Illegal aiens are not immigrants


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

We do not want immigrants to self deport, we want those who entered this county illegally to go back home and enter legally. Illegal aliens are punished legally with deportation by way of the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act.

Both types of illegal immigrants are deportable under Immigration and Nationality Act Section 237 (a)(1)(B) which says:
"Any alien who is present in the United States in violation of this Act or any other law of the United States is deportable."

And it should be enforced by not rounding them up and putting them on busses and sending them home. It would not work because there are corrupt politicians that need the Hispanic voted. But by mandating the E-Verify Act which is law, they can be forced to self deport. Amnesty or catch and release have no effect on controlling illegal immigration but encourage more illegal immigration. We already allow 500,000 to enter legally each year and numerous asylum seekers and refugees. Yet there are those who chose to thumb their noses our at our immigration laws and enter illegally. Most times leaving family behind for years. Illegal immigration separate families. Deportation unite families.

If you don’t want to be called an Illegal Alien, simple don’t be one. I don’t want 20 million law breakers as my neighbor pretending to be law abiding citizens. If you are capable to breaking one law you are capable of breaking others. Poverty is not an excuse to break the law.

Don’t judge me as being inhumane or not compassionate until you have lived in my neighborhood with gangs, drugs and crime and having those in the country illegally competing for your job and stealing education and the American dream from your children.
And people scoffed when I said, "The Republican party paints immigrants with a huge brush as a bunch of illegals, drug smugglers, and job stealers."

Gee, how come dey don' vote fer us?
I do agree with you Lilollady. They say they are cheap labor but not if they require subsidized housing, healthcare, food, legal services, interpretation, transportation, education. They end up costing as much as anyone else-just that the cost has shifted from the giant corporations paying a decent wage to an American citizen. They cheat us all by paying a tiny wage and taking advantage of gov. subsidies that come out of American citizen's pockets. That's why when republicans had control of the house, senate and the WH they didn't enforce immigration laws much or build a wall. Their friends who own the agribusinesses and meat plants, etc. want things to stay the way they are. Every now and then, they would arrest a few and send them back but just for show. We are broke now. We can't afford this anymore. The top 3% took most of it. We can't even afford to reinforce our crumbling bridges anymore. There is not much for immigrants here anyways. The middle class is dying out. We aren't discriminatory, just go back home and apply legally like every one else. The top 3% are taking their tax breaks and reinvesting in industries other countries anyways where they are allowed to pollute to their hearts content, put employees at risk and pay them a pittance.
Unless you get your ass out there picking lettuce, LilOlLaday, or our government starts allowing as much legal immigrant labor as there is demand for, we will have an illegal immigrant problem.

So what's it gonna be? You going to get your ass out in the fields or are we going to smack some sense into our policitians and increase our work visa quotas like Bush tried to do?

Naaaaaaaah! That makes too much sense. Better to use fear and loathing as a vote getter outer. Fear the Mexican! He's a gangsta rapist crack cocaine dealer!

Booga booga booga!
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Unless you get your ass out there picking lettuce, LilOlLday, or our government starts allowing as much legal immigrant labor as there is demand for, we will have an illegal immigrant problem.

Good point, cheap, cash only, labor is in demand.
I do agree with you Lilollady. They say they are cheap labor but not if they require subsidized housing, healthcare, food, legal services, interpretation, transportation, education. They end up costing as much as anyone else-just that the cost has shifted from the giant corporations paying a decent wage to an American citizen. They cheat us all by paying a tiny wage and taking advantage of gov. subsidies that come out of American citizen's pockets. That's why when republicans had control of the house, senate and the WH they didn't enforce immigration laws much or build a wall. Their friends who own the agribusinesses and meat plants, etc. want things to stay the way they are. Every now and then, they would arrest a few and send them back but just for show. We are broke now. We can't afford this anymore. The top 3% took most of it. We can't even afford to reinforce our crumbling bridges anymore. There is not much for immigrants here anyways. The middle class is dying out. We aren't discriminatory, just go back home and apply legally like every one else. The top 3% are taking their tax breaks and reinvesting in industries other countries anyways where they are allowed to pollute to their hearts content, put employees at risk and pay them a pittance.

