Immigration bans….ACA repeal….Ethics’ breaches….False promises

Agreed. My point is the Left loves to bitch about Trump's ego, but said not peep about BO's enormous ego.

If you really "think" that Obama's ego was any where near to the pompous, orange clown's, you may be beyond help from anyone.
Agreed. My point is the Left loves to bitch about Trump's ego, but said not peep about BO's enormous ego.

If you really "think" that Obama's ego was any where near to the pompous, orange clown's, you may be beyond help from anyone.
Wrong as usual. You must come to understand that EVERYTHING you know is WRONG.

I told you stop consuming fake news and you will be less stupid, but still stupid. Sorry.
After only 3 weeks of this administration, above are the issues that are eroding Trump’s dubious popularity.

We all know how the courts have rejected Trump’s immigration bans, NOT based on politics, but based on the unconstitutionality of the poorly written bans. What is worrisome is that U.S. born and raised wanna-be activists may have found reasons to radicalize because of the ban.

No sane conservative can envision a new HC insurance policy that could both ensure that pre-existing conditions are covered by private companies WITHOUT the accompanying mandate from healthy Americans to also purchase health insurance……Private insurers who are in the business for the huge profits will never accept to insure someone with cancer unless a dozen healthy people ALSO subsidize the system with their premiums…….It may sound “socialistic”, but we do not live in isolation and we function socially.

Ethically, the Trump administration is perhaps the WORST in our lifetime. The current and upcoming town hall meetings will show how dissatisfied common citizens are……..From Trump’s refusal to show his tax returns, to staffing cabinet posts with wealthy ex-lobbyists….from blatant nepotistic placements (remember Mussolini ALSO used his son-in-law as a chief aide)…….to the numerous conflicts of interest from Trump on down to other staffers. Just recently, there is a report that Rubio accepted a $100K donation to his PAC from the DeVos family ……ostensibly to vote for the clueless new secretary of education.

The many false promises made by Trump are perhaps the cruelest form of demagoguery. From the promises of “draining the swamp” ….and placing worse alligators in the swamp…..

From repealing the ACA but having NOTHING to replace it………………..From promising coal miners that Trump would get their jobs back with absolutely NO chance of that happening………..From building a wall with Mexico and having Mexican pay for it………….From defeating ISIS in just a few weeks because Trump "knows how".

Expect a new Tea Party to emerge, and whereas with Obama the protests did not occur until the fall months of 2009, under the Trump catastrophe, protests have begun after only 3 weeks…….GOPers in congress are taking notice of just how caustic Trump is to their party.

Top part of post is "very well written". Too well written? Where did you copy it from Nat.......
OP predicted all CONS on the board would disappear after the election.

Has OP ever been correct about anything?
After only 3 weeks of this administration, above are the issues that are eroding Trump’s dubious popularity.

We all know how the courts have rejected Trump’s immigration bans, NOT based on politics, but based on the unconstitutionality of the poorly written bans. What is worrisome is that U.S. born and raised wanna-be activists may have found reasons to radicalize because of the ban.

No sane conservative can envision a new HC insurance policy that could both ensure that pre-existing conditions are covered by private companies WITHOUT the accompanying mandate from healthy Americans to also purchase health insurance……Private insurers who are in the business for the huge profits will never accept to insure someone with cancer unless a dozen healthy people ALSO subsidize the system with their premiums…….It may sound “socialistic”, but we do not live in isolation and we function socially.

Ethically, the Trump administration is perhaps the WORST in our lifetime. The current and upcoming town hall meetings will show how dissatisfied common citizens are……..From Trump’s refusal to show his tax returns, to staffing cabinet posts with wealthy ex-lobbyists….from blatant nepotistic placements (remember Mussolini ALSO used his son-in-law as a chief aide)…….to the numerous conflicts of interest from Trump on down to other staffers. Just recently, there is a report that Rubio accepted a $100K donation to his PAC from the DeVos family ……ostensibly to vote for the clueless new secretary of education.

The many false promises made by Trump are perhaps the cruelest form of demagoguery. From the promises of “draining the swamp” ….and placing worse alligators in the swamp…..

From repealing the ACA but having NOTHING to replace it………………..From promising coal miners that Trump would get their jobs back with absolutely NO chance of that happening………..From building a wall with Mexico and having Mexican pay for it………….From defeating ISIS in just a few weeks because Trump "knows how".

Expect a new Tea Party to emerge, and whereas with Obama the protests did not occur until the fall months of 2009, under the Trump catastrophe, protests have begun after only 3 weeks…….GOPers in congress are taking notice of just how caustic Trump is to their party.

Top part of post is "very well written". Too well written? Where did you copy it from Nat.......
He vomits up the elite left media talking points every day on this forum. He is good at cut and paste. Too bad he can't think for himself.
Top part of post is "very well written". Too well written? Where did you copy it from Nat.......

I'll take that as an off-hand compliment (I write for a living) but plagiarism I leave up to Melania's speech writers.
He vomits up the elite left media talking points every day on this forum. He is good at cut and paste. Too bad he can't think for himself.

Just for fun, any of my posts and see if anything comes up as plagiarized......On the other hand, you may actually learn a different point of view from my posts.
He vomits up the elite left media talking points every day on this forum. He is good at cut and paste. Too bad he can't think for himself.

Just for fun, any of my posts and see if anything comes up as plagiarized......On the other hand, you may actually learn a different point of view from my posts.
Your points are the same ones the left media makes every fuckin day. It so very tiring. Can't you come up with something original?

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