Immigration bans….ACA repeal….Ethics’ breaches….False promises


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
After only 3 weeks of this administration, above are the issues that are eroding Trump’s dubious popularity.

We all know how the courts have rejected Trump’s immigration bans, NOT based on politics, but based on the unconstitutionality of the poorly written bans. What is worrisome is that U.S. born and raised wanna-be activists may have found reasons to radicalize because of the ban.

No sane conservative can envision a new HC insurance policy that could both ensure that pre-existing conditions are covered by private companies WITHOUT the accompanying mandate from healthy Americans to also purchase health insurance……Private insurers who are in the business for the huge profits will never accept to insure someone with cancer unless a dozen healthy people ALSO subsidize the system with their premiums…….It may sound “socialistic”, but we do not live in isolation and we function socially.

Ethically, the Trump administration is perhaps the WORST in our lifetime. The current and upcoming town hall meetings will show how dissatisfied common citizens are……..From Trump’s refusal to show his tax returns, to staffing cabinet posts with wealthy ex-lobbyists….from blatant nepotistic placements (remember Mussolini ALSO used his son-in-law as a chief aide)…….to the numerous conflicts of interest from Trump on down to other staffers. Just recently, there is a report that Rubio accepted a $100K donation to his PAC from the DeVos family ……ostensibly to vote for the clueless new secretary of education.

The many false promises made by Trump are perhaps the cruelest form of demagoguery. From the promises of “draining the swamp” ….and placing worse alligators in the swamp…..

From repealing the ACA but having NOTHING to replace it………………..From promising coal miners that Trump would get their jobs back with absolutely NO chance of that happening………..From building a wall with Mexico and having Mexican pay for it………….From defeating ISIS in just a few weeks because Trump "knows how".

Expect a new Tea Party to emerge, and whereas with Obama the protests did not occur until the fall months of 2009, under the Trump catastrophe, protests have begun after only 3 weeks…….GOPers in congress are taking notice of just how caustic Trump is to their party.
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Did Obama make any false promises?

I'm sure you mean (as instructed by FOX) that you're referring to the ACA [ can keep your doctor, etc.]......but even a moron would say that such false promises PALE in comparison to the Trumpster......
.Are you even dumber than one of those morons?
Busy three weeks despite the media painting everything negative and the violent protests. Imagine if the left actually loved America.
Yes, those terrible Devos givers...

In total, the DeVoses donated $90.9 million in 2013, with 48 percent going to education, 27 percent to health and community services, 13 percent to churches or faith-based organizations, and 12 percent to arts and culture.

Most -- $60 million or 66 percent -- was given to organizations in Michigan, with the majority staying in the greater Grand Rapids area.

The 2013 donations were allocated similarly to the family's giving in 2014 when education garnered 45 percent; health and community services 35 percent; arts and culture 15 percent; and churches or faith-based organizations 5 percent, according to numbers Truscott disclosed to The Press, allowing a year-to-year comparison.

Of the family's $94 million total giving in 2014, $54 million stayed in West Michigan, he said.
Did Obama make any false promises?

I'm sure you mean (as instructed by FOX) that you're referring to the ACA [ can keep your doctor, etc.]......but even a moron would say that such false promises PALE in comparison to the Trumpster......
.Are you even dumber than one of those morons?
Proving once again how uninformed and propagandized you are.

Stop consuming fake news and you will get less stupid.
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Imagine if the left actually loved America.

"True".....only half brained right wingers can make the claim of "loving America".....Don't forget to tattoo a US flag on your forehead to further prove your loyalty. .
Imagine if the left actually loved America.

"True".....only half brained right wingers can make the claim of "loving America".....Don't forget to tattoo a US flag on your forehead to further prove your loyalty. .

What kind of liberal idiot thinks about tattooing anything on a forehead? Oh wait, we have you. Never mind

Very Nazi of you by the way.
Yes, those terrible Devos givers...

In total, the DeVoses donated $90.9 million in 2013, with 48 percent going to education, 27 percent to health and community services, 13 percent to churches or faith-based organizations, and 12 percent to arts and culture.

Most -- $60 million or 66 percent -- was given to organizations in Michigan, with the majority staying in the greater Grand Rapids area.

The 2013 donations were allocated similarly to the family's giving in 2014 when education garnered 45 percent; health and community services 35 percent; arts and culture 15 percent; and churches or faith-based organizations 5 percent, according to numbers Truscott disclosed to The Press, allowing a year-to-year comparison.

Of the family's $94 million total giving in 2014, $54 million stayed in West Michigan, he said.

Yes, rather than paying huge taxes on their ridiculous income, giving money away to "chosen charities" lowers their tax burden......Just a bunch of wealthy religious fanatics.
Trump's lies are just a methodology in separating the doubters from the idiots....and some of the idiotic acolytes are finally "waking up".Just ask Chaffetz. LOL
This is endemic of Trump's ego. He is used to getting his way. One would think that a man who is business savvy enough to create a billion dollar empire would have enough sense to consult those on his staff before making so many blunders right out of the gate.
This is endemic of Trump's ego. He is used to getting his way. One would think that a man who is business savvy enough to create a billion dollar empire would have enough sense to consult those on his staff before making so many blunders right out of the gate.
We just completed eight years of the most egotistical asshole to ever be POTUS. It is a bit too soon to believe Trump is already worse than the criminal from Chicago.
This is endemic of Trump's ego. He is used to getting his way. One would think that a man who is business savvy enough to create a billion dollar empire would have enough sense to consult those on his staff before making so many blunders right out of the gate.
We just completed eight years of the most egotistical asshole to ever be POTUS. It is a bit too soon to believe Trump is already worse than the criminal from Chicago.

Who said he was worse? I said he is making very obvious and easily avoidable rookie mistakes because he is too much of a pompous ass to use the help he has available to him.
This is endemic of Trump's ego. He is used to getting his way. One would think that a man who is business savvy enough to create a billion dollar empire would have enough sense to consult those on his staff before making so many blunders right out of the gate.
We just completed eight years of the most egotistical asshole to ever be POTUS. It is a bit too soon to believe Trump is already worse than the criminal from Chicago.

Who said he was worse? I said he is making very obvious and easily avoidable rookie mistakes because he is too much of a pompous ass to use the help he has available to him.
Agreed. My point is the Left loves to bitch about Trump's ego, but said not peep about BO's enormous ego.

Every POTUS makes rookie mistakes. Plus with Trump, he is surrounded by many who want him to fail and will do ANYTHING to make that happen.

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