I'm just going to flat out say this....

Illegal Aliens From Prehistoric Siberia

The backward Indian savages had no laws and no claims on territory except the extralegal "Take whatever you can hold." So the Whites did just that.

I actually agree with that. Nomadic tribes that happened to arrive before whites but failed to invent guns first get the shit end of the stick.

The people who made the guns and wrote the deed of ownership make the rules.

It's history, it happened before my euro-mutt ancestry arrived on these shores and I don't feel obligated to give them shit. They can run out in the woods and wear animal skins if they want, but they sure like the AC, electricity and free food.

The fact that so many people agree with this idiot's comments is iron clad proof that most of the Trump supporters on this board are unabashed racists. I don't know why they pretend they are not racists.

Nah...it just proves progressive pricks such as yourself are finally getting put in your place.

Got it, racist. I would have more respect for your worthless goober ass if you just admitted what you really are.

I admit I hate *******(which of course are different than black people),wetbacks,muslime terrorist and white trash.

We need to clean up America,plane and simple.

As far as the racist accusation...I'm an equal opportunity hater.
If you're trash you're trash.

Oh...and I was engaged to an American of hispanic descent and I had nothing but respect for her and her family. Her grandfather came here legally and her father served in the U.S. Navy.
They were the epitome of immigrants that are great for America.

We need to clean up America by getting rid of racist dickheads like you. You and all you racist Trumpkin fucks are leading this country to destruction.

You want to whine about minorities and ignore much bigger problems in this country, like Wall Street blowing a $13 trillion hole in our economy back in 2008 with their reckless gambling in the derivatives market. I guess since Wall Street bankers are mostly rich white guys that makes it OK. You're fucking blind.

What a dumbass. Thats what Trump is going to do. He already stopped Ford from moving small car production to mexico as well as stopping Carrier from doing the same and he isnt even in office yet.
And for you to decry the connection of politics to wall street while championing hillary is laughable.

Take off your partisan blinders ya moron.

Trump ain't going to do shit, you gullible unsophisticated goober dumb ass. Trump is hiring Goldman Sachs pukes to run the Treasury Dept, just like fucking Bush did.

We will have another financial catastrophe with Trump as President. Fucking guaranteed.
If you are not Native, You are illegal.

You are an imbecile.

"Indians" didn't spring up out of the ground or evolve from some different ape in Brazil asshole. They were decendents of nomads who accomplished no significant tecnological advancements for how many thousands of years, now claim ownership over what exactly?

They lost the war, get over it and drive on.

It's like the Italians trying to take back Turkey for God's sake.

Trump ain't going to do shit, you gullible unsophisticated goober dumb ass. Trump is hiring Goldman Sachs pukes to run the Treasury Dept, just like fucking Bush did.

We will have another financial catastrophe with Trump as President. Fucking guaranteed.

Goldman Sach's pukes that keep bed wetters like you employed as "professional" protesters.

Go eat a bag of poison dicks and die.

Trump ain't going to do shit, you gullible unsophisticated goober dumb ass. Trump is hiring Goldman Sachs pukes to run the Treasury Dept, just like fucking Bush did.

We will have another financial catastrophe with Trump as President. Fucking guaranteed.

Goldman Sach's pukes that keep bed wetters like you employed as "professional" protesters.

Go eat a bag of poison dicks and die.

A Goldman Sachs lacky that took advantage of the housing crash to take homes from old people. He should be proud.
Trump ain't going to do shit, you gullible unsophisticated goober dumb ass. Trump is hiring Goldman Sachs pukes to run the Treasury Dept, just like fucking Bush did.

We will have another financial catastrophe with Trump as President. Fucking guaranteed.

Goldman Sach's pukes that keep bed wetters like you employed as "professional" protesters.

Go eat a bag of poison dicks and die.

Go suck some rich Goldman Sachs cocks, you goober little peasant bitch. Rich Repugs are your feudal masters and they know what's best for your little puny peasant ass. After all, they are your moral and intellectual superiors.

So get on your knees and start sucking, fucktard.
Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.
and now, finally, you are allowed to say it. the last 8 years were horrible for you. trump will save you, deplorable.

Ya fucken chuckle head. I've been saying this about mexicans since the early eighties.
I had the unique experience of watching from ground zero.
The muslim invasion was no more of a surprise to me than the sun coming up.
Nah...it just proves progressive pricks such as yourself are finally getting put in your place.

Got it, racist. I would have more respect for your worthless goober ass if you just admitted what you really are.

I admit I hate *******(which of course are different than black people),wetbacks,muslime terrorist and white trash.

We need to clean up America,plane and simple.

As far as the racist accusation...I'm an equal opportunity hater.
If you're trash you're trash.

Oh...and I was engaged to an American of hispanic descent and I had nothing but respect for her and her family. Her grandfather came here legally and her father served in the U.S. Navy.
They were the epitome of immigrants that are great for America.

We need to clean up America by getting rid of racist dickheads like you. You and all you racist Trumpkin fucks are leading this country to destruction.

You want to whine about minorities and ignore much bigger problems in this country, like Wall Street blowing a $13 trillion hole in our economy back in 2008 with their reckless gambling in the derivatives market. I guess since Wall Street bankers are mostly rich white guys that makes it OK. You're fucking blind.

What a dumbass. Thats what Trump is going to do. He already stopped Ford from moving small car production to mexico as well as stopping Carrier from doing the same and he isnt even in office yet.
And for you to decry the connection of politics to wall street while championing hillary is laughable.

