I'm not buying health insurance

I'm not buying health insurance and I'm not paying the fine if I don't. I'll move to another country if I have to or ask my state to remove itself from the union. One way or the other my life is not going to be interupted by Nancy Pelosi because I was fine without health insurance but now someone has decided that it was a crime for me not to have it when all I was doing was sitting in my home.

Really? This country has gotten so liberal where someone has the liberty (root word of liberal) to choose their own lives which is why we are being forced to buy health insurance.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. I hear Iraq and Afghanistan are nice and warm this time of year. Check them out.
Irag has socialize medicine which was actually rated number one in the middle east before we invaded.
I ain't payin either ... what the fuck are they going to do? Throw me in jail where I live completely off the taxpayer? Buahahahah1 You do realize just how stupid this bill is on every level ... right? :rofl:

Maybe they'll execute you.

LOL ... the bleeding heart freaks? Execute someone? LOL

Oh, bleeding heart liberals have no problem slaughtering those who disagree with them politically.

They just refuse to execute criminals. Primarily because criminals make up their voting base.

And the dead people. If they kill off those who don't agree with them politically, they can win every election by registering the dead, and then winning their votes!
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Maybe they'll execute you.

LOL ... the bleeding heart freaks? Execute someone? LOL

Oh, bleeding heart liberals have no problem slaughtering those who disagree with them politically.

They just refuse to execute criminals. Primarily because criminals make up their voting base.

And the dead people. If they kill off those who don't agree with them politically, they can win every election by registering the dead, and then winning their votes!

last time I checked people in prison for life can't vote, also many liberals like me also realize it is more expensive to sentence someone to death than it is to sentence them to life in prison.
And really you should think before you speak sometimes.
On the flip side of that, can you kindly point out anywhere that it says the government can force you to engage in commerce with another entity?

you mean like having to maintain insurance on your automobile?

show me what part would prohibit it.

If you don't own a car you don't have to buy car insurance.

So if you're dead. . . . .well, there ya go then.
I'm not buying health insurance and I'm not paying the fine if I don't. I'll move to another country if I have to or ask my state to remove itself from the union. One way or the other my life is not going to be interupted by Nancy Pelosi because I was fine without health insurance but now someone has decided that it was a crime for me not to have it when all I was doing was sitting in my home.

Really? This country has gotten so liberal where someone has the liberty (root word of liberal) to choose their own lives which is why we are being forced to buy health insurance.

so where would you move to?
I'm looking forward to hearing the answer on this....


I should go warm up some cocoa. Anyone else want a mug for the wait?
I'm not buying health insurance and I'm not paying the fine if I don't. I'll move to another country if I have to or ask my state to remove itself from the union. One way or the other my life is not going to be interupted by Nancy Pelosi because I was fine without health insurance but now someone has decided that it was a crime for me not to have it when all I was doing was sitting in my home.

Really? This country has gotten so liberal where someone has the liberty (root word of liberal) to choose their own lives which is why we are being forced to buy health insurance.

So then, I assume you're also perfectly O.K. that no-one scrapes you off the highway after an automobile accident to be rushed to the emergency room to try & save your life also--:lol::lol:

Because one thing for certain--I don't want to pay your medical bills for you.

There's one thing I do agree with & that is that everyone is required to obtain their own medical policy--whether it is simply a castrophic policy which is cheap even in private markets.

However, I totally disagree with a government public option plan or a government take over of health care.
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On the flip side of that, can you kindly point out anywhere that it says the government can force you to engage in commerce with another entity?

you mean like having to maintain insurance on your automobile?

show me what part would prohibit it.

If you don't own a car you don't have to buy car insurance.

So if you're dead. . . . .well, there ya go then.

I might be wrong but I am pretty sure you have to have insurance if you have a driver licenes in my state and will be fined if you are pulled over and you don't.
I'm not buying health insurance and I'm not paying the fine if I don't. I'll move to another country if I have to or ask my state to remove itself from the union. One way or the other my life is not going to be interupted by Nancy Pelosi because I was fine without health insurance but now someone has decided that it was a crime for me not to have it when all I was doing was sitting in my home.

Really? This country has gotten so liberal where someone has the liberty (root word of liberal) to choose their own lives which is why we are being forced to buy health insurance.

So then, I assume you're also perfectly O.K. that no-one scrapes you off the highway after an automobile accident to be rushed to the emergency room to try & save your life also--:lol::lol:

Because one thing for certain--I don't want to pay your medical bills for you.

There's one thing I do agree with & that is that everyone is required to obtain their own medical policy--whether it is simply a castrophic policy which is cheap even in private markets.

However, I totally disagree with a government public option plan or a government take over of health care.

