Immigrant Caravans - Who Organizes Them?


Gold Member
Jan 2, 2013
I was aware that these migrant caravans had to be organized by someone, some country or some rotten political party. I think we are about to find out. It now appears that Mexico has actually arrested two such individuals recently and maybe Mexico can find out who put them up to it? Check out this video...

There are many org moving these people North. The local radio stations are putting out info and reason on how well they will be treated and how much money they will make. Most of the Org are ran by George Soros and Son. If this board was working right I would post them.
I was aware that these migrant caravans had to be organized by someone, some country or some rotten political party. I think we are about to find out. It now appears that Mexico has actually arrested two such individuals recently and maybe Mexico can find out who put them up to it? Check out this video...

I wonder why it took me so long to snap to this. I mean, it's obvious, by how fast the caravans came out of nowhere, that they had to be put together by people that had nothing good for America in mind. At the time, there were migrations going everywhere, EU, Middle East, that I at first thought this was more of the same. But seeing this video makes it obvious that it was a put up job. These things are a new form of warfare.
I was aware that these migrant caravans had to be organized by someone, some country or some rotten political party. I think we are about to find out. It now appears that Mexico has actually arrested two such individuals recently and maybe Mexico can find out who put them up to it? Check out this video...

Link for article. I suspect Tramp encouraged it and Israel helped since they are so involved in Honduras , so he can build his wall, or Elbit systems.
If Donald Trump builds a digital wall, this Israeli company could take off
Trump benefits from these caravans because they fit his narrative on a wall.
I was aware that these migrant caravans had to be organized by someone, some country or some rotten political party. I think we are about to find out. It now appears that Mexico has actually arrested two such individuals recently and maybe Mexico can find out who put them up to it? Check out this video...

Link for article. I suspect Tramp encouraged it and Israel helped since they are so involved in Honduras , so he can build his wall, or Elbit systems.
If Donald Trump builds a digital wall, this Israeli company could take off


How stupid are you damn leftists?

This flood of people at our border started YEARS before Trump.
I suspect that the increase is because they fear a wall will be built and acceptance laws will change under Trump.
If that did happen we could nip this shit in the bud before the end of his term.
Sadly we all know that won't happen because the left needs an influx of ignorant new voters to keep them relevant.
Not sure a "virtual" wall is what Americans are after. A real wall is passive, will last a hundred years and does not need 24/7 monitoring and upkeep. Build a wall and they stop coming. LOL You could even build restaurants on top and throw scraps to the natives. :21:
Some of the organizers are associated with the Catholic Church. As others have pointed out, several organizations are backed by George Soros groups. Radio and TV in all the countries tell how one can get into the USA without applying for asylum at the local embassies and consulates.

It's an organized invasion.
I was aware that these migrant caravans had to be organized by someone, some country or some rotten political party. I think we are about to find out. It now appears that Mexico has actually arrested two such individuals recently and maybe Mexico can find out who put them up to it? Check out this video...

George "RICO" Soros
Soros has been so quiet lately that I had totally forgot about him. Why hasn't he been eliminated? :04:
There are many org moving these people North. The local radio stations are putting out info and reason on how well they will be treated and how much money they will make. Most of the Org are ran by George Soros and Son. If this board was working right I would post them.
I was aware that these migrant caravans had to be organized by someone, some country or some rotten political party. I think we are about to find out. It now appears that Mexico has actually arrested two such individuals recently and maybe Mexico can find out who put them up to it? Check out this video...

Got any proof? Nah, I didn't think so...
Oh by the way they are called migrant caravans...

Migrant-a person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work or better living conditions
Immigrant- a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.

Pueblo Sin Fronteras
Pueblo Sin Fronteras (English: Village without Borders) is an immigration rights group known for organizing several high-profile migrant caravans in Mexico and Central America. The organization's efforts to facilitate immigration and calls for open borders attracted considerable amounts of coverage in the Mexican and American media.[1][2][3][4][5][6]

Pueblo Sin Fronteras - Wikipedia

The Pueblo Sin Fronteras (“People Without Borders”) is a project of La Familia Latina Unida, a Chicago, Illinois-based 501(c)(4) illegal immigration advocacy organization formed in 2001 by Elvira Arellano, an activist for immigrants living illegally in the United States. The organization is affiliated with the Chicago-based 501(c)(3) pro-illegal immigration group Centro Sin Fronteras. Together, the organizations have been involved in organizing approximately 1,000 economic migrants from Central America to attempt to cross the U.S. and Mexican borders illegally since 2010.[1]

