I'll tell you the secret of keeping America free.....


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Yes, it has something to do with an earlier thread I made about a few weeks ago....

Lets start out considering what it is I am talking about; Look at the middle east or anywhere someone wants to shut people up or demand people live a certain way. Such places like Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, China, etc....Well, if we don't wish for this then use your freedom of speech, protest and enjoy the freedoms we currently have over such places.

Friends,,,we're the most imprisoned nation in the entire free world, our ability to elect our leaders are being attacked daily by the republican party and the rich and our rights are being shit on.

It always starts when a whole bunch of assholes demand something stomped out.....Tell them to fuck off! Live your life the way you wish to live it, say what you wish to say and be who you're. That my friends is freedom.

-Lite up that joint of pot. No one should ever be thrown in prison for doing so.
-Watch that porn video
-Always support others that are different against all that wish to silence and throw those people back into the closet. All fascist societies start out doing this to its minorities and people of different views.
-Protest loudly in public against governments attempting to take rights away.
----I am of course not saying put on the dress and to give up being a man but if you wish, you can do something clearly outside the norm----

If we don't then we'll wake up one day as fascist and backwards as China. The republican party wants to throw the entire poor population into cells in prisons and take our rights away.....
Yes, it has something to do with an earlier thread I made about a few weeks ago....

Lets start out considering what it is I am talking about; Look at the middle east or anywhere someone wants to shut people up or demand people live a certain way. Such places like Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, China, etc....Well, if we don't wish for this then use your freedom of speech, protest and enjoy the freedoms we currently have over such places.

Friends,,,we're the most imprisoned nation in the entire free world, our ability to elect our leaders are being attacked daily by the republican party and the rich and our rights are being shit on.

It always starts when a whole bunch of assholes demand something stomped out.....Tell them to fuck off! Live your life the way you wish to live it, say what you wish to say and be who you're. That my friends is freedom.

-Lite up that joint of pot. No one should ever be thrown in prison for doing so.
-Watch that porn video
-Always support others that are different against all that wish to silence and throw those people back into the closet. All fascist societies start out doing this to its minorities and people of different views.
-Protest loudly in public against governments attempting to take rights away.
----I am of course not saying put on the dress and to give up being a man but if you wish, you can do something clearly outside the norm----

If we don't then we'll wake up one day as fascist and backwards as China. The republican party wants to throw the entire poor population into cells in prisons and take our rights away.....
Please forgive me for not taking the time to read everything you just posted. I didn't bother because you have a long history of talking stupid shit.
Yes, it has something to do with an earlier thread I made about a few weeks ago....

Lets start out considering what it is I am talking about; Look at the middle east or anywhere someone wants to shut people up or demand people live a certain way. Such places like Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, China, etc....Well, if we don't wish for this then use your freedom of speech, protest and enjoy the freedoms we currently have over such places.

Friends,,,we're the most imprisoned nation in the entire free world, our ability to elect our leaders are being attacked daily by the republican party and the rich and our rights are being shit on.

It always starts when a whole bunch of assholes demand something stomped out.....Tell them to fuck off! Live your life the way you wish to live it, say what you wish to say and be who you're. That my friends is freedom.

-Lite up that joint of pot. No one should ever be thrown in prison for doing so.
-Watch that porn video
-Always support others that are different against all that wish to silence and throw those people back into the closet. All fascist societies start out doing this to its minorities and people of different views.
-Protest loudly in public against governments attempting to take rights away.
----I am of course not saying put on the dress and to give up being a man but if you wish, you can do something clearly outside the norm----

If we don't then we'll wake up one day as fascist and backwards as China. The republican party wants to throw the entire poor population into cells in prisons and take our rights away.....
Is that the new bill of rights?
Yes, it has something to do with an earlier thread I made about a few weeks ago....

Lets start out considering what it is I am talking about; Look at the middle east or anywhere someone wants to shut people up or demand people live a certain way. Such places like Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, China, etc....Well, if we don't wish for this then use your freedom of speech, protest and enjoy the freedoms we currently have over such places.

Friends,,,we're the most imprisoned nation in the entire free world, our ability to elect our leaders are being attacked daily by the republican party and the rich and our rights are being shit on.

It always starts when a whole bunch of assholes demand something stomped out.....Tell them to fuck off! Live your life the way you wish to live it, say what you wish to say and be who you're. That my friends is freedom.

