Imagine if London was occupied by Israel

And what a lovely muffin.
Now that girl I could really fall in lust with.

Hummus is a Middle Eastern food dip or spread made from cooked, mashed chickpeas, blended with tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and garlic.

If she played her cards right, she could have me.

I saw her first!

You can have this one...

Depends if the Jews are Hassids or not. Fucking Hassids are parasites.
Of course the Nazi piece of shit will use the word parasite when it comes to religious Jews. How predictable.

How are they parasites? Do they live off welfare like trailor trash garbage like you does? They take care of their own, and mind their own business. Muslims on the other hand want to make their business everybody else's as well.

ALL ULTRAS IN ISRAEL LIVE OFF THE SECULAR JEWS HARD WORK THROUGH GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS.......the men hardly work but this issue has the future in Israel , now in the balance.......these Ultras have heaps of children and are not productive in an economic way.

They will in the end destroy Israel more that the opposition dreamed of.

Moreover if you ask a Jew who say lives in the US or anywhere overseas,DO YOU SUPPORT AND WHERE DOES YOUR LOYAL LAY,THEY WILL SAY ISRAEL.

Loudy how about the truth....WHO DO YOU ULTIMATELY GIVE ALIGENCE sic TO

I'm theliq always asking the correct questions:cool::clap2:
The Ultras live off govt handouts? Where do you get your "facts" from, uranus? Of course you have no actual data to base ANY of your claims, including the anti Semetic one about Jewish loyalty.

I think you ight have Jews mixed up with Muslims, who swear allegiance to Shriah law, and end up turning their weapons on fellow American soldiers that they serve with. Yup, that's got to be it.

You just another anti semetic slimeball aren't you?
Of course the Nazi piece of shit will use the word parasite when it comes to religious Jews. How predictable.

How are they parasites? Do they live off welfare like trailor trash garbage like you does? They take care of their own, and mind their own business. Muslims on the other hand want to make their business everybody else's as well.

ALL ULTRAS IN ISRAEL LIVE OFF THE SECULAR JEWS HARD WORK THROUGH GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS.......the men hardly work but this issue has the future in Israel , now in the balance.......these Ultras have heaps of children and are not productive in an economic way.

They will in the end destroy Israel more that the opposition dreamed of.

Moreover if you ask a Jew who say lives in the US or anywhere overseas,DO YOU SUPPORT AND WHERE DOES YOUR LOYAL LAY,THEY WILL SAY ISRAEL.

Loudy how about the truth....WHO DO YOU ULTIMATELY GIVE ALIGENCE sic TO

I'm theliq always asking the correct questions:cool::clap2:
The Ultras live off govt handouts? Where do you get your "facts" from, uranus? Of course you have no actual data to base ANY of your claims, including the anti Semetic one about Jewish loyalty.

I think you ight have Jews mixed up with Muslims, who swear allegiance to Shriah law, and end up turning their weapons on fellow American soldiers that they serve with. Yup, that's got to be it.

You just another anti semetic slimeball aren't you?

Anti-Semetic,looking again in the mirror again Mouthy Roudy..........Roudys "FACTS" really come from his ANUS as we all can see.

Gave you a computer in Prison did they.:eusa_whistle::eusa_hand:
those 'terrorists' considered themselves 'freedom fighters'. It's their country, the English are the invaders in Ireland.

NO such thing as "Palestinian Arabs" until 1967. You must therefore mean Jews.

Jesus !!!!!!! how can anyone on this thread Soar with Eagles when they have to respond to such a TURKEY:D
Of course the Nazi piece of shit will use the word parasite when it comes to religious Jews. How predictable.

How are they parasites? Do they live off welfare like trailor trash garbage like you does? They take care of their own, and mind their own business. Muslims on the other hand want to make their business everybody else's as well.

