Illegal Border Crossing Arrests at Historic Lows


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
I hate the Democrats but this surprised me. They might be right Trump is making this all up.

The problem is the type of illegal immigrant coming across....children....families....caravans full of unknown people....they sneak over and claim asylum...and then disappear...its a huge humanitarian tragedy...the libs need to take down their welcome signs....
Law enforcement experts have told us what is needed to secure our borders, and formulated a plan with a detailed budget. Three hundred people are dying monthly from heroin overdoses, with 90% of it coming over the border. The dems are fine with appropriating 56 million for foreign aid? Obama pissed away shit tons of money straight out of our country. Nancy and Chuckie are holding Americans hostage, and doing it to block the Presidents goals and 2020 re-election. Lead, follow, or get the fuck out of the way! You want to help illegals, go to Mexico for something that doesn’t include a vacation.

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Law enforcement experts have told us what is needed to secure our borders, and formulated a plan with a detailed budget. Three hundred people are dying monthly from heroin overdoses, with 90% of it coming over the border. The dems are fine with appropriating 56 million for foreign aid? Obama pissed away shit tons of money straight out of our country. Nancy and Chuckie are holding Americans hostage, and doing it to block the Presidents goals and 2020 re-election. Lead, follow, or get the fuck out of the way! You want to help illegals, go to Mexico for something that doesn’t include a vacation.

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Heroin is mostly flown in or by boat. You don't risk such high value cargo on someone moving slow as a turtle through the desert. If you want to stop the illegals jail the employers. They'll keep coming as long as there's money to be made that they can Western Union home. If you close down Western Union they'll just do what they did before. Go home with $10,000 bank checks in their money belt.
Law enforcement experts have told us what is needed to secure our borders, and formulated a plan with a detailed budget. Three hundred people are dying monthly from heroin overdoses, with 90% of it coming over the border. The dems are fine with appropriating 56 million for foreign aid? Obama pissed away shit tons of money straight out of our country. Nancy and Chuckie are holding Americans hostage, and doing it to block the Presidents goals and 2020 re-election. Lead, follow, or get the fuck out of the way! You want to help illegals, go to Mexico for something that doesn’t include a vacation.

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Heroin is mostly flown in or by boat. You don't risk such high value cargo on someone moving slow as a turtle through the desert. If you want to stop the illegals jail the employers. They'll keep coming as long as there's money to be made that they can Western Union home. If you close down Western Union they'll just do what they did before. Go home with $10,000 bank checks in their money belt.
It comes packaged in all different ways.

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Illegal Border Crossing Arrests at Historic Lows


time to declare a national emergency and build a solid concrete wall 30 feet high and 2000 miles long.
employment is up and wages are up too

time to shut down the government !!! damn wetbacks are stealing our jobs and taking our $$$$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Illegal Border Crossing Arrests at Historic Lows


time to declare a national emergency and build a solid concrete wall 30 feet high and 2000 miles long.

With logic like that, we should jut disband our armed forces and turn our military machinery to scrap. After all, we haven't had a world war in 70 years.

I hate the Democrats but this surprised me. They might be right Trump is making this all up.

Do the low numbers today guarantee low numbers in the future?


So we should be building a wall with Canada then? Since we are way behind on north border security!

We do know that our southern border is much more volatile. If that changes, yes, time to build on our northern border as well.


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