IG Horowitz just testified to the Senate that FBI did not follow Woods procedures


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
He just said it 30 seconds ago. Turn on the TV.

The FBI did not follow procedures to get the warrant.

Obama and his DOJ spied ILLEGALLY ON A POLITICAL OPPONENT! Horowitz is laying it out now
He just said it 30 seconds ago. Turn on the TV.

The FBI did not follow procedures to get the warrant.

Obama and his DOJ spied ILLEGALLY ON A POLITICAL OPPONENT! Horowitz is laying it out now
Well everyone knew that. The Democrats Especially and that is why They Rushed to push through their FAKE IMPEACHMENT before The IG Report, and Durham Report and subsequent Indictments and Criminal Investigations came out.

Fox Live Feed. You need to know your cable company.

Watch Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network Online
I corrected the title.

The FBI did not confirm that the evidence they used to get the warrant was accurate.

Illegal spying on a political opponent!

Tsk tsk Obama.
One key point that I'm glad miss lindsey is hammering on...

Klinesmith doctored an email from the CIA that said "YES, carter page is a trusted CIA informant".

Klinesmith changed the email to say "NO carter page is NOT a CIA informant" and then he presented that email to the FISA court!
You will notice that Russian asset Donald Trump and his horde of lickspittles consistently fail to mention the FBI investigation uncovered massive Russian interference in the 2016 election. The investigation caught the Russians red-handed and in real time.

You have to wonder why Trump and his horde of lickspittles fail to acknowledge this.

These findings completely legitimize that investigation.

The end.
He just said it 30 seconds ago. Turn on the TV.

The FBI did not follow procedures to get the warrant.

Obama and his DOJ spied ILLEGALLY ON A POLITICAL OPPONENT! Horowitz is laying it out now
Horowitz has not said anyone was spied on illegally.

Stop lying.
Horrowitz' boss did, and he is The One with Subpoeana Power.

Stop lying.

FBI chief: No evidence of illegal spying on Trump campaign

The end.
He just said it 30 seconds ago. Turn on the TV.

The FBI did not follow procedures to get the warrant.

Obama and his DOJ spied ILLEGALLY ON A POLITICAL OPPONENT! Horowitz is laying it out now
Horowitz has not said anyone was spied on illegally.

Stop lying.
Horrowitz' boss did, and he is The One with Subpoeana Power.

Stop lying.

FBI chief: No evidence of illegal spying on Trump campaign
Wray is not The AG, who is Wray's boss. Both Horrowitz and Wray are internal to The FBI.

Wray also said that there were serious issues with FBI management, and that he is going to have to make massive reforms to correct all the "issues" that were exposed.
Inspector General Michael Horowitz found that there was a proper legal basis for the FBI to seek a surveillance warrant against Carter Page, a former foreign policy advisor to the Trump campaign, according to the report, which runs more than 400 pages in length.

Horowitz also reported that there was no evidence of political bias at the root of the investigation — rebuffing President Donald Trump’s repeated claims about a concerted effort to undermine his campaign being led by “deep state” Washington bureaucrats.

“We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced the FBI’s decision” to seek surveillance warrants on Page, Horowitz’s report concludes.

Justice Department watchdog finds Trump-Russia probe was not tainted by political bias
He just said it 30 seconds ago. Turn on the TV.

The FBI did not follow procedures to get the warrant.

Obama and his DOJ spied ILLEGALLY ON A POLITICAL OPPONENT! Horowitz is laying it out now
Horowitz has not said anyone was spied on illegally.

Stop lying.
Horrowitz' boss did, and he is The One with Subpoeana Power.

Stop lying.

FBI chief: No evidence of illegal spying on Trump campaign
Wray is not The AG, who is Wray's boss. Both Horrowitz and Wray are internal to The FBI.

Wray also said that there were serious issues with FBI management, and that he is going to have to make massive reforms to correct all the "issues" that were exposed.
I see you are backtracking now.

Please provide a link with Barr saying there was illegal spying by the FBI.
You will notice that Russian asset Donald Trump and his horde of lickspittles consistently fail to mention the FBI investigation uncovered massive Russian interference in the 2016 election. The investigation caught the Russians red-handed and in real time.

You have to wonder why Trump and his horde of lickspittles fail to acknowledge this.

These findings completely legitimize that investigation.

The end.
The Russian interference that happened on Obama's watch was not coordinated with Trump or anyone in his campaign. This investigation isn't about Russian meddling, it is about corruption at the Obama DOJ.

Nice attempt to divert, Lickspittle.
For some reason Horowitz tried to soften allegations against the FBI with a subjective opinion based on nothing that the FBI "didn't act under political bias". Of course they did. Maybe Horowitz wants to save Hussein from the potential political fallout.
He just said it 30 seconds ago. Turn on the TV.

The FBI did not follow procedures to get the warrant.

Obama and his DOJ spied ILLEGALLY ON A POLITICAL OPPONENT! Horowitz is laying it out now
Horowitz has not said anyone was spied on illegally.

Stop lying.
Horrowitz' boss did, and he is The One with Subpoeana Power.

Stop lying.

FBI chief: No evidence of illegal spying on Trump campaign
Wray is not The AG, who is Wray's boss. Both Horrowitz and Wray are internal to The FBI.

Wray also said that there were serious issues with FBI management, and that he is going to have to make massive reforms to correct all the "issues" that were exposed.
I see you are backtracking now.

Please provide a link with Barr saying there was illegal spying by the FBI.
Look dummy. You have never made a truthful statement on this forum since the first time I have seen you post. It's 24-7 Anti-Trump Propaganda with you.

No one is backtracking.

We are telling you that Horrowitz "internal" nice guy investigation without any Subpoena Power found 17 Infractions committed by The FBI to get at Carter Page and The Trump Campaign, did not even notify The Trump Campaign of Counter Intelligence Operations which is STANDARD PRACTICE, and they found an additional 10 Ommissions, Falsifications in FISA for renewals for all of their "targets" which they INDEED DID SPY UPON.

Because of The FBI ABUSE and FRAUD they committed with FISA. FISA may be completely ABOLISHED.

FISA was designed to deal with TERRORISTS and now, that tool will probably be mothballed or severely limited.

Horrowitz regarding Wray and The FBI and FISA Abuse: "THIS SHOULD HAVE NEVER OCCURRED!"

Do you understand English?
One key point that I'm glad miss lindsey is hammering on...

Klinesmith doctored an email from the CIA that said "YES, carter page is a trusted CIA informant".

Klinesmith changed the email to say "NO carter page is NOT a CIA informant" and then he presented that email to the FISA court!

Wow, that’s some heavy shit

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