ALL ULTRAS IN ISRAEL LIVE OFF THE SECULAR JEWS HARD WORK THROUGH GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS.......the men hardly work but this issue has the future in Israel , now in the balance.......these Ultras have heaps of children and are not productive in an economic way.

They will in the end destroy Israel more that the opposition dreamed of.

Moreover if you ask a Jew who say lives in the US or anywhere overseas,DO YOU SUPPORT AND WHERE DOES YOUR LOYAL LAY,THEY WILL SAY ISRAEL.

Loudy how about the truth....WHO DO YOU ULTIMATELY GIVE ALIGENCE sic TO

I'm theliq always asking the correct questions:cool::clap2:
The Ultras live off govt handouts? Where do you get your "facts" from, uranus? Of course you have no actual data to base ANY of your claims, including the anti Semetic one about Jewish loyalty.

I think you ight have Jews mixed up with Muslims, who swear allegiance to Shriah law, and end up turning their weapons on fellow American soldiers that they serve with. Yup, that's got to be it.

You just another anti semetic slimeball aren't you?

From Israel....the Ultras are DRAFT DOGGERS,PAY NO TAX but just bleed the system,Israelis and the GOVERNMENT are sick to the back teeth of them.....lazy layabouts.

You need educating
ALL ULTRAS IN ISRAEL LIVE OFF THE SECULAR JEWS HARD WORK THROUGH GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS.......the men hardly work but this issue has the future in Israel , now in the balance.......these Ultras have heaps of children and are not productive in an economic way.

They will in the end destroy Israel more that the opposition dreamed of.

Moreover if you ask a Jew who say lives in the US or anywhere overseas,DO YOU SUPPORT AND WHERE DOES YOUR LOYAL LAY,THEY WILL SAY ISRAEL.

Loudy how about the truth....WHO DO YOU ULTIMATELY GIVE ALIGENCE sic TO

I'm theliq always asking the correct questions:cool::clap2:
The Ultras live off govt handouts? Where do you get your "facts" from, uranus? Of course you have no actual data to base ANY of your claims, including the anti Semetic one about Jewish loyalty.

I think you ight have Jews mixed up with Muslims, who swear allegiance to Shriah law, and end up turning their weapons on fellow American soldiers that they serve with. Yup, that's got to be it.

You just another anti semetic slimeball aren't you?

From Israel....the Ultras are DRAFT DOGGERS,PAY NO TAX but just bleed the system,Israelis and the GOVERNMENT are sick to the back teeth of them.....lazy layabouts.

You need educating
Not serving in the military is different that living off the government, which is what you implicated. And that's coming to an end as well.

Israel's ultra-orthodox Jews have a duty to serve their country

The annulment of the so-called Tal Law exempting ultra-orthodox seminary students from conscription to the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) is threatening to engulf Israeli society in yet another internal imbroglio. Secular-religious relations are barely below boiling point at the best of times, and the latest high-court ruling threatens to see the cauldron bubble over for months to come.
Depends if the Jews are Hassids or not. Fucking Hassids are parasites.
Of course the Nazi piece of shit will use the word parasite when it comes to religious Jews. How predictable.

How are they parasites? Do they live off welfare like trailor trash garbage like you does? They take care of their own, and mind their own business. Muslims on the other hand want to make their business everybody else's as well.

ALL ULTRAS IN ISRAEL LIVE OFF THE SECULAR JEWS HARD WORK THROUGH GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS.......the men hardly work but this issue has the future in Israel , now in the balance.......these Ultras have heaps of children and are not productive in an economic way.

They will in the end destroy Israel more that the opposition dreamed of.

Moreover if you ask a Jew who say lives in the US or anywhere overseas,DO YOU SUPPORT AND WHERE DOES YOUR LOYAL LAY,THEY WILL SAY ISRAEL.

