If you're a liberal piling on Milo, you need to explain why you defended the Clintons


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
I have renounced Milo, but liberals don't get to say shit about this issue. They defended Bill Clinton, who committed rape, sexual assault, and seduction of a 21-year-old intern, and they defended Hillary Clinton, who got on national TV and destroyed these womens' reputations by calling them liars.

Again, I say, liberals don't get to say shit about Milo. You are proven sympathizers with perverts and sexual predators.
I'm not a liberal...but really? Lewinsky was 21 years old-not a child. Was what he did disgusting and reprehensible? You bet. Was it rape or as bad as pedophilia? Absolutely not.
My professor friend told me that if he was caught in his office having oral sex with a female student, he would be stripped of tenure, fired from his position, and would never work anywhere in the world as a professor again.

Why should a U.S. President be held to a lower standard than an ordinary professor?

You liberals have shit all over your hands from defending this guy, and have no credibility left over to condemn Milo.

Also, you voted for his wife, who went on national TV and berated these women, called them all sorts of nasty names, and ruined their lives.

We conservatives know what to do, we will exile Milo from our movement, because that's the right thing to do.

But you liberals, you are proven pervert-enablers, you don't get to say shit.
I'm not a liberal...but really? Lewinsky was 21 years old-not a child. Was what he did disgusting and reprehensible? You bet. Was it rape or as bad as pedophilia? Absolutely not.
Agreed but his overall point is valid

The point is not valid as Milo gave tacit approval of sex with 13 year olds as long as they are "sexually mature". Anyone that can defend this man needs to take a long, hard look in the mirror and ask themselves if politics might play too big a role in their life.
I'm not a liberal and I did not support Hillary Clinton, but I find this tactic of always reverting to 'but Obama...' and 'but Clinton...' to be tiresome. No one gives a fuck about them anymore, but they are your go to defense.
Newsflash! The year is 2017 and nothing Clinton did 20 years ago is an excuse for Milo.

Liberals hated that asshole well before his boy-love statements, it's the conservatives that turned on him.
Yeah and bill clinton did more than Lewinski, have you never seen the video of him leading a REALLY young intern back out of the workout room and stopping the cameras from coming in behind them? Oh I guess that was okay because of the same reason it was okay for roman polanski to screw a thirteen year old and fifteen year old, "HE was helping them to GROW".
I'm not a liberal...but really? Lewinsky was 21 years old-not a child. Was what he did disgusting and reprehensible? You bet. Was it rape or as bad as pedophilia? Absolutely not.
Agreed but his overall point is valid

The point is not valid as Milo gave tacit approval of sex with 13 year olds as long as they are "sexually mature". Anyone that can defend this man needs to take a long, hard look in the mirror and ask themselves if politics might play too big a role in their life.
So did George Takei and Bill Maher. So let's see what you do with those two. And then we can decide if you're such a hard liner.
I'm not a liberal and I did not support Hillary Clinton, but I find this tactic of always reverting to 'but Obama...' and 'but Clinton...' to be tiresome. No one gives a fuck about them anymore, but they are your go to defense.

Did you support 'But it was Bush', seems nothing is oshitasses fault, or clintons. Just like "We had a surplus when Bush came into office, and now we have a deficit!!!!" Same stupid liberal lying dimshit bullshit. HAHAHAHAA and most liberal shitbitch clinton voters believe it That is what is really scary that so many people are so damn stupid.
Newsflash! The year is 2017 and nothing Clinton did 20 years ago is an excuse for Milo.

Liberals hated that asshole well before his boy-love statements, it's the conservatives that turned on him.
So you are admitting you support sexual predator's as long as they are democrats. If they aren't then it doesn't matter because you hated them anyway.
Did you support But it was Bush, seems nothing is oshitasses fault, or clintons. Just like "We had a surplus when Bush came into office, and now we have a deficit!!!!" Same stupid liberal lying dimshit bullshit. HAHAHAHAA and most liberal shitbitch clinton voters believe it That is what is really scary that so many people are so damn stupid.

