

Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
I know I won't get anywhere, but I'll never stop trying.


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It really is.

It reminds me of a sermon in an evangelical church. Pastor Dave said "Tens of thousands of children will die of starvation this year, and none of you gives a shit."

He then paused, and continued. "I know. You're stunned. Sadly, you're not stunned because they will die of starvation. You're stunned because I said 'shit'."
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream---and not make dreams your master;
If you can think---and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same:.
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build'em up with worn-out tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings,
And never breathe a word about your loss:
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings---nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much:
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And---which is more---you'll be a Man, my son!

by Rudyard Kipling

I memorized this poem. It means alot to me.
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It really is.

It reminds me of a sermon in an evangelical church. Pastor Dave said "Tens of thousands of children will die of starvation this year, and none of you gives a shit."

He then paused, and continued. "I know. You're stunned. Sadly, you're not stunned because they will die of starvation. You're stunned because I said 'shit'."

Yeah right..... a preacher didnt say that at a pulpit and you know it.

Its a good point, but yeah right.... :eusa_liar:

Nice attempt to make a preacher look un-principled
It really is.

It reminds me of a sermon in an evangelical church. Pastor Dave said "Tens of thousands of children will die of starvation this year, and none of you gives a shit."

He then paused, and continued. "I know. You're stunned. Sadly, you're not stunned because they will die of starvation. You're stunned because I said 'shit'."

Yeah right..... a preacher didnt say that at a pulpit and you know it.

Its a good point, but yeah right.... :eusa_liar:

Nice attempt to make a preacher look un-principled

Based on some of the preachers I've studied under, I believe her.
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It really is.

It reminds me of a sermon in an evangelical church. Pastor Dave said "Tens of thousands of children will die of starvation this year, and none of you gives a shit."

He then paused, and continued. "I know. You're stunned. Sadly, you're not stunned because they will die of starvation. You're stunned because I said 'shit'."

Yeah right..... a preacher didnt say that at a pulpit and you know it.

Its a good point, but yeah right.... :eusa_liar:

Nice attempt to make a preacher look un-principled

Based on some of the preachers I've studied under, I believe her.

It was Pastor Dave Johnson, Church of the Open Door, author of "The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse" and "Joy Comes in the Mourning" (with Jeff VanVonderen, whose classes I attended at the same church).

You really think that spoke badly of him??

Takes all kinds, I guess.
It really is.

It reminds me of a sermon in an evangelical church. Pastor Dave said "Tens of thousands of children will die of starvation this year, and none of you gives a shit."

He then paused, and continued. "I know. You're stunned. Sadly, you're not stunned because they will die of starvation. You're stunned because I said 'shit'."

Yeah right..... a preacher didnt say that at a pulpit and you know it.

Its a good point, but yeah right.... :eusa_liar:

Nice attempt to make a preacher look un-principled

Based on some of the preachers I've studied under, I believe her.

I think it's an excellent way for a preacher to get his point across. Shocking people and then shaming them misdirecting their shock drives it home like no scripture could.
It really is.

It reminds me of a sermon in an evangelical church. Pastor Dave said "Tens of thousands of children will die of starvation this year, and none of you gives a shit."

He then paused, and continued. "I know. You're stunned. Sadly, you're not stunned because they will die of starvation. You're stunned because I said 'shit'."

Maybe they are STUNNED he has the GALL to say they don't give a shit about dying children... Just a guess! :lol:
I think it's an excellent way for a preacher to get his point across. Shocking people and then shaming them misdirecting their shock drives it home like no scripture could.

Which makes me ask the follow: If you have to rely on shock, are you teaching by the Spirit? If not, then you aren't teaching the way God wants.

Give me a preacher teaching for 5 minutes with the Spirit over anyone teaching with shock or sensationalism or oratorical abilities for much longer.
I think it's an excellent way for a preacher to get his point across. Shocking people and then shaming them misdirecting their shock drives it home like no scripture could.

Which makes me ask the follow: If you have to rely on shock, are you teaching by the Spirit? If not, then you aren't teaching the way God wants.

Give me a preacher teaching for 5 minutes with the Spirit over anyone teaching with shock or sensationalism or oratorical abilities for much longer.

I understand what you're saying, but some people NEED the shock to get their brains going! No matter how long someone has been a Christian, alot get "stale"...they loose their excitement over know Jesus....they need shock therapy sometimes to wake them up!

Yeah right..... a preacher didnt say that at a pulpit and you know it.

Its a good point, but yeah right.... :eusa_liar:

Nice attempt to make a preacher look un-principled

Based on some of the preachers I've studied under, I believe her.

It was Pastor Dave Johnson, Church of the Open Door, author of "The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse" and "Joy Comes in the Mourning" (with Jeff VanVonderen, whose classes I attended at the same church).

You really think that spoke badly of him??

Takes all kinds, I guess.

All I was saying was I believe you. Back in the 90's I was a Bible Student who was 104% bananas for Jesus. I loved Bible studies and got to know several pastors - all of them as bananas for Jesus as I was. I believe you when you say that you heard one say that from his pulpit.

Yeah right..... a preacher didnt say that at a pulpit and you know it.

Its a good point, but yeah right.... :eusa_liar:

Nice attempt to make a preacher look un-principled

Based on some of the preachers I've studied under, I believe her.

I think it's an excellent way for a preacher to get his point across. Shocking people and then shaming them misdirecting their shock drives it home like no scripture could.

Ain't no trip to hell like a well described trip to hell on a beautiful sunny Sunday!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auU0ftC2DOc]Long Sermon by Brad Paisley - YouTube[/ame]
I think it's an excellent way for a preacher to get his point across. Shocking people and then shaming them misdirecting their shock drives it home like no scripture could.

Which makes me ask the follow: If you have to rely on shock, are you teaching by the Spirit? If not, then you aren't teaching the way God wants.

Give me a preacher teaching for 5 minutes with the Spirit over anyone teaching with shock or sensationalism or oratorical abilities for much longer.

:beer: To 'The Spirit'!!

:eusa_eh: Wait a minute.

:dunno: Whose Spirit? :dunno: What Spirit?

:eusa_think: This could get complicated.... next round is on me.

Yeah right..... a preacher didnt say that at a pulpit and you know it.

Its a good point, but yeah right.... :eusa_liar:

Nice attempt to make a preacher look un-principled

Based on some of the preachers I've studied under, I believe her.

I think it's an excellent way for a preacher to get his point across. Shocking people and then shaming them misdirecting their shock drives it home like no scripture could.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking, what better way to get a group of people on your side than blaming them of not caring for starving children when you have no idea what anyone in the crowd has done with their time or money regarding said starving children. Where do these holier than thou leftists get the idea that they're the only ones that care about anything? I see Christian churches across the US donating millions of dollars and sending missionaries out to help people all the time. Let's see the stats for what leftist organizations are doing for less fortunate people across the globe. :cuckoo:
Based on some of the preachers I've studied under, I believe her.

I think it's an excellent way for a preacher to get his point across. Shocking people and then shaming them misdirecting their shock drives it home like no scripture could.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking, what better way to get a group of people on your side than blaming them of not caring for starving children when you have no idea what anyone in the crowd has done with their time or money regarding said starving children. Where do these holier than thou leftists get the idea that they're the only ones that care about anything? I see Christian churches across the US donating millions of dollars and sending missionaries out to help people all the time. Let's see the stats for what leftist organizations are doing for less fortunate people across the globe. :cuckoo:

Because nothing is really getting done unless it's done through forces redistribution. People giving voluntarily might give to the wrong places and they dont let politicians take their cut.

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