Immigration: have you ever thought about the actual cost?


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2014
We talk a lot about the immigration, how much of our tax money is spent on dealing with the process, and so on. But have you ever thought about the actual scope of the problem?
Just think about it. Since the Deferred Action of Childhood Arrivals came into effect in 2012, 52 000 children have crossed the border within this program. It means their arrival was documented. But does anyone know how many kids just sneaked in?
Still, we are a rich country; we can afford to spend $6.3 trillion to legalize one generation of immigrants. Our budget is capable of providing them with health care and social insurance. It is definitely necessary to provide them with education - $12300 a year for each kid. We have enough resources to finance more fire-fighter brigades, ambulances, police departments and so on (the services that you need to widen if the population grows). But that all is just money – renewable resource.
How about other sides of the mass immigration from Central America? Many of these kids are gang members, so they would contribute to the drug traffic growth, and not because they are so bad, but because they need to earn money and that is something they know.
Then, how about a health check for the kids? Who does it? How thoroughly? The kids are often sick with different types of flu, they have hepatitis and tuberculosis. Are we ready to deal with the diseases at this scale?
Then, they soon will grow up, and grow up fast. Are they going to integrate with the American culture? Are they eager to learn English, to study and become active citizens? I don’t know. But what I know for sure, in the Catholic culture of Latin America the kids and the family are worshiped a lot, so very soon the immigrant would just simply multiply. While WASP Americans wait to start a family until their 30s, perform abortions, and so on.
I guess this all creates a certain picture: this immigration flood might cost us the future.

And plus a video to illustrate the point

But what I know for sure, in the Catholic culture of Latin America the kids and the family are worshiped a lot, so very soon the immigrant would just simply multiply.

Turns out you don't know that for sure. Fertility rates are falling among Latino-Americans, Latino immigrants to America, and in most parts of Latin America generally.
Good post but you'll never get through by using facts. They prefer hyperbole and drama.

mexico is NOT an ally of ours because they are complicit in flooding our country with 3rd worlders.

Does anyone really expect people that broke the law sneaking into this country and who consciously break numerous laws daily by remaining and working here are going to be good law abiding citizens?

Look at mexico's laws regarding immigration;
They have the right idea.

--Immigrants must have necessary funds for their sustenance and dependents
(Article 34)

--Foreigners may be barred from the country if they are not physically or
mentally healthy(Article 37)

--The General Law on Population says under Mexican Law, Illegal immigration is
a felony (Art.123)

--Foreigners deported from Mexico & attempt to re-enter without
authorization can be
imprisoned up to 10 years (Article 118)

--Non-citizens cannot in any way participate in the political affairs of the
Yes, by and large.

Turns out you don't know that for sure. Fertility rates are falling among Latino-Americans, Latino immigrants to America, and in most parts of Latin America generally.

May I kindly ask you to provide facts to suport your statements?
According to my information, 40% of immigrants are on Welfare, even 20 years after arriving. And their kids provide only 15% of the money government spends on immigrants. And I see it as unwillingness to integrate.

Good post but you'll never get through by using facts. They prefer hyperbole and drama.

mexico is NOT an ally of ours because they are complicit in flooding our country with 3rd worlders.

Does anyone really expect people that broke the law sneaking into this country and who consciously break numerous laws daily by remaining and working here are going to be good law abiding citizens?

Look at mexico's laws regarding immigration;
They have the right idea.

--Immigrants must have necessary funds for their sustenance and dependents
(Article 34)

--Foreigners may be barred from the country if they are not physically or
mentally healthy(Article 37)

--The General Law on Population says under Mexican Law, Illegal immigration is
a felony (Art.123)

--Foreigners deported from Mexico & attempt to re-enter without
authorization can be
imprisoned up to 10 years (Article 118)

--Non-citizens cannot in any way participate in the political affairs of the

Thank you. :)
Probably, you're right, I need to be more senstional and hysterical to drive attention.
Too bad I prefer stick to the facts as much as possible... :(
Yes, by and large.