We have a winner!
"They end up costing as much as anyone else-just" No twice as it always the full family not part
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Unless you get your ass out there picking lettuce, LilOlLaday, or our government starts allowing as much legal immigrant labor as there is demand for, we will have an illegal immigrant problem.

So what's it gonna be? You going to get your ass out in the fields or are we going to smack some sense into our policitians and increase our work visa quotas like Bush tried to do?

Naaaaaaaah! That makes too much sense. Better to use fear and loathing as a vote getter outer. Fear the Mexican! He's a gangsta rapist crack cocaine dealer!

Booga booga booga!

Morons like you probably can't read this anyway, but try:

Illegal immigrants work in many sectors of the U.S. economy. According to National Public Radio in 2005, about ONLY 3 PERCENT WORK IN AGRICULTURE; 33 percent have jobs in service industries; and substantial numbers can be found in construction and related occupations (16 percent), and in production, installation, and repair (17 percent).[5] According to USA Today in 2006, about 4 percent work in farming; 21 percent have jobs in service industries; and substantial numbers can be found in construction and related occupations (19 percent), and in production, installation, and repair (15 percent), with 12% in sales, 10% in management, and 8% in transportation.

The current dilemma in which some of Georgia’s growers find themselves can be easily avoided by simply using the long existing federal foreign guest worker system known as the H2A visa program.

A H2A visa program establishes lawful means for agricultural employers who anticipate a shortage of domestic workers to bring an unlimited number of temporary foreign workers into the United States.

Again, how many illegal aliens are in your family?
I just loved those Filipino nurses aides whom rifled through my mothers' purse in the hospital nightstand while she was in ICU dying.
Unless you get your ass out there picking lettuce, LilOlLaday, or our government starts allowing as much legal immigrant labor as there is demand for, we will have an illegal immigrant problem.

So what's it gonna be? You going to get your ass out in the fields or are we going to smack some sense into our policitians and increase our work visa quotas like Bush tried to do?

Naaaaaaaah! That makes too much sense. Better to use fear and loathing as a vote getter outer. Fear the Mexican! He's a gangsta rapist crack cocaine dealer!

Booga booga booga!

Morons like you probably can't read this anyway, but try:

Illegal immigrants work in many sectors of the U.S. economy. According to National Public Radio in 2005, about ONLY 3 PERCENT WORK IN AGRICULTURE; 33 percent have jobs in service industries; and substantial numbers can be found in construction and related occupations (16 percent), and in production, installation, and repair (17 percent).[5] According to USA Today in 2006, about 4 percent work in farming; 21 percent have jobs in service industries; and substantial numbers can be found in construction and related occupations (19 percent), and in production, installation, and repair (15 percent), with 12% in sales, 10% in management, and 8% in transportation.

I see the point went right over your head.

In 2005 and 2006, which are the years you use numbers from, we had virtually FULL EMPLOYMENT.

Thus my point that the demand for immigrant labor exists is supported. Thank you very much.

[Again, how many illegal aliens are in your family?

Zip. None. Zilch.

Your point?
I just loved those Filipino nurses aides whom rifled through my mothers' purse in the hospital nightstand while she was in ICU dying.

And here we have one now. Right on cue.

Of course, white nurses never do such a thing, right?
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What we have in the palms of our hands are tens of millions of hard-working, family-oriented, deeply religious people. The vast majority of these people are the living embodiment of Republican Party principles.

And the GOP is shitting on all of them. Treating the entire demographic like they are a bunch of purse stealing, welfare mooching, gangstas.

It doesn't get any dumber than that.
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Unless you get your ass out there picking lettuce, LilOlLaday, or our government starts allowing as much legal immigrant labor as there is demand for, we will have an illegal immigrant problem.

So what's it gonna be? You going to get your ass out in the fields or are we going to smack some sense into our policitians and increase our work visa quotas like Bush tried to do?

Naaaaaaaah! That makes too much sense. Better to use fear and loathing as a vote getter outer. Fear the Mexican! He's a gangsta rapist crack cocaine dealer!

Booga booga booga!

