Illinois Loses Most Jobs in Nation Following Tax Hikes


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Illinois Loses Most Jobs in Nation Following Tax Hikes - Page 1 - Mike Shedlock - Townhall Finance

Thanks to Illinois governor Pat Quinn and the Illinois legislature Illinois Loses Most Jobs in the Nation

In a trend that continues to worsen, more Illinoisans found themselves unemployed in the month of July.

Illinois lost more jobs during the month of July than any other state in the nation, according to the most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics report. After losing 7,200 jobs in June, Illinois lost an additional 24,900 non-farm payroll jobs in July. The report also said Illinois’s unemployment rate climbed to 9.5 percent. This marks the third consecutive month of increases in the unemployment rate.

Illinois started to create jobs as the national economy began to recover. But just when Illinois’s economy seemed to be turning around, lawmakers passed record tax increases in January of this year. Since then, Illinois’s employment numbers have done nothing but decline.

Illinois Loses Most Jobs in Nation Following Tax Hikes - Page 1 - Mike Shedlock - Townhall Finance

Thanks to Illinois governor Pat Quinn and the Illinois legislature Illinois Loses Most Jobs in the Nation

In a trend that continues to worsen, more Illinoisans found themselves unemployed in the month of July.

Illinois lost more jobs during the month of July than any other state in the nation, according to the most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics report. After losing 7,200 jobs in June, Illinois lost an additional 24,900 non-farm payroll jobs in July. The report also said Illinois’s unemployment rate climbed to 9.5 percent. This marks the third consecutive month of increases in the unemployment rate.

Illinois started to create jobs as the national economy began to recover. But just when Illinois’s economy seemed to be turning around, lawmakers passed record tax increases in January of this year. Since then, Illinois’s employment numbers have done nothing but decline.


Illinois, we're the anti-Texas.
Illinois Loses Most Jobs in Nation Following Tax Hikes - Page 1 - Mike Shedlock - Townhall Finance

Thanks to Illinois governor Pat Quinn and the Illinois legislature Illinois Loses Most Jobs in the Nation

In a trend that continues to worsen, more Illinoisans found themselves unemployed in the month of July.

Illinois lost more jobs during the month of July than any other state in the nation, according to the most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics report. After losing 7,200 jobs in June, Illinois lost an additional 24,900 non-farm payroll jobs in July. The report also said Illinois’s unemployment rate climbed to 9.5 percent. This marks the third consecutive month of increases in the unemployment rate.

Illinois started to create jobs as the national economy began to recover. But just when Illinois’s economy seemed to be turning around, lawmakers passed record tax increases in January of this year. Since then, Illinois’s employment numbers have done nothing but decline.


Now--Now--you know libtards are not going to understand this. According to them--taxes HAVE NOTHING to do with economic conditions---:lol:

Here is another one--New Jersey LOST 70 BILLION IN state tax revenue in just 5 years--because the wealthy in that state got tired of getting taken to the cleaners--so they just left and went to a lower taxed state.

N.J. loses $70B in wealth during five years as residents depart |
Correlation doesn't prove causation.

Says the guy who tries to tie the Bush tax cuts (that Democrats and Obama passed) as "not working" simply because Obama's economy fucking sucks and his policies have not managed to meet a single benchmark he himself set. If this chart can't prove that higher taxes hurt jobs then how can YOU prove that the Bush tax cuts don't help create jobs?

Or are the Bush taxes cuts supposed to make up for the effects

4-5 Wars


Obama getting the country downgraded by signing one of the worst budgets in history, the Dems and Bonehard voted for. I mention all that because I know you like to mention Bonehard got 98% of what he wanted but neglet to mention Obama got 100% of what he wanted when he put his name on it.

Talk of higher taxes ALL THE TIME

A stimulus that added massively to the debt when even you admitted it wouldn't work long term... Like you were told over and over and over a nd over and over...........
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Correlation doesn't prove causation.

Says the guy who tries to tie the Bush tax cuts (that Democrats and Obama passed) as "not working" simply because Obama's economy fucking sucks and his policies have not managed to meet a single benchmark he himself set. If this chart can't prove that higher taxes hurt jobs then how can YOU prove that the Bush tax cuts don't help create jobs?

Or are the Bush taxes cuts supposed to make up for the effects

4-5 Wars


Obama getting the country downgraded by signing one of the worst budgets in history, the Dems and Bonehard voted for. I mention all that because I know you like to mention Bonehard got 98% of what he wanted but neglet to mention Obama got 100% of what he wanted when he put his name on it.

Talk of higher taxes ALL THE TIME

A stimulus that added massively to the debt when even you admitted it wouldn't work long term... Like you were told over and over and over a nd over and over...........

A stimulus is not meant to work long term. It's a finite amount, so it has a finite effect. Why is that so hard for you 'nuts to understand?
Correlation doesn't prove causation.
Good strategy:


Feel free to prove causation. Feel free to at least make an attempt at it.

You can start with this problem.

Illinois lost the most jobs last month. You say it's because of the tax increase, but you can't prove it.

Florida lost the second most jobs last month. Florida had no tax increase. Explain that.

New York had the biggest job GAIN last month, btw.
The answer today isn't 'higher taxes' any more than the answer in 2003 was 'lower taxes'.

The elusive answer remains: Fair Taxes.

Simple taxes = Fair taxes.

:eek: Google Search: U.S. Tax Law

Congress stepped outside the constitution when they took it upon themselves to tax me differently from the rate they tax you.

Fair taxes through simplicity, a budget that is balanced by law and then build a country that leaves you hopeful on the day you die.

This isn't rocket science, folks. :smoke:
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RAISING TAXES during a period of monetary scarcity is not a good idea.

Neither is reducing government spending is good idea in times like these.

Note how one party wants to raise taxes while the other party wants to reduce spending?

Doesn't this make ANY OF YOU PARTISANS kind of suspicious?

Not at all?!
RAISING TAXES during a period of monetary scarcity is not a good idea.

Neither is reducing government spending is good idea in times like these.

Note how one party wants to raise taxes while the other party wants to reduce spending?

Doesn't this make ANY OF YOU PARTISANS kind of suspicious?

Not at all?!

If money was scarce, would the bank-to-bank interest rate be 0?

The answer has nothing to do with raising or lowering taxes. The answer is fair taxes.

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