IMF Says Global Economic Growth To Spike Thanks To Trump Tax Bill


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"The Trump effect has gone international. The recent tax reform package has yielded immense dividends to the American economy and millions of working and middle class families. Over 150 companies have issued bonuses, increased employee investments, and announced they would boost philanthropic giving. Over two million workers have received bonuses thanks to Trump’s tax bill."

"Armageddon! Armageddon! Armageddon!"


Trump Effect Goes International: IMF Says Global Economic Growth To Spike Thanks To Trump Tax Bill
The Trump Tax Reform benefits the whole world...and snowflakes be like...

"The Trump effect has gone international. The recent tax reform package has yielded immense dividends to the American economy and millions of working and middle class families. Over 150 companies have issued bonuses, increased employee investments, and announced they would boost philanthropic giving. Over two million workers have received bonuses thanks to Trump’s tax bill."

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"Armageddon! Armageddon! Armageddon!"


Trump Effect Goes International: IMF Says Global Economic Growth To Spike Thanks To Trump Tax Bill
/----/ democRATs seethe with rage as their master plan to destroy America comes unraveled
Trump train.jpg

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