I'm pro-gun - ask me anything!

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
Ask me anything, and you'll get an honest answer.

Note that if your question contains falsehoods and/or logical fallacies, that honest answer will make light of same.

Note also that a number of your are on ignore, so if you don't get a response, you'll know why.

Fire away!
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Ask me anything, and you'll get an honest answer.

Note that if your question contains falsehoods and/or logical fallacies, that honest answer will make light of same.

Note also that a number of your ar eon ignore, so if you don't get a response, you'll know why.

Fire away!
Anything wrong with 9mm for self-defense?
Anything wrong with 9mm for self-defense?
There are both worse and better rounds - I don't and won't use it, but if its your choice, enjoy.

FYI: I carry a 10mm when I can wear a jacket, with 180@1350 JHP rounds.
This generates, literally, twice the energy of the standard 9mm/115gr round.
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Anything wrong with 9mm for self-defense?
There are both worse and better rounds - I don't and won't use it, but if its your choice, enjoy.
I just think it’ll be easier and cheaper for buying practice rounds and not as clunky as a .45. I assume they sell that ammo in hollow point which should do well enough for defense.

A Glock 36 ain't clunky.
Maybe. I’ll look it up. I’m in no rush.
Anything wrong with 9mm for self-defense?
There are both worse and better rounds - I don't and won't use it, but if its your choice, enjoy.
I just think it’ll be easier and cheaper for buying practice rounds and not as clunky as a .45. I assume they sell that ammo in hollow point which should do well enough for defense.

A Glock 36 ain't clunky.
Maybe. I’ll look it up. I’m in no rush.

I like .45 because it's a slower round. Transmits more power to the target and minimizes pass-through.
My AK's all are capable of minute of bad guy accuracy.
Ask me anything, and you'll get an honest answer.

Note that if your question contains falsehoods and/or logical fallacies, that honest answer will make light of same.

Note also that a number of your are on ignore, so if you don't get a response, you'll know why.

Fire away!


What exactly do you mean by the term "pro-gun"?
Ask me anything, and you'll get an honest answer.
Note that if your question contains falsehoods and/or logical fallacies, that honest answer will make light of same.
Note also that a number of your are on ignore, so if you don't get a response, you'll know why.
Fire away!
What exactly do you mean by the term "pro-gun"?
"Pro gun" as in contrast to "anti-gun" - I support the right to keeps and bear arms by the law abiding, and oppose any and all infringements upon same.
Anything wrong with 9mm for self-defense?
There are both worse and better rounds - I don't and won't use it, but if its your choice, enjoy.
I just think it’ll be easier and cheaper for buying practice rounds and not as clunky as a .45. I assume they sell that ammo in hollow point which should do well enough for defense.

A Glock 36 ain't clunky.
Maybe. I’ll look it up. I’m in no rush.

I like .45 because it's a slower round. Transmits more power to the target and minimizes pass-through.

I also like my .45ACP because the M1911 is slimmer. Easier to carry concealed.
Ask me anything, and you'll get an honest answer.
Note that if your question contains falsehoods and/or logical fallacies, that honest answer will make light of same.
Note also that a number of your are on ignore, so if you don't get a response, you'll know why.
Fire away!
What exactly do you mean by the term "pro-gun"?
"Pro gun" as in contrast to "anti-gun" - I support the right to keeps and bear arms by the law abiding, and oppose any and all infringements upon same.

Do you think there are definitions of "pro-gun" and "anti-gun" that refer to personal desires rather than to legal restrictions?
Ask me anything, and you'll get an honest answer.
Note that if your question contains falsehoods and/or logical fallacies, that honest answer will make light of same.
Note also that a number of your are on ignore, so if you don't get a response, you'll know why.
Fire away!
What exactly do you mean by the term "pro-gun"?
"Pro gun" as in contrast to "anti-gun" - I support the right to keeps and bear arms by the law abiding, and oppose any and all infringements upon same.
Do you think there are definitions of "pro-gun" and "anti-gun" that refer to personal desires rather than to legal restrictions?
Quite probably.
On the subject of naming cartridges, the common ways are to use the bullet diameter, case diameter, inventor’s name, end user, and even powder charge. What part of the end result has been used to name a cartridge?
Ask me anything, and you'll get an honest answer.

Note that if your question contains falsehoods and/or logical fallacies, that honest answer will make light of same.

Note also that a number of your are on ignore, so if you don't get a response, you'll know why.

Fire away!
Do you understand the fact that the Second Amendment right is not unlimited; that it is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose?
There are both worse and better rounds - I don't and won't use it, but if its your choice, enjoy.
I just think it’ll be easier and cheaper for buying practice rounds and not as clunky as a .45. I assume they sell that ammo in hollow point which should do well enough for defense.

A Glock 36 ain't clunky.
Maybe. I’ll look it up. I’m in no rush.

I like .45 because it's a slower round. Transmits more power to the target and minimizes pass-through.

I also like my .45ACP because the M1911 is slimmer. Easier to carry concealed.

I wouldn't trade mine for anything...

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