Loudy how about the truth....WHO DO YOU ULTIMATELY GIVE ALIGENCE sic TO

I'm theliq always asking the correct questions:cool::clap2:
Muslims in the West and especially in Europe live off "govt. handouts" much more than Hassidic Jews. The benefits are the main reason they emigrate to Europe. Hassidic Jews rarely ask for help from anybody. It's pretty clear they just want to be left alone.
Depends if the Jews are Hassids or not. Fucking Hassids are parasites.
Maybe so but most Muslims living in other countries are cockroaches and termites. And fungus.

Many Muslim Immigrants Living Off Germany’s Generous Social System ‘Refuse To Integrate’

Nearly every fourth non-German Muslim rejects integration, questions western values and tends to accept violence, according to a study commissioned by the German Interior Ministry and released late Thursday morning.

nterior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said the study’s results were worrying, according to in an interview published on Thursday.

“Germany respects the background and cultural identity of its immigrants. But we don’t accept the importation of authoritarian, anti-democratic and religiously fanatical points of view,” Friedrich told the Bild newspaper.

[ame=] Customer Reviews: Reflections on the Revolution In Europe: Immigration, Islam, and the West[/ame]

Reflections on the Revolution In Europe: Immigration, Islam, and the West

This was one of the reasons Muslim immigrants persisted in holding on to their Islamic loyalty as first element of their identity. So instead of there being a Europe in which Islamic populations in some way enter a kind of melting pot, there is a Europe in which whether in East London or the suburbs of Paris in Rotterdam and Amsterdam in various other European areas, Islamic population concentrates and remains in a world of its own.
There are many consequences of the European failure to present their own respective national identities or even a collective European Western identity as appealing. One has been outbursts of terrorist violence . Another has been the development of a hostile minority attitude towards the general culture. There are too the economic sides of this with the immigrants suffering from higher unemployment rates as they swell the welfare rolls. There is a vast culture of the unemployed, living off the social services and network of the host countries. Caldwell analyses brilliantly the collapse of moral will and identity on the part of the host countries. When one no longer believes in oneself it is apparently easy to be manipulated by others. He also points out how the Islamic element has revived anti- Semitism in Europe.
that's what you want people to believe, because you can't defend all the shit israel has done and is doing.
and you think the neanderthal bloodsucking islamists running the govt there are just sweet little halo wearing innocent players here. Ha ha ha! This is how you hang yourself, you fucking idiot.

you are not a jew you are a maggot zionist
So said the subhuman IslamoNazi worshipping piece of shit.
NO such thing as "Palestinian Arabs" until 1967. You must therefore mean Jews.

Jesus !!!!!!! how can anyone on this thread Soar with Eagles when they have to respond to such a TURKEY:D

Yeah, it's different than the Islamist / Neo Nazi sites where everybody claps for whatever cockroaches like you say, isn't it?!

Palestine Information & Facts » The Palestinians in Israel Natives or Aliens?
Unknown to most of the world population, the origin of the “Palestinian” Arabs’ claim to the Holy Land spans a period of a meager 30 years – a drop in the bucket compared to the thousands of years of the region’s rich history.

Before the beginning of the 20th century, there were practically no Muslim Arabs in the Holy Land.* In 1695 there was not a single Muslim Arab in Gaza, Nazareth, and Um-El-Phachem. All Arabs there were Christians. By contrast, the Jews, despite 2000 years of persecution and forced conversions by various conquerors, have throughout most of history been the majority population in the Holy Land. In Jerusalem Jews were always the largest demographic group [1][2], except for periods when conquerors specifically threw them out and prevented them from returning. After 30 years of invasion, following the end of the British mandate and the declaration of the state of Israel in 1948, the Arabs recognized the fact that they invaded foreign land and invented for themselves a name in English — “Palestinians”. If the British were to call the land “New England”, and the local Arabs were to call themselves “English” would they automatically become English? It is important to emphasize that the concept of a “Palestinian” to describe the local Arab residents was invented by the Arabs AFTER the declaration of the state of Israel. This group of Arabs, who started calling themselves “the Palestinian nation” after 1948, does not have an original name in their native Arabic language. Is there any nation in the world which does not have a name in its original native language? The Arabs who invaded the Holy Land do not have a name in their native Arabic language because they are not, and have never been, a unified group or a nation. Most of those Arabs cannot even pronounce the word “Palestinian”. They pronounce it “Falestinian”. Historically, a “Falestinian” people never existed. The fact is that the Arabs, who now try to call themselves by the English name “Palestinians” and mis-pronounce it “Falestinians”, don’t even know what their name is in Arabic. Even Arab leaders and historians have admitted that a “Palestinian” people never existed.