I have picked lettuce.And cotton in southern Arizona. I have also done all those jobs Obama say American will not do. All of them. It helped me thorugh high school and college. H-2A visas allows unlimited lettuce pickers but farmers want even cheaper farm labor. Work visa are at a high. Why not put our own people to work doing those jobs that american will do. Make it easier for our own children to go to college or jobs training will eliminate the need for foreign workers.
Americans are not needed to pick lettuce. Most do not live in farming areas. No lettuce fields in Reno where I worked for 40 years but we have thousands of illegal aleins.
What we have in the palms of our hands are tens of millions of hard-working, family-oriented, deeply religious people. The vast majority of these people are the living embodiment of Republican Party principles.

And the GOP is shitting on all of them. Treating the entire demographic like they are a bunch of purse stealing, welfare mooching, gangstas.

It doesn't get any dumber than that.

Got that right and much more where I live. They move in and turn a community into a cesspool.
Deeply religious people do not break the law.

We do not want immigrants to self deport, we want those who entered this county illegally to go back home and enter legally. Illegal aliens are punished legally with deportation by way of the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act.

Both types of illegal immigrants are deportable under Immigration and Nationality Act Section 237 (a)(1)(B) which says:
"Any alien who is present in the United States in violation of this Act or any other law of the United States is deportable."

And it should be enforced by not rounding them up and putting them on busses and sending them home. It would not work because there are corrupt politicians that need the Hispanic voted. But by mandating the E-Verify Act which is law, they can be forced to self deport. Amnesty or catch and release have no effect on controlling illegal immigration but encourage more illegal immigration. We already allow 500,000 to enter legally each year and numerous asylum seekers and refugees. Yet there are those who chose to thumb their noses our at our immigration laws and enter illegally. Most times leaving family behind for years. Illegal immigration separate families. Deportation unite families.

If you don’t want to be called an Illegal Alien, simple don’t be one. I don’t want 20 million law breakers as my neighbor pretending to be law abiding citizens. If you are capable to breaking one law you are capable of breaking others. Poverty is not an excuse to break the law.

Don’t judge me as being inhumane or not compassionate until you have lived in my neighborhood with gangs, drugs and crime and having those in the country illegally competing for your job and stealing education and the American dream from your children.

Your right alot of them are not immigrants, alot of these guys are sending almost everything they have back to Mexico and having houses built, and eventually they go back, they are not interested in becoming American or conforming to this culture.
I just loved those Filipino nurses aides whom rifled through my mothers' purse in the hospital nightstand while she was in ICU dying.

No worse than the Ethiopians who took my husband's shoes, socks, hearing aid, keys, little cheap radio, and medication when he died. I am surprised that they left his skin on.
I just loved those Filipino nurses aides whom rifled through my mothers' purse in the hospital nightstand while she was in ICU dying.

No worse than the Ethiopians who took my husband's shoes, socks, hearing aid, keys, little cheap radio, and medication when he died. I am surprised that they left his skin on.

What the hell? are you serious?
Unless you get your ass out there picking lettuce, LilOlLaday, or our government starts allowing as much legal immigrant labor as there is demand for, we will have an illegal immigrant problem.

So what's it gonna be? You going to get your ass out in the fields or are we going to smack some sense into our policitians and increase our work visa quotas like Bush tried to do?

Naaaaaaaah! That makes too much sense. Better to use fear and loathing as a vote getter outer. Fear the Mexican! He's a gangsta rapist crack cocaine dealer!

Booga booga booga!

I have picked lettuce.And cotton in southern Arizona. I have also done all those jobs Obama say American will not do. All of them. It helped me thorugh high school and college. H-2A visas allows unlimited lettuce pickers but farmers want even cheaper farm labor. Work visa are at a high. Why not put our own people to work doing those jobs that american will do. Make it easier for our own children to go to college or jobs training will eliminate the need for foreign workers.
Americans are not needed to pick lettuce. Most do not live in farming areas. No lettuce fields in Reno where I worked for 40 years but we have thousands of illegal aleins.

Theres no lettuce fields anywhere out here in Birmingham but we still got a bunch of illegals as well.

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