I'm going away


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
For a while. To sort things out. I should never be compelled to burden the unsuspecting with my problems. I will return, but for now I am going to stop posting here. See you all later on. Take care, and fare all of you well.

Gone for now.

possum wavin' bye-bye with a tear in his eye like dat lil' boy in dat movie Shane...

... Granny says...

... "an' don't come back till ya's not a lib'ral anymore."
For a while. To sort things out. I should never be compelled to burden the unsuspecting with my problems. I will return, but for now I am going to stop posting here. See you all later on. Take care, and fare all of you well.

Gone for now.


If you can't get a job you should at least volunteer to help those who need it. Maybe some day you'll think about earning enough to support yourself and help others.
He's off to go become a criminal :)

I take no responsibility for any of his future choices...
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For a while. To sort things out. I should never be compelled to burden the unsuspecting with my problems. I will return, but for now I am going to stop posting here. See you all later on. Take care, and fare all of you well.

Gone for now.


I shall miss you!
studies have shown the more you are on the net the more likely you are to become depressed....

good luck...i hope things work out for you....
Enjoy your sabbatical, TK. I know God will use this time to refresh you, strengthen you and take you to greater heights than you ever dreamed possible. May the LORD bless and keep you always.

- Jeremiah

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