The Arabs who now claim to be natives of the Holy Land have migrated to Palestine and invaded the land after 1917, from neighboring Arab countries, predominantly from areas now known as Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. None of these countries existed as nations prior to 1913. They were nothing but a disorganized collection of tribes, constantly terrorizing each other, trying to seize land from their neighbors. Unfortunately, those Arab invaders, imported into the Holy Land their age-old “culture” of terrorizing neighbors to seize land. Many of them were social outcasts and criminals who could not find jobs in their own countries so they searched for their luck elsewhere. Some of them were accepted by the British regime as a source of cheap labor and were allowed to settle on unoccupied Jewish land. Even Yassir Arafat, the leader of the PLO, is not a native of the Holy Land. He called himself a “Palestinian refugee” but spoke Arabic with an Egyptian dialect. He was born in 1929 in Cairo, Egypt. He served in the Egyptian army, studied in the University of Cairo, and lived in Cairo until 1956. He then moved to Saudi-Arabia and founded the Al-Fatah terror organization, the precursor to the PLO, in Kuwait in 1958, together with his Saudi-Arabian friends. How exactly does that constitute a “Palestinian refugee”?* Being born in 1929 in Cairo, he cannot even be considered a son of Palestinian refugees (there were no refugees in 1929). Arafat must have been a good student of Muhammad, the founder of the Muslim religion, who said in the Quran: “War is deception”.[16]
In their propaganda, the Arabs who now call themselves “Palestinians” consistently demand that Israel and the world recognize their “pre-1948″ rights. That’s about 60 years ago. Mysteriously, they are never willing to add another 60 years to their “historical” claims on the Holy Land. They know very well that doing so will send them back to where they came from – Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. Years ago, during negotiations with the, so-called, “Palestinians”, a Israeli negotiator proposed to revise a mention of their claim of “pre-1948″ rights and replace it with “pre-1917″. The “Palestinians” vehemently opposed. Now we know why.
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The Arabs who now claim to be natives of the Holy Land have migrated to Palestine and invaded the land after 1917, from neighboring Arab countries, predominantly from areas now known as Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. :
As you can see in the table below, you got the migration ass-backwards!

It is that place inside Palestine's international borders and is mentioned many times in the 1949 armistice agreements.

The Palestinians don't accept any agreement which gives the Jews independence on any part of the land.

The Palestinians don't accept any agreement which gives the Jews independence on any part of Palestine.

Imagine that.

I thought you said Palestine is only what have been parted in 1948-1949? Then as southerners, we don't occupy anything. we're inside ISRAEL. Yet the people of Gaza call us "illegal settlers" just like the people of Tel Aviv or Hebron.

Explain it please.
The Palestinians don't accept any agreement which gives the Jews independence on any part of the land.

The Palestinians don't accept any agreement which gives the Jews independence on any part of Palestine.

Imagine that.

I thought you said Palestine is only what have been parted in 1948-1949? Then as southerners, we don't occupy anything. we're inside ISRAEL. Yet the people of Gaza call us "illegal settlers" just like the people of Tel Aviv or Hebron.

Explain it please.

The 1949 armistice agreements divided Palestine into three areas of occupation. No Palestinian land was given to anyone. Palestine's international borders are the same as they were in 1922. Israel sits inside those borders.

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