Somebody involved in the auto accident will have insurance that is required. A better example is would be getting injured in a cattle stampede or maybe falling out of a tree, or getting bitten by wild wolves.......
you mean like having to maintain insurance on your automobile?

show me what part would prohibit it.

If you don't own a car you don't have to buy car insurance.

So if you're dead. . . . .well, there ya go then.

I might be wrong but I am pretty sure you have to have insurance if you have a driver licenes in my state and will be fined if you are pulled over and you don't.

That's in most states--BUT you will have people on this board that argue that they shouldn't be required to have medical insurance with the fact that only owners of cars are required to carry liability insurance in case "they cause an accident" which creates financial or personal injury to another person.

My argument is--that someone without health insurance causes financial damage to all of us when they show up in our emergency rooms. Therefore, everyone should be required to have medical insurance.

BTW--it's not a question of "if you'll ever end up in an emergency room--but "when." That's a certainty.
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I'm not buying health insurance and I'm not paying the fine if I don't. I'll move to another country if I have to or ask my state to remove itself from the union. One way or the other my life is not going to be interupted by Nancy Pelosi because I was fine without health insurance but now someone has decided that it was a crime for me not to have it when all I was doing was sitting in my home.

Really? This country has gotten so liberal where someone has the liberty (root word of liberal) to choose their own lives which is why we are being forced to buy health insurance.

So then, I assume you're also perfectly O.K. that no-one scrapes you off the highway after an automobile accident to be rushed to the emergency room to try & save your life also--:lol::lol:

Because one thing for certain--I don't want to pay your medical bills for you.

There's one thing I do agree with & that is that everyone is required to obtain their own medical policy--whether it is simply a castrophic policy which is cheap even in private markets.

However, I totally disagree with a government public option plan or a government take over of health care.

Somebody involved in the auto accident will have insurance that is required. A better example is would be getting injured in a cattle stampede or maybe falling out of a tree, or getting bitten by wild wolves.......

Somebody who gets injured in an automobile accident (in which they were at fault) & only have liablity coverage--their medical bills ARE NOT COVERED.

Liability auto insurance ONLY covers personal injury damages & property damages to the person who is NOT AT FAULT.

IOW--If you run your car into a tree--& only have automobile liability insurance--your medical/hospital bills or the expense to repair your car will not be covered. In fact, even if you had full coverage on your auto--your medical/hospital bills would not be covered.
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So then, I assume you're also perfectly O.K. that no-one scrapes you off the highway after an automobile accident to be rushed to the emergency room to try & save your life also--:lol::lol:

Because one thing for certain--I don't want to pay your medical bills for you.

There's one thing I do agree with & that is that everyone is required to obtain their own medical policy--whether it is simply a castrophic policy which is cheap even in private markets.

However, I totally disagree with a government public option plan or a government take over of health care.

Somebody involved in the auto accident will have insurance that is required. A better example is would be getting injured in a cattle stampede or maybe falling out of a tree, or getting bitten by wild wolves.......

Somebody who gets injured in an automobile accident (in which they were at fault) & only have liablity coverage--their medical bills ARE NOT COVERED.

Liability auto insurance ONLY covers personal injury damages & property damages to the person who is NOT AT FAULT.

IOW--If you run your car into a tree--& only have automobile liability insurance--your medical/hospital bills or the expense to repair your car will not be covered. In fact, even if you had full coverage on your auto--your medical/hospital bills would not be covered.

you are right, but there is always the chance that they will be covered, Thats what some will argue anyway. Thats why a cattle stampede is a better example. Personally I like the wolves, but that isn't as common a a stampede.
I'm not buying health insurance and I'm not paying the fine if I don't. I'll move to another country if I have to or ask my state to remove itself from the union. One way or the other my life is not going to be interupted by Nancy Pelosi because I was fine without health insurance but now someone has decided that it was a crime for me not to have it when all I was doing was sitting in my home.

Really? This country has gotten so liberal where someone has the liberty (root word of liberal) to choose their own lives which is why we are being forced to buy health insurance.

What if you have an accident or a stroke?? Who is going to pay for your medical care?? I've seen some dumb posts before, but yours wins the prize. You're just stupid.

Why don't you just move now??? Bye!!!!!!
LOL ... the bleeding heart freaks? Execute someone? LOL

Oh, bleeding heart liberals have no problem slaughtering those who disagree with them politically.

They just refuse to execute criminals. Primarily because criminals make up their voting base.

And the dead people. If they kill off those who don't agree with them politically, they can win every election by registering the dead, and then winning their votes!

last time I checked people in prison for life can't vote, also many liberals like me also realize it is more expensive to sentence someone to death than it is to sentence them to life in prison.
And really you should think before you speak sometimes.

The majority of criminals aren't in prison.

And oddly, even convicted felons can vote. I know because I know a guy who received his ballot in the mail, despite the fact he's a felon and was actually still on parole.

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