Illegal aliens broke our immigration system.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

And now they want our government to change it for them. They plan to march on Washington on March 21 and voice their demands, threatening Obama if he does not make good on his promise to reform immigration he will not get their votes in 2012. Demanding the raids and enforcement stop. Stating; “we voted you in office and we can vote you out.” Thank you. Make my day. Obama works for us and we demand he enforce our immigration laws with the E-Verify system. Obama make lots of promises during his campaign that he cannot keep and immigration reform is just one of them. They threaten to take their votes elsewhere if Obama do not make good on his promise. They did not vote him in office and they cannot vote him out.

Enforcement do not separate families, they do when they enter this country illegally leaving family behind and some brought family with them and they can take family with them when they are deported. Anchor babies are not anchors for their parents who are here illegally and they are not recognized by ICE as anchors. Illegal aliens have not right to be here and have no right to make demands on our government. We are a nation of laws, unlike Mexico where if you have the money you can buy yourself out of any criminal activity. Enforcement increased under Bush and Obama and the American people expect our laws to be enforced. Illegal aliens are not “immigrants” they are criminals and should be treated like another criminal who cannot use their children to get out of jail. When American break the law they are not rewarded they are punished and they are not given a “get out of jail” card to be with their children. Criminal activity separate families and we cannot excuse ciriminal activity so criminals can be with their children. Illegal aliens are robbing and stealing from Americans and killing Americans. Illegal aliens have killed more Americans than 9-11, the Iraq and Afghanistan war.

We cannot afford illegal uncontrolled immigration or another amnesty which was supposed to fix illegal immigration but only encourage more illegal immigration which made the situation worse. Now we have 20 million more illegal aliens and 5.5 million anchor babies and growing each day and the 20 million will soon be 40 million and we with become North Mexico instead of the USA with no borders or boundaries. The 14th amendment to not give anchor babies legal citizenship. It has been incorrectly applied and needs to be repealed and all citizenship for anchor babies rescinded retroactive.

Illegal aliens have help to destroyed our economy . They bankrupted our education, welfare, healthcare and legal system and have broken our immigration system. 5 million illegal aliens defaulted on their illegal home loans. They complain about a broken immigration system that they broke.

Illegal aliens need to take their demonstrations home to Mexico and make demands on President Calderone for jobs, etc. Obama is not their president and they have not rights to make demands on him. They use; “What GOD have put together, let no man (country or government) put asunder” do not apply to illegal aliens and their anchor babies and this country. It applies to marriages.

The time has come to fix uncontrolled illegal immigration that illegal aliens have broken with the E-Verify system enforced. If they cannot work, they will leave and take their anchor babies with them. It has been done before. We do not force them to leave their children here when they are deported. Like we did not force them the leave children behind in Mexico when they came here.
If the census count illegal aliens I will boycott the census.

With illegal immigration, came crime, gangs, drugs, disease and possible terrorist. When illegal alien move into a neighborhood, Blacks and Whites move out. Because they destroy a neighborhood. Look at south central L.A. Entire cities have been destroyed with gangs, drugs and crime.

Unite families with deportation and force illegal aliens to take their American born children with them or charge then with child abandonment. We do to want their children and we do not want to take care of them.

I mean really. Was this march organized by INS?

Why could they just not have them march to Leavenworth or someplace similar?
Are these illegals who are marching the same illegals who are in the 'shadows'????????
'Look at south central L.A. Entire cities have been destroyed with gangs, drugs and crime.'

FYI - South central L.A. NEVER 'belonged' to anybody but to the black community and it still does. East L.A. is where the majority of illegals settle as THAT part of L.A. has always 'belonged' to the latinos.
We're Facing Pro-Amnesty Invasion March 21 Numbers USA wants to pass along to everyone
Posted by A . Murphy, Mod on March 10, 2010 at 7:43pm in General, Uncategorized Town Hall

A week from Sunday, on March 21, opponents say they will be busing as many as 100,000 pro-amnesty protestors to Washington, D.C., to march on the Capitol. They will demand an immediate amnesty for (in many cases) themselves and other illegal aliens now residing in America, taking our jobs and drawing our benefits.