Take off your partisan blinders ya moron.

Trump ain't going to do shit, you gullible unsophisticated goober dumb ass. Trump is hiring Goldman Sachs pukes to run the Treasury Dept, just like fucking Bush did.

We will have another financial catastrophe with Trump as President. Fucking guaranteed.

Excuse me if i find your guarantee without merit....
Time to take back our "native American " heritage. The nomads and wandering, warring tribes were Aborigines or injuns.
Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.
Finally a Trump supporter comes clean about why they really voted for Trump

He is far and few..
Tell him that. Your vote showed that you are okay with people like him. He doubled down in another post above. He thinks his views have won.

My view has won as indicated by the recent presidential election.
America is sick to death of your views.
Most of America isn't. The majority voted for Hillary!
Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.
Finally a Trump supporter comes clean about why they really voted for Trump

He is far and few..
Tell him that. Your vote showed that you are okay with people like him. He doubled down in another post above. He thinks his views have won.

My view has won as indicated by the recent presidential election.
America is sick to death of your views.
Most of America isn't. The majority voted for Hillary!

To bad you couldnt also vote in other state elsctions also? We wouldnt that be a California and New York Utopia?
Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.
Finally a Trump supporter comes clean about why they really voted for Trump

He is far and few..
Tell him that. Your vote showed that you are okay with people like him. He doubled down in another post above. He thinks his views have won.

My view has won as indicated by the recent presidential election.
America is sick to death of your views.
Most of America isn't. The majority voted for Hillary!

Lets see how that works when we get rid of millions of illegals.
Illegal Aliens From Prehistoric Siberia

The backward Indian savages had no laws and no claims on territory except the extralegal "Take whatever you can hold." So the Whites did just that.

I actually agree with that. Nomadic tribes that happened to arrive before whites but failed to invent guns first get the shit end of the stick.

The people who made the guns and wrote the deed of ownership make the rules.

It's history, it happened before my euro-mutt ancestry arrived on these shores and I don't feel obligated to give them shit. They can run out in the woods and wear animal skins if they want, but they sure like the AC, electricity and free food.

And thanks to US evil white people native indians are living longer.

Should we lay blame to Native American deaths due to the ignorance of the Indian regarding sanitary conditions?
Before we EVIL capitalist WHITE men came the average life span of the Native American Indian was i n the healthiest cultures in the 1,000 years before Columbus, a life span of no more than 35 years might be usual.
Don't Blame Columbus for All the Indians' Ills

Native American Indian Life expectancy in 2016. 76.9 years..
Life Expectancy at Birth (in years), by Race/Ethnicity
Nah...it just proves progressive pricks such as yourself are finally getting put in your place.

Got it, racist. I would have more respect for your worthless goober ass if you just admitted what you really are.

I admit I hate *******(which of course are different than black people),wetbacks,muslime terrorist and white trash.

We need to clean up America,plane and simple.

As far as the racist accusation...I'm an equal opportunity hater.
If you're trash you're trash.

Oh...and I was engaged to an American of hispanic descent and I had nothing but respect for her and her family. Her grandfather came here legally and her father served in the U.S. Navy.
They were the epitome of immigrants that are great for America.

We need to clean up America by getting rid of racist dickheads like you. You and all you racist Trumpkin fucks are leading this country to destruction.

You want to whine about minorities and ignore much bigger problems in this country, like Wall Street blowing a $13 trillion hole in our economy back in 2008 with their reckless gambling in the derivatives market. I guess since Wall Street bankers are mostly rich white guys that makes it OK. You're fucking blind.

What a dumbass. Thats what Trump is going to do. He already stopped Ford from moving small car production to mexico as well as stopping Carrier from doing the same and he isnt even in office yet.
And for you to decry the connection of politics to wall street while championing hillary is laughable.

Take off your partisan blinders ya moron.

Trump ain't going to do shit, you gullible unsophisticated goober dumb ass. Trump is hiring Goldman Sachs pukes to run the Treasury Dept, just like fucking Bush did.

We will have another financial catastrophe with Trump as President. Fucking guaranteed.
The Donald Eats Banksters for Breakfast

These inside guys are used to absolute obedience to whoever hires them. If you think Trump will become the patsy of lifelong flunkies, you don't know the guy. Also, this is probably their revenge for having to lick their old bosses' boots for these many years. As is well-known about the government sector, careerists' revenge is how the media get their leaks.
Screw muslim immigrants,screw mexican/south american immigrants and screw blacks in the inner cities and their murder rate.
Get rid of all these cancers in America and we lead the world in low murder rate and we excel in productivity.

I'm tired of the cancer in America.
and now, finally, you are allowed to say it. the last 8 years were horrible for you. trump will save you, deplorable.

Ya fucken chuckle head. I've been saying this about mexicans since the early eighties.
I had the unique experience of watching from ground zero.
The muslim invasion was no more of a surprise to me than the sun coming up.
Low IQs in High Places

I was one of few, including the Diploma Dumbos in national security, who asked when I heard about the first plane hitting the WTC, "Was it terrorists who did it?"
Finally a Trump supporter comes clean about why they really voted for Trump

He is far and few..
Tell him that. Your vote showed that you are okay with people like him. He doubled down in another post above. He thinks his views have won.

My view has won as indicated by the recent presidential election.
America is sick to death of your views.
Most of America isn't. The majority voted for Hillary!

To bad you couldnt also vote in other state elsctions also? We wouldnt that be a California and New York Utopia?
Huh??? Wanna rewrite that? Something didn't come out (WRITE)

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