I'm just this guy, you know...


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2016
I've never been a fan of doing these introduction thingies. Which is probably why I'm only doing one now, over a month and 400 posts after I actually started out here :p. Anyone who's spent much time in the conspiracy section of this forum knows that I'm not exactly trusting of official narratives. Anyone who's spent much time in the Economy forum knows that I'm a Bernie fan. I'm also a very big fan of movies, and anime. Also tend to post in the 'what music are you listening to' thread now and again.
He said he is a Bernie fan....so that kind of answers left or right..

Bernie is gone

where does he stand today?

not with the witch .....one hopes LOL

look whatever ...welcome
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I've never been a fan of doing these introduction thingies. Which is probably why I'm only doing one now, over a month and 400 posts after I actually started out here :p. Anyone who's spent much time in the conspiracy section of this forum knows that I'm not exactly trusting of official narratives. Anyone who's spent much time in the Economy forum knows that I'm a Bernie fan. I'm also a very big fan of movies, and anime. Also tend to post in the 'what music are you listening to' thread now and again.


Ver are ur papers? Are you here on business? Ve have vays of making you talk!

If you are in CA don't forget to vote to legalize MJ in Nov.


Ver are ur papers? Are you here on business? Ve have vays of making you talk!

If you are in CA don't forget to vote to legalize MJ in Nov.

Lol :). I'm in .ca, aka Canada. Our Prime Minister assured us that he'd be legalizing Marijuana this summer, but now it looks like it won't happen until next year -.-. A little article on how things are going here:
Justin Trudeau And The Great Pot Hypocrisy

Ah well, it could be worse. The last prime minister we had wasn't even considering legalizing marijuana, with articles like the following one showing where he stood on it:
Stephen Harper calls marijuana 'infinitely worse' than tobacco

Bernie is gone

where does he stand today?

not with the witch .....one hopes LOL

Technically, he does, making it clear that the main reason he's doing so is to stop Trump. I don't though. if I were American, I'd be voting for Jill Stein (Green Party) this election. The U.S. really should do ranked balloting though, that way people like me who couldn't stomach putting Hillary as a first option could still put her in as an "anything but Trump" option -.-.

look whatever ...welcome

Thanks :)

Bernie is gone

where does he stand today?

not with the witch .....one hopes LOL

look whatever ...welcome

Since he lists his location as Canada, does it really matter...

Don't discount your northern neighbours. You think people outside of the U.S. can't influence who Americans vote for? We may be smaller in number, but some of us are quite intelligent, and with intelligence comes to ability to influence. Or for those like me who are avid Game of Thrones fans, "a small man can cast a very large shadow"...
Oh yeah, phoenyx, I am working on a review of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure for the TV forum. Should have it done in the next couple of days. (slow going when one has to stop/rewind/view again, often)

Bernie is gone

where does he stand today?

not with the witch .....one hopes LOL

look whatever ...welcome

Since he lists his location as Canada, does it really matter...

Don't discount your northern neighbours. You think people outside of the U.S. can't influence who Americans vote for? We may be smaller in number, but some of us are quite intelligent, and with intelligence comes to ability to influence. Or for those like me who are avid Game of Thrones fans, "a small man can cast a very large shadow"...

If you are democrats, I am sure there are places where you can vote in the US, but for the most part, no.

Bernie is gone

where does he stand today?

not with the witch .....one hopes LOL

look whatever ...welcome

Since he lists his location as Canada, does it really matter...

Don't discount your northern neighbours. You think people outside of the U.S. can't influence who Americans vote for? We may be smaller in number, but some of us are quite intelligent, and with intelligence comes to ability to influence. Or for those like me who are avid Game of Thrones fans, "a small man can cast a very large shadow"...

If you are democrats, I am sure there are places where you can vote in the US, but for the most part, no.

Not the old canard of voter fraud -.-...
9 facts that blow up the voter fraud myth

You also seem to have missed the issue of influence -.-

Bernie is gone

where does he stand today?

not with the witch .....one hopes LOL

look whatever ...welcome

Since he lists his location as Canada, does it really matter...

Don't discount your northern neighbours. You think people outside of the U.S. can't influence who Americans vote for? We may be smaller in number, but some of us are quite intelligent, and with intelligence comes to ability to influence. Or for those like me who are avid Game of Thrones fans, "a small man can cast a very large shadow"...

If you are democrats, I am sure there are places where you can vote in the US, but for the most part, no.

Not the old canard of voter fraud -.-...
9 facts that blow up the voter fraud myth

You also seem to have missed the issue of influence -.-

Voter fraud isn't a myth. Canadians influencing US elections, not that my friend, is a bona fide Canadian myth.

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