I can't even understand you morons. You need to speak like a literate human being if you want others to respond to your idiocy.
I'm not a liberal...but really? Lewinsky was 21 years old-not a child. Was what he did disgusting and reprehensible? You bet. Was it rape or as bad as pedophilia? Absolutely not.
Agreed but his overall point is valid

The point is not valid as Milo gave tacit approval of sex with 13 year olds as long as they are "sexually mature". Anyone that can defend this man needs to take a long, hard look in the mirror and ask themselves if politics might play too big a role in their life.
So did George Takei and Bill Maher. So let's see what you do with those two. And then we can decide if you're such a hard liner.

I'm unfamiliar with Maher's deal...but the outcry against Takei is his story about him losing his own virginity. Is he still somewhat support pedophilia? In a weird yes, but A) this doesn't absolve Milo whatsoever, and B) at least it was his own virginity and not a stranger's he was referring to.

Seriously people as I stated before I'm not a liberal...but when you resort to defending statements that defend pedophilia-you're an idiot.
I'm not a liberal and I did not support Hillary Clinton, but I find this tactic of always reverting to 'but Obama...' and 'but Clinton...' to be tiresome. No one gives a fuck about them anymore, but they are your go to defense.

I agree, I am so tired of the "but Obama...." for everything that Trump does. For all the Trump followers, the fact you have to compare you guy to one of the worst presidents ever should tell you all you need to know about him.

And yes, I hated the "But Bush..." BS the Obama followers always used.
I'm not a liberal...but really? Lewinsky was 21 years old-not a child. Was what he did disgusting and reprehensible? You bet. Was it rape or as bad as pedophilia? Absolutely not.
Agreed but his overall point is valid

The point is not valid as Milo gave tacit approval of sex with 13 year olds as long as they are "sexually mature". Anyone that can defend this man needs to take a long, hard look in the mirror and ask themselves if politics might play too big a role in their life.
So did George Takei and Bill Maher. So let's see what you do with those two. And then we can decide if you're such a hard liner.
What did Bill Maher do?
Did you support But it was Bush, seems nothing is oshitasses fault, or clintons. Just like "We had a surplus when Bush came into office, and now we have a deficit!!!!" Same stupid liberal lying dimshit bullshit. HAHAHAHAA and most liberal shitbitch clinton voters believe it That is what is really scary that so many people are so damn stupid.

I can't even understand you morons. You need to speak like a literate human being if you want others to respond to your idiocy.

I can't help it if you can't follow a multiplanic theory or line of reason that investigates the multiplanic tangents of inferred reasoning for a position taken in a post.
When Democrats finally renounce Bill Clinton as a sexual predator and renounce Hillary for enabling him and attacking his accusers, then I will stop bringing them up in these discussions.
I agree, I am so tired of the "but Obama...." for everything that Trump does. For all the Trump followers, the fact you have to compare you guy to one of the worst presidents ever should tell you all you need to know about him.

"But lying marxist Barack Hussien Obama did the same thing!"
When Democrats finally renounce Bill Clinton as a sexual predator and renounce Hillary for enabling him and attacking his accusers, then I will stop bringing them up in these discussions.

Bill might have done a perverted act...but by the letter of the law was NOT a sexual predator. Also, the "but they also did it" is the worst defense...because you're basically admitting guilt and trying to justify it.
Newsflash! The year is 2017 and nothing Clinton did 20 years ago is an excuse for Milo.

Liberals hated that asshole well before his boy-love statements, it's the conservatives that turned on him.
So you are admitting you support sexual predator's as long as they are democrats. If they aren't then it doesn't matter because you hated them anyway.

What the fuck are you talking about? Clinton? Never supported his sexual shenanigans (WITH ADULTS btw)

And Mike, you just fucking voted TRUMP, who is ON TAPE talking with almost-stranger about how he, a married man, can't control himself from imposing himself on married women (who reject him).

Don't you think that in light of that maybe it's time for you to STFU about supporting sexual predators?

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