemployment rate currently 3.7%, so the undocumented are not only not the problem, we need them here.

Immigrants are the folks who had the gumption to take the risk to leave society's they were familiar with to resettle in strange surroundings and they typically thrive. These are the people you should want to be here with lower crime rates than native born Americans and hard workers.

We should process work permits for those who are here and hire more immigration court staff to rapidly process asylum claims.

Stop making the undocumented, who the vast majority of which are good decent people, live in limbo so the wealthy can profit from their cheap labor.
there is more than 11 million john.....they were saying that 5 years ago.....
As of 2021, the U.S. population was 332 million. Estimates are that there are 11.5 million undocumented people living here, so that is only 3.5%.

The problem is thinking that is a problem, let alone believing it is a crisis of some kind.

We have a historically low unemployment rate currently 3.7%, so the undocumented are not only not the problem, we need them here.

Immigrants are the folks who had the gumption to take the risk to leave society's they were familiar with to resettle in strange surroundings and they typically thrive. These are the people you should want to be here with lower crime rates than native born Americans and hard workers.

We should process work permits for those who are here and hire more immigration court staff to rapidly process asylum claims.

Stop making the undocumented, who the vast majority of which are good decent people, live in limbo so the wealthy can profit from their cheap labor.
We really need to overhaul our entire immigration system but Congress punts. There isn’t much a president can do.
the real fear people have is the record amount of deadly fentanyl coming across the border and lax border security allowing people with bad intent to come through ! our border is wide open leaving the country wide open for another major terrorist attack ! secure the border and control the flow ! right now we dont know who's gotten into the country or for what reason they came .
A lot of illegals came here legally and overstayed their visa. Fentanyl comes in because we don't have the manpower to search every truck that brings in onions etc etc. If you think the border is wide open you never have been to the southern border.

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