Illegals are makers,not takers,oh really?


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
Putnam Lake, NY raised, Pawling, NY resident.
That's a Liberal propaganda I see floating around.

Well, when I used to volunteer at Putnam CAP a food pantry / soup kitchen in Brewster, New York while when I first started there in the early 2000's it was perhaps 40% Hispanic, when I left it was about 70% Hispanic by the mid 2000's.

Keep in mind Putnam County, was more about 4% Hispanic in the early 2000's, and more like 7% Hispanic by the mid 2000's.
(Give, or take)

I'm talking Mestizo looking Hispanics dominated, not Puerto Rican looking ones.
(We know for a fact Brewster, and other Putnam County town's Hispanics tend to be dominated by recent arrivals from Guatemala)

Of course, they had next door a Spanish speaking counselor, which helped them.

Then they had WIC insurance they could get.

I even saw classes for learning English next to CAP's soup kitchen.

When I went to the Putnam County clinic in Brewster one time, it was majority Hispanic, by about 90%.

This is all propped up by our government to some extent.

Even if it also may be dependent also on charity.

(Yes, the food pantry / soup kitchen didn't stop illegals from taking advantage of it)
Mexicans pop out babies like gerbils, and just take and take,the old hard workers is bullshit, I have worked as a contractor for compaines ,and see a ton sitting on there ass yapping in Spanish ,its bullshit what is happening to this Country.

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