While it’s unclear who founded Pueblo Sin Fronteras, many media sources attribute the group’s creation to Roberto Corona, an illegal immigration activist who formed Pueblo Sin Fronteras in 2009 while organizing day laborers near Southern Methodist University in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas. [2]

The Centro Sin Fronteras (“Center Without Borders”), officially the Centro Sin Fronteras Community Services Network, is a 501(c)(3) illegal immigration activist organization. The Center was founded in Chicago, Illinois in 1987 by Emma Lozano, a pastor at the Lincoln United Methodist Church in Chicago, Illinois. [1] [2] Lozano is the sister of the late Rudy Lozano, a left-wing activist and community organizer in Chicago noted as a “fighter for immigrant [and] worker rights.”[3]

The organization advocates against deporting immigrants living in the United States illegally, a “moratorium on all raids,” comprehensive immigration reform “that provides legalization for the 12 million” illegal immigrants in the U.S., and a “renegotiation of NAFTA and other trade and financial agreements” to better suit the interests of Mexico. [4]

Pueblo Sin Fronteras

See how easy that was? And I didn't have to use Soros as a point of idiocy and ignorance...
There are many org moving these people North. The local radio stations are putting out info and reason on how well they will be treated and how much money they will make. Most of the Org are ran by George Soros and Son. If this board was working right I would post them.
I was aware that these migrant caravans had to be organized by someone, some country or some rotten political party. I think we are about to find out. It now appears that Mexico has actually arrested two such individuals recently and maybe Mexico can find out who put them up to it? Check out this video...

Got any proof? Nah, I didn't think so...
Oh by the way they are called migrant caravans...

Migrant-a person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work or better living conditions
Immigrant- a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.

Pueblo Sin Fronteras
Pueblo Sin Fronteras (English: Village without Borders) is an immigration rights group known for organizing several high-profile migrant caravans in Mexico and Central America. The organization's efforts to facilitate immigration and calls for open borders attracted considerable amounts of coverage in the Mexican and American media.[1][2][3][4][5][6]

Pueblo Sin Fronteras - Wikipedia

The Pueblo Sin Fronteras (“People Without Borders”) is a project of La Familia Latina Unida, a Chicago, Illinois-based 501(c)(4) illegal immigration advocacy organization formed in 2001 by Elvira Arellano, an activist for immigrants living illegally in the United States. The organization is affiliated with the Chicago-based 501(c)(3) pro-illegal immigration group Centro Sin Fronteras. Together, the organizations have been involved in organizing approximately 1,000 economic migrants from Central America to attempt to cross the U.S. and Mexican borders illegally since 2010.[1]

While it’s unclear who founded Pueblo Sin Fronteras, many media sources attribute the group’s creation to Roberto Corona, an illegal immigration activist who formed Pueblo Sin Fronteras in 2009 while organizing day laborers near Southern Methodist University in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas. [2]

The Centro Sin Fronteras (“Center Without Borders”), officially the Centro Sin Fronteras Community Services Network, is a 501(c)(3) illegal immigration activist organization. The Center was founded in Chicago, Illinois in 1987 by Emma Lozano, a pastor at the Lincoln United Methodist Church in Chicago, Illinois. [1] [2] Lozano is the sister of the late Rudy Lozano, a left-wing activist and community organizer in Chicago noted as a “fighter for immigrant [and] worker rights.”[3]

The organization advocates against deporting immigrants living in the United States illegally, a “moratorium on all raids,” comprehensive immigration reform “that provides legalization for the 12 million” illegal immigrants in the U.S., and a “renegotiation of NAFTA and other trade and financial agreements” to better suit the interests of Mexico. [4]

Pueblo Sin Fronteras

See how easy that was? And I didn't have to use Soros as a point of idiocy and ignorance...

There are many org moving these people North. The local radio stations are putting out info and reason on how well they will be treated and how much money they will make. Most of the Org are ran by George Soros and Son. If this board was working right I would post them.
I was aware that these migrant caravans had to be organized by someone, some country or some rotten political party. I think we are about to find out. It now appears that Mexico has actually arrested two such individuals recently and maybe Mexico can find out who put them up to it? Check out this video...

