If you're not old enough to buy beer, cigs or a handgun...


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
...you're not old enough to be sent into a combat zone, let alone die for your country.

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I've been wondering about this for years.
I never thought about buying a handgun but I could buy beer and cigarettes when I joined the Marines back in the 60's. Did they change the law?
Seems we as a society now believe the proper age to make adult decisions is 21 with age limits being raised on a variety of things. Might as well make it 21 across the board including voting and military service.

My view is that most of youth today are far less mature than previous generations.
Seems we as a society now believe the proper age to make adult decisions is 21 with age limits being raised on a variety of things. Might as well make it 21 across the board including voting and military service.

My view is that most of youth today are far less mature than previous generations.
Kids today are better informed than any generation in freaking history. It's ironic that democrats want to legalize marijuana while making cigarette smoking virtually illegal.
I never thought about buying a handgun but I could buy beer and cigarettes when I joined the Marines back in the 60's. Did they change the law?
In the sixties/early seventies tobacco owned the whores in DC. Smokes only needed a drivers license(15-16). A car purchase only required a dumb motherfucker 18 + to co-sign for a 16 Y.O.. Liquor was 21. Most 'nam-era body bags were filled by 18-20 year olds with sub 80 IQ levels
Seems we as a society now believe the proper age to make adult decisions is 21 with age limits being raised on a variety of things. Might as well make it 21 across the board including voting and military service.

My view is that most of youth today are far less mature than previous generations.
Kids today are better informed than any generation in freaking history. It's ironic that democrats want to legalize marijuana while making cigarette smoking virtually illegal.
In MN you must be 21 to smoke or drink, but are free to blow money at a casino or state lottery at 18. Yet in sin city Las Vegas 21 is the legal gambling age. You also get charged as an adult at 18.
Which is it America?
Adult at 18 or 21?
..it's a volunteer force--you volunteer ....less people drinking and driving the better....smoking is bad for your health
...you're not old enough to be sent into a combat zone, let alone die for your country.

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I've said as much for years especially in my day when they could draft you, then send you off to die in combat but you were considered too young to vote. However I finally figured out a way to make it all square up.
Funny how the Greatest Generation never whined about being drafted and being sent off to die in combat until the concept was used by the sissy selfish generation.
...you're not old enough to be sent into a combat zone, let alone die for your country.

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Once you reach the age of consent, all decisions on what career you want, rest solely with you. Thus, as 18 is old enough to make life's decisions, it's the 18 year old's decision. I joined at 17 with my father signing for me and made a career out of it. The individual's life and choice. If you don't like the idea, dissuade your children from going in. Maybe they will listen and maybe they won't. Their decision.
Seems we as a society now believe the proper age to make adult decisions is 21 with age limits being raised on a variety of things. Might as well make it 21 across the board including voting and military service.

My view is that most of youth today are far less mature than previous generations.
Kids today are better informed than any generation in freaking history. It's ironic that democrats want to legalize marijuana while making cigarette smoking virtually illegal.
In MN you must be 21 to smoke or drink, but are free to blow money at a casino or state lottery at 18. Yet in sin city Las Vegas 21 is the legal gambling age. You also get charged as an adult at 18.
Which is it America?
Adult at 18 or 21?
14.... I got my black belt at 14 and Eagle scout not too long thereafter and had a "farm permit" to drive my uncles flat bed truck at ??? 13, I recall

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