IG Report Delayed!… Chaffetz: I Have Not Seen Any Evidence FBI Director Wray Has Been Cooperative

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
According to Sean and Jason Chaffetz the report’s release continues to be pushed back. It was expected to be released this week but now there is news that it won’t be released until next week. This is due to intra-agency squabbling over the proposed redactions.

The deep state is determined to delay this historic report on the Obama administration’s spying on the Trump campaign.
Sean Hannity: Which brings us to the IG report. Congressman Chaffetz, it’s been taking us a long time. And we heard the end of this week. Now we heard the beginning of next week. I can never get a straight answer. You know, at some point are we going to see premeditated fraud on a FISA Court and people held accountable? Spying on a presidential campaign, transition and president?

Jason Chaffetz: It has been going on for an exceptionally long time. Evidently there’s an intra-agency debate and really a food fight if you will over the classification issues. Remember in the last report put out by Horowitz there were only seven words or so that were redacted. The Democrats threw a fit that they couldn’t see the whole thing. This could have 10-20% of the report redacted…

Sean Hannity: Is that director Wray who has not shown any willingness to clean up the greatest law enforcement agency in the world? Is that him?

Jason Chaffetz: I have not seen any evidence that Director Wray has been cooperative but I think we’re talking about other agencies, perhaps. Perhaps the CIA the NSA, there are others. Mr. Clapper, Mr. Brennan, are behind the scenes fighting as best they can. in front of the camera fighting as best they can. I think you need to look at what Mr. Comey, the director of the FBI and

(Excerpt) Read more at thegatewaypundit.com ..

It almost looks as if they're trying to give the DemonRATS a chance to impeach before the report is released.

It only looks that way because it is part of the plan. The DEMONRATS are TRYING to successfully run out the clock on the President.....or, as I believe, POTUS is waiting to actually have all this DemonRAT corruption, lies, and deceit exposed when it gets much closer to the Nov. election, always cognizant that the public has a hard time remembering anything that deals with politics if it is over 2 months OLD NEWS!
The Left is just bat shit crazy. Their Leadership is Impotent, Reckless, and has been abusing their power and violating Separations of Power.

Kimberley Strassel: How Trump-haters are breaking America (Hint: It begins with THIS)

House Democrats have cast aside the usual rules on oversight — ignoring the traditional need to show true “legislative purpose” and instead demanding documents from Trump from before he was even in office. And current Democratic presidential candidates are promising to abolish the Electoral College, pack the Supreme Court, give sixteen-year-olds the vote, and confiscate existing firearms. constitutional norms, anyone?
The Fascist fired the fire shot and completely laid out their agenda: they fully intend to eradicate the Constitution, silence the opposition (that's us) and turn the weaponized US Intelligence agencies against us.

It's a Civil war for the heart and soul of this country and Trump needs to declare he won't settle for anything less than the Unconditional Surrender of the Coup Plotters and Actors. The actors are Obama, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, et.al. We need to see who backed them and guided them
As I read this I am reminded of Lucy and a football. :laughing0301:
As I read this I am reminded of Lucy and a football. :laughing0301:

When does the Mueller Report drop?

Trump hasn't hit back yet. I think that the democrat Party is in complete panic because they know what's coming and it's going to hit them like the dinosaur killing asteroid.

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