Did you read that carefully? 100,000 pro-amnesty protesters! Remember the illegal alien marches of three years ago. American flags being burned. Angry speeches and ugly scenes. They are not asking for an amnesty, they are demanding one.

We're Facing Pro-Amnesty Invasion March 21 Numbers USA wants to pass along to everyone - Patriotic Resistance
'A week from Sunday, on March 21, opponents say they will be busing as many as 100,000 pro-amnesty protestors to Washington, D.C., to march on the Capitol. They will demand an immediate amnesty for (in many cases) themselves and other illegal aliens now residing in America, taking our jobs and drawing our benefits.'

Should ICE be informed???? Now THAT is the time and place to start the roundups - and after the pro-illegal bleeding hearts are arrested, they will have to prove THEY are not illegal - my, my what fun!

And now they want our government to change it for them. They plan to march on Washington on March 21 and voice their demands, threatening Obama if he does not make good on his promise to reform immigration he will not get their votes in 2012. Demanding the raids and enforcement stop. Stating; “we voted you in office and we can vote you out.” Thank you. Make my day. Obama works for us and we demand he enforce our immigration laws with the E-Verify system. Obama make lots of promises during his campaign that he cannot keep and immigration reform is just one of them. They threaten to take their votes elsewhere if Obama do not make good on his promise. They did not vote him in office and they cannot vote him out.

Enforcement do not separate families, they do when they enter this country illegally leaving family behind and some brought family with them and they can take family with them when they are deported. Anchor babies are not anchors for their parents who are here illegally and they are not recognized by ICE as anchors. Illegal aliens have not right to be here and have no right to make demands on our government. We are a nation of laws, unlike Mexico where if you have the money you can buy yourself out of any criminal activity. Enforcement increased under Bush and Obama and the American people expect our laws to be enforced. Illegal aliens are not “immigrants” they are criminals and should be treated like another criminal who cannot use their children to get out of jail. When American break the law they are not rewarded they are punished and they are not given a “get out of jail” card to be with their children. Criminal activity separate families and we cannot excuse ciriminal activity so criminals can be with their children. Illegal aliens are robbing and stealing from Americans and killing Americans. Illegal aliens have killed more Americans than 9-11, the Iraq and Afghanistan war.

We cannot afford illegal uncontrolled immigration or another amnesty which was supposed to fix illegal immigration but only encourage more illegal immigration which made the situation worse. Now we have 20 million more illegal aliens and 5.5 million anchor babies and growing each day and the 20 million will soon be 40 million and we with become North Mexico instead of the USA with no borders or boundaries. The 14th amendment to not give anchor babies legal citizenship. It has been incorrectly applied and needs to be repealed and all citizenship for anchor babies rescinded retroactive.

Illegal aliens have help to destroyed our economy . They bankrupted our education, welfare, healthcare and legal system and have broken our immigration system. 5 million illegal aliens defaulted on their illegal home loans. They complain about a broken immigration system that they broke.

Illegal aliens need to take their demonstrations home to Mexico and make demands on President Calderone for jobs, etc. Obama is not their president and they have not rights to make demands on him. They use; “What GOD have put together, let no man (country or government) put asunder” do not apply to illegal aliens and their anchor babies and this country. It applies to marriages.

The time has come to fix uncontrolled illegal immigration that illegal aliens have broken with the E-Verify system enforced. If they cannot work, they will leave and take their anchor babies with them. It has been done before. We do not force them to leave their children here when they are deported. Like we did not force them the leave children behind in Mexico when they came here.
If the census count illegal aliens I will boycott the census.

With illegal immigration, came crime, gangs, drugs, disease and possible terrorist. When illegal alien move into a neighborhood, Blacks and Whites move out. Because they destroy a neighborhood. Look at south central L.A. Entire cities have been destroyed with gangs, drugs and crime.

Unite families with deportation and force illegal aliens to take their American born children with them or charge then with child abandonment. We do to want their children and we do not want to take care of them.