-Lite up that joint of pot. No one should ever be thrown in prison for doing so.
-Watch that porn video
-Always support others that are different against all that wish to silence and throw those people back into the closet. All fascist societies start out doing this to its minorities and people of different views.
-Protest loudly in public against governments attempting to take rights away.
----I am of course not saying put on the dress and to give up being a man but if you wish, you can do something clearly outside the norm----

If we don't then we'll wake up one day as fascist and backwards as China. The republican party wants to throw the entire poor population into cells in prisons and take our rights away.....
Please forgive me for not taking the time to read everything you just posted. I didn't bother because you have a long history of talking stupid shit.
thats matthew....the dean wannabe.....
Yes, it has something to do with an earlier thread I made about a few weeks ago....

Lets start out considering what it is I am talking about; Look at the middle east or anywhere someone wants to shut people up or demand people live a certain way. Such places like Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, China, etc....Well, if we don't wish for this then use your freedom of speech, protest and enjoy the freedoms we currently have over such places.

Friends,,,we're the most imprisoned nation in the entire free world, our ability to elect our leaders are being attacked daily by the republican party and the rich and our rights are being shit on.

It always starts when a whole bunch of assholes demand something stomped out.....Tell them to fuck off! Live your life the way you wish to live it, say what you wish to say and be who you're. That my friends is freedom.

-Lite up that joint of pot. No one should ever be thrown in prison for doing so.
-Watch that porn video
-Always support others that are different against all that wish to silence and throw those people back into the closet. All fascist societies start out doing this to its minorities and people of different views.
-Protest loudly in public against governments attempting to take rights away.
----I am of course not saying put on the dress and to give up being a man but if you wish, you can do something clearly outside the norm----

If we don't then we'll wake up one day as fascist and backwards as China. The republican party wants to throw the entire poor population into cells in prisons and take our rights away.....

Yes, it has something to do with an earlier thread I made about a few weeks ago....

Lets start out considering what it is I am talking about; Look at the middle east or anywhere someone wants to shut people up or demand people live a certain way. Such places like Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, China, etc....Well, if we don't wish for this then use your freedom of speech, protest and enjoy the freedoms we currently have over such places.

Friends,,,we're the most imprisoned nation in the entire free world, our ability to elect our leaders are being attacked daily by the republican party and the rich and our rights are being shit on.

It always starts when a whole bunch of assholes demand something stomped out.....Tell them to fuck off! Live your life the way you wish to live it, say what you wish to say and be who you're. That my friends is freedom.

-Lite up that joint of pot. No one should ever be thrown in prison for doing so.
-Watch that porn video
-Always support others that are different against all that wish to silence and throw those people back into the closet. All fascist societies start out doing this to its minorities and people of different views.
-Protest loudly in public against governments attempting to take rights away.
----I am of course not saying put on the dress and to give up being a man but if you wish, you can do something clearly outside the norm----

If we don't then we'll wake up one day as fascist and backwards as China. The republican party wants to throw the entire poor population into cells in prisons and take our rights away.....

ROTFLMAO!!!! It was the republicans/neocons that stole the nomination from commie/socialist Bernie Sanders.......but wait? That would be a conspiracy but according to leftards there is no such thing......(snicker)
That would be a conspiracy but according to leftards there is no such thing......(snicker)

There is no conspiracy.

They want you to believe that there's a conspiracy, and they've gone to a lot of trouble to make you believe this, because they hope that such a belief will make you fearful and paranoid; then they can use your fear and paranoia to manipulate and deceive you.
Yes, it has something to do with an earlier thread I made about a few weeks ago....

Lets start out considering what it is I am talking about; Look at the middle east or anywhere someone wants to shut people up or demand people live a certain way. Such places like Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, China, etc....Well, if we don't wish for this then use your freedom of speech, protest and enjoy the freedoms we currently have over such places.

Friends,,,we're the most imprisoned nation in the entire free world, our ability to elect our leaders are being attacked daily by the republican party and the rich and our rights are being shit on.

It always starts when a whole bunch of assholes demand something stomped out.....Tell them to fuck off! Live your life the way you wish to live it, say what you wish to say and be who you're. That my friends is freedom.

-Lite up that joint of pot. No one should ever be thrown in prison for doing so.
-Watch that porn video
-Always support others that are different against all that wish to silence and throw those people back into the closet. All fascist societies start out doing this to its minorities and people of different views.
-Protest loudly in public against governments attempting to take rights away.
----I am of course not saying put on the dress and to give up being a man but if you wish, you can do something clearly outside the norm----

If we don't then we'll wake up one day as fascist and backwards as China. The republican party wants to throw the entire poor population into cells in prisons and take our rights away.....

You're sounding like a Libertarian ... Mazel Tov!

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