Got any proof? Nah, I didn't think so...
Oh by the way they are called migrant caravans...

Migrant-a person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work or better living conditions
Immigrant- a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.

Pueblo Sin Fronteras
Pueblo Sin Fronteras (English: Village without Borders) is an immigration rights group known for organizing several high-profile migrant caravans in Mexico and Central America. The organization's efforts to facilitate immigration and calls for open borders attracted considerable amounts of coverage in the Mexican and American media.[1][2][3][4][5][6]

Pueblo Sin Fronteras - Wikipedia

The Pueblo Sin Fronteras (“People Without Borders”) is a project of La Familia Latina Unida, a Chicago, Illinois-based 501(c)(4) illegal immigration advocacy organization formed in 2001 by Elvira Arellano, an activist for immigrants living illegally in the United States. The organization is affiliated with the Chicago-based 501(c)(3) pro-illegal immigration group Centro Sin Fronteras. Together, the organizations have been involved in organizing approximately 1,000 economic migrants from Central America to attempt to cross the U.S. and Mexican borders illegally since 2010.[1]

While it’s unclear who founded Pueblo Sin Fronteras, many media sources attribute the group’s creation to Roberto Corona, an illegal immigration activist who formed Pueblo Sin Fronteras in 2009 while organizing day laborers near Southern Methodist University in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas. [2]

The Centro Sin Fronteras (“Center Without Borders”), officially the Centro Sin Fronteras Community Services Network, is a 501(c)(3) illegal immigration activist organization. The Center was founded in Chicago, Illinois in 1987 by Emma Lozano, a pastor at the Lincoln United Methodist Church in Chicago, Illinois. [1] [2] Lozano is the sister of the late Rudy Lozano, a left-wing activist and community organizer in Chicago noted as a “fighter for immigrant [and] worker rights.”[3]

The organization advocates against deporting immigrants living in the United States illegally, a “moratorium on all raids,” comprehensive immigration reform “that provides legalization for the 12 million” illegal immigrants in the U.S., and a “renegotiation of NAFTA and other trade and financial agreements” to better suit the interests of Mexico. [4]

Pueblo Sin Fronteras

See how easy that was? And I didn't have to use Soros as a point of idiocy and ignorance...

All of these open borders are paid by Soros's

George Soros’s Open Border Foundations
the local radio stations are putting out info and reason on how well they will be treated

I wonder what they will do now, with Homan as Immigration Czar? :abgg2q.jpg:
There are many org moving these people North. The local radio stations are putting out info and reason on how well they will be treated and how much money they will make. Most of the Org are ran by George Soros and Son. If this board was working right I would post them.
I was aware that these migrant caravans had to be organized by someone, some country or some rotten political party. I think we are about to find out. It now appears that Mexico has actually arrested two such individuals recently and maybe Mexico can find out who put them up to it? Check out this video...

Even beyond Central America, there are illegal aliens from the Congo in Deepest, Darkest Africa just showing up at the Mexican border.

Of course its being promoted.

If you are a native in the jungles of Africa, maybe hunting lions or elephants, maybe a cannibal, and you suddenly end up at the US border, it has to be disconcerting.
Pueblo Sin Fronteras - Wikipedia

Who is Pueblo Sin Fronteras and why are they leading migrant caravans?

Yesterday afternoon saw the detention of Irineo Mujica, the director of Pueblo Sin Fronteras, a migrant rights group that has been coordinating with American groups in San Francisco to organize and assist the caravans. Another migrant rights activist named Cristobal Sanchez was also detained.

The new Mexican president has signaled on several occasions that he was ready to play ball with Donald Trump if it was to the mutual benefit of our nations. I haven’t seen any official statement from AMLO yet, but this certainly sounds like he’s willing to bring down the hammer in the interest of avoiding those tariffs.

Something big just happened on Mexico's southern border
Not sure a "virtual" wall is what Americans are after. A real wall is passive, will last a hundred years and does not need 24/7 monitoring and upkeep. Build a wall and they stop coming. LOL You could even build restaurants on top and throw scraps to the natives. :21:
It can also be taken down.

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