And this whole out of control, unsustainable financial fiasco was signed into law in 1965 by President Lyndon Baines Johnson, of the Great Society mentality. The progressive lay the foundation for radically altering the character of American society and the relationship of the governed to their government. When he signed the Hart-Celler Act, President Johnson said, "This bill that we sign today is not a revoluntionary bill. It does not affect the lives of millions. It will not reshape the structure of our daily lives, or really add importantly to either our wealth or power."

But the Act fundamentally changed American immigration policy. In 1965 Congress passed the Hart-Celler Act, which replaced the national quota system with new criteria for immigration: family reunification, needed skills, and danger of persecution. This act enabled Asians and Caribbeans to immigrate to the United States on an unprecedented scale.
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Thus the reason why this bozo went down in history as one of the worst presidents in U.S history. The ONLY ones who sing his praises are of course the progressives.

And now they want our government to change it for them. They plan to march on Washington on March 21 and voice their demands, threatening Obama if he does not make good on his promise to reform immigration he will not get their votes in 2012. Demanding the raids and enforcement stop. Stating; “we voted you in office and we can vote you out.” Thank you. Make my day. Obama works for us and we demand he enforce our immigration laws with the E-Verify system. Obama make lots of promises during his campaign that he cannot keep and immigration reform is just one of them. They threaten to take their votes elsewhere if Obama do not make good on his promise. They did not vote him in office and they cannot vote him out.

Enforcement do not separate families, they do when they enter this country illegally leaving family behind and some brought family with them and they can take family with them when they are deported. Anchor babies are not anchors for their parents who are here illegally and they are not recognized by ICE as anchors. Illegal aliens have not right to be here and have no right to make demands on our government. We are a nation of laws, unlike Mexico where if you have the money you can buy yourself out of any criminal activity. Enforcement increased under Bush and Obama and the American people expect our laws to be enforced. Illegal aliens are not “immigrants” they are criminals and should be treated like another criminal who cannot use their children to get out of jail. When American break the law they are not rewarded they are punished and they are not given a “get out of jail” card to be with their children. Criminal activity separate families and we cannot excuse ciriminal activity so criminals can be with their children. Illegal aliens are robbing and stealing from Americans and killing Americans. Illegal aliens have killed more Americans than 9-11, the Iraq and Afghanistan war.

We cannot afford illegal uncontrolled immigration or another amnesty which was supposed to fix illegal immigration but only encourage more illegal immigration which made the situation worse. Now we have 20 million more illegal aliens and 5.5 million anchor babies and growing each day and the 20 million will soon be 40 million and we with become North Mexico instead of the USA with no borders or boundaries. The 14th amendment to not give anchor babies legal citizenship. It has been incorrectly applied and needs to be repealed and all citizenship for anchor babies rescinded retroactive.

Illegal aliens have help to destroyed our economy . They bankrupted our education, welfare, healthcare and legal system and have broken our immigration system. 5 million illegal aliens defaulted on their illegal home loans. They complain about a broken immigration system that they broke.

Illegal aliens need to take their demonstrations home to Mexico and make demands on President Calderone for jobs, etc. Obama is not their president and they have not rights to make demands on him. They use; “What GOD have put together, let no man (country or government) put asunder” do not apply to illegal aliens and their anchor babies and this country. It applies to marriages.

The time has come to fix uncontrolled illegal immigration that illegal aliens have broken with the E-Verify system enforced. If they cannot work, they will leave and take their anchor babies with them. It has been done before. We do not force them to leave their children here when they are deported. Like we did not force them the leave children behind in Mexico when they came here.
If the census count illegal aliens I will boycott the census.

With illegal immigration, came crime, gangs, drugs, disease and possible terrorist. When illegal alien move into a neighborhood, Blacks and Whites move out. Because they destroy a neighborhood. Look at south central L.A. Entire cities have been destroyed with gangs, drugs and crime.

Unite families with deportation and force illegal aliens to take their American born children with them or charge then with child abandonment. We do to want their children and we do not want to take care of them.


You honestly think the Hussein is going to lift a finger to deport the masses of illegals? This asshole wants to bring America to its knees and allowing millions of illegals to remain here its just another mechanism to achieve that goal.

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