Turns out you don't know that for sure. Fertility rates are falling among Latino-Americans, Latino immigrants to America, and in most parts of Latin America generally.

May I kindly ask you to provide facts to suport your statements?
According to my information, 40% of immigrants are on Welfare, even 20 years after arriving. And their kids provide only 15% of the money government spends on immigrants. And I see it as unwillingness to integrate.

Good post but you'll never get through by using facts. They prefer hyperbole and drama.

mexico is NOT an ally of ours because they are complicit in flooding our country with 3rd worlders.

Does anyone really expect people that broke the law sneaking into this country and who consciously break numerous laws daily by remaining and working here are going to be good law abiding citizens?

Look at mexico's laws regarding immigration;
They have the right idea.

--Immigrants must have necessary funds for their sustenance and dependents
(Article 34)

--Foreigners may be barred from the country if they are not physically or
mentally healthy(Article 37)

--The General Law on Population says under Mexican Law, Illegal immigration is
a felony (Art.123)

--Foreigners deported from Mexico & attempt to re-enter without
authorization can be
imprisoned up to 10 years (Article 118)

--Non-citizens cannot in any way participate in the political affairs of the

Thank you. :)
Probably, you're right, I need to be more senstional and hysterical to drive attention.
Too bad I prefer stick to the facts as much as possible... :(

What "stats"? Where?..pulling numbers out of thin air doesn't count as "stats"

but....yes..that's all a lovely done?
Now ,explain to me the benefits of having an open border?
Explain why you disagree with mexico's laws regarding illegal immigration..
Yes, by and large.

Turns out you don't know that for sure. Fertility rates are falling among Latino-Americans, Latino immigrants to America, and in most parts of Latin America generally.

May I kindly ask you to provide facts to suport [sic] your statements?

Hispanic immigrants are assimilating just as quickly as earlier groups - The Washington Post

Immigrants Today Learning English Much Faster Than Europeans Did Study
Yes, by and large.

Turns out you don't know that for sure. Fertility rates are falling among Latino-Americans, Latino immigrants to America, and in most parts of Latin America generally.

May I kindly ask you to provide facts to suport your statements?
According to my information, 40% of immigrants are on Welfare, even 20 years after arriving. And their kids provide only 15% of the money government spends on immigrants. And I see it as unwillingness to integrate.

Good post but you'll never get through by using facts. They prefer hyperbole and drama.

mexico is NOT an ally of ours because they are complicit in flooding our country with 3rd worlders.

Does anyone really expect people that broke the law sneaking into this country and who consciously break numerous laws daily by remaining and working here are going to be good law abiding citizens?

Look at mexico's laws regarding immigration;
They have the right idea.

--Immigrants must have necessary funds for their sustenance and dependents
(Article 34)

--Foreigners may be barred from the country if they are not physically or
mentally healthy(Article 37)

--The General Law on Population says under Mexican Law, Illegal immigration is
a felony (Art.123)

--Foreigners deported from Mexico & attempt to re-enter without
authorization can be
imprisoned up to 10 years (Article 118)

--Non-citizens cannot in any way participate in the political affairs of the

Thank you. :)
Probably, you're right, I need to be more senstional and hysterical to drive attention.
Too bad I prefer stick to the facts as much as possible... :(

What "stats"? Where?..pulling numbers out of thin air doesn't count as "stats"

but....yes..that's all a lovely done?
Now ,explain to me the benefits of having an open border?
Explain why you disagree with mexico's laws regarding illegal immigration..

Sorry, Panda..I misunderstood your point.
I was wrong to respond harshly to you.
I have most of the fools on ignore and sometimes I get confused about who said what to whom.

My mistake, I was wrong and I sincerely apologize.
Mea culpa
But what I know for sure, in the Catholic culture of Latin America the kids and the family are worshiped a lot, so very soon the immigrant would just simply multiply.

Turns out you don't know that for sure. Fertility rates are falling among Latino-Americans, Latino immigrants to America, and in most parts of Latin America generally.
Only because